Isekai Kenkokuki - Vol. 3 Ch. 20.2

Oct 19, 2018
I'm not disputing the fact that she could.
I'm pointing out the fact that, under the threat of death, the first thing that comes to mind when people tell you to show a birthmark isn't necessarily "maybe I should stop and consider the values and implications of showing a random stranger my ass when the alternative is, quite literally, death."

...Also Tetra's not exactly shy about things in the first place. Remember that she once tried to drug Almus into sexy times.


Jan 16, 2019
Now we know what to say when you're getting proposed by a women.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 24, 2019
Lol people really be arguing over that ass but hat girl is old enough to be the king daughter or grandaughter, even more with the friendship he shared with her family he's more akin to an uncle to her.

Also, really while we are talking about something quite shameful, this world's norms are quite different, the crest was made as recognitions of higher status, so it's obvious that those that have the right such as the king can request to inspect it in rare cases like those. Even more, they are hidden that so no one that isn't close to the specific family that copy them.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2019
Everyone is talking about her ass, but I'm more considered whether this is legal
Mar 27, 2020
@NeonWinter : There, if they even have an age of consent, it is indubitably lower as the fiction is set in fuckin ancient times. Here... they're fictional characters drawn on paper and none of it is illegal.
Jul 25, 2020
Gross that someone who's mentally over 20 and from a modernized society agreed to marry a 14 yo.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
King Rosice: "I used to be a part of a lovey-dovey couple like you, but then my wife took an arrow in her longevity."
Horse: "Snort."
Active member
Jan 15, 2020
@Voideater yeah when this happens in a series it’s kind of off putting but maybe it’s like the one where the kid has all the slimes. Where his mind was affected by the change and regressed to fit his age even if he still had the knowledge from before.
Jun 27, 2020
Ppl applying real world morals onto fictional works again.

As anime haters always love to say: "calm down son its just a drawing!"
Active member
Mar 13, 2020
Why does this manga take a hit with every new chapter? The last one was also the worst, and now it's this one. Wtf is the MC thinking ? "I saw her as a sister" "Please marry me" instead of realizing that he actually loves her or something, we can't follow the MC's line of thoughts while, being born in the modern world, we just at least should understand the MC if we can't understand the others (he doesn't feel like the MC anymore by the way). He then proceeds to show her ass to the king ? Wtf that ecchi was fucking bad. She didn't need to show anything beside her hip, it just makes you feel uneasy instead of horny.

Considering the setting being 14 is way past that of an adult. They didn't address that at all in the story. The griffin was protecting 10 years old and a bit older. Though to him it makes sense he would see them as childs since he's a god and all. But in that bronze age, being a 12 year old would would mean you'd be married already and considered an adult. I don't know how magic really affects people etc so we can't see much about life expectancy but it would make sense that most would die in their thirties.

The immersion isn't really good, all about this manga screams japanese culture (you might say ofc it's a manga but I disagree, for example gender in japan is slipt and the barrier is tangible, women talk differently than men. The one drawing the art is a woman for sure and I don't need to verify it, it just screams at you, you get my point) but good authors manage to pull through and show something while being aware of one's culture (be it in language, social behaviours, ideas, progress (which kind thereof?)) and another's culture without praising one over the other by just showing objective differences. Authors who can manage that are good authors when they draw people in another world, another culture without being reminded everytime "wow this is different from japan" like this one feels like. You should be immersed into another system, civilization instead of being reminded of the people creating this manga everytime.
Aug 13, 2020
I just can't get on board with this ship. My problem is MC said he thought of Tetra as sister and previously every times she tried to seduced him he just brushed it off like yeah whatever (I kinda out her as the love interest because he doesn't seem to care) and out of the blue when she ask him to marry her he said he love her?
Double-page supporter
Nov 15, 2018
A lot of issues with this, as many of have pointed out. The change of heart is too sudden, it's almost as if his love for her isn't romantic at all and he's just accepting it because she's pushing him into it. Not to mention, he said he can't accept it as her asking, but he has to be the one asking. That's some outdated thinking there if he truly is from the modern world. Author needs to do better with this, the manga as a whole is super interesting but if he continues to progress plot in this fashion, the story's quality won't hold up.
Apr 26, 2019
@goodhunter god this was a stupid reasoning. "iTs tHe CuRReNt yEaR!" stfu the guy was a jap, and even if he wasn't, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with getting on one knee and asking for her hand yourself.
Now, about his sudden change of heart, I can see where you are coming from. However, there was already a development of MC realizing she isn't like a little sister anymore.
Double-page supporter
Nov 15, 2018
@denker-bosu if you think there was no issue on how this narrative was progressed, then you have a very low bar for good literature/writing. And while there's nothing wrong about getting on one knee to ask yourself, which that wasn't even the point I had an issue with, and you apparently missed the point, but the real issue I had was with the fact that he wasn't ok with her being the one to ask and it had to be him who's asking that had to make things right. That point is something that is an outdated mode of thinking. So I don't even know what the fuck you're even arguing with me about in terms of the first point, because what you bring up has nothing to do with the point I have an issue with, jap or not. As much as Japan may be an Asian country, and you'd expect outdated traditionist, a good majority of the current generation are quite modern, much more than you'd believe.
Apr 26, 2019
@goodhunter "And while there's nothing wrong about getting on one knee to ask yourself, which that wasn't even the point I had an issue with"
"That point is something that is an outdated mode of thinking. "

God, this is pathetic man.
Oct 7, 2020
The fact that there are some people down in comments taking this shit seriously is sad..... At the end of day it’s a “ isekai manga” more of less just sit back read and enjoy. If you got that big a of problem with the plot just drop it and go read literally any other fu**ing manga on this site that’s fits into whatever little perfect world you have in your head.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2020
She WAS wearing underwear last chapter. Did she need to take it off to show the hip tattoo 😅

Also, I am not against the marriage or anything. Fuck the 20vs14 thing, it's another world. I AM upset at the lack of development of such romance (on MC's side) and all of a sudden "Yes, I love you".

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