So according to the comments the mc is vey sexually active? Mildly disappointing. The description really interested me because it’s nice to see an mc that came from another world besides Earth and one that just say “screw it; I’m gonna do what I want and have some fun”. The villainous premise seemed interesting, but the constant sex and rape everyone’s talking about sounds basic. If I want to watch porn or read hentia, I know where to go, and I really don’t need an “okay at best” story. I was really hoping from the description an mc that shakes the world with his knowledge, gets involved in politics, builds an empire, and has a deep character (something that shows he’ll do what he wants, but isn’t going around killing for nor reason). Then maybe add in some more characters that choose to follow him, interesting fights and intelligent tricks, and other stuff that sounds good. I’ll probably still check this out eventually though, but that’s just disappointing