No one's talking about neene's name and her mother's hint huh?
that was in chapter 9/last chapter, but yeah it is interesting that she premonitioned(?)/knew about the eye/hair color too since i imagine other than known/famous paintings, stuff like statues/depictions wouldn't always be in full color, but yeah i imagine her happening to have some ring belonging to the "angel" i wonder if she got a vision/gift from either another reincarnator or maybe some Sister/Nun at the church, but got pregnant with Neene and kicked out or so (but it is good Neene actually cares for Ochibi/Amy as opposed to only trying to use her for their advantage)...
But at the same time, if she DOES have the 'Angel's hair/eye color', i would think Neene would have to tell her at some point, if only so she could like dye her hair (although it'd be disappointing if she chose black to look more "Japanese" lol) or so just in case the church does come into the plot bc of how often it was brought up that they're corrupt so other than the hair color showing up in other ppl (tho the other shops still being rude might mean it was something either only the mother knowing about if not maybe some church members)
I wonder how far along the LN? of this is lol
As soon as I saw these plastic packages I knew it'd be problematic to get rid of them without others wondering what they are. On one hand I didn't expect Ochibi to just give them away instead (strange after they were so careful with removing the soap packaging all this time), on the other hand it's way overdue for the author to start addressing the issues.
She probably didn't think of it b/c it was meant as a gift rather than reselling but she is still 5 and partially malnourished so i imagine they wouldn't be hyper-careful the whole time (esp since Neene didn't seem to object to giving the couple fancy wristwatches versus pocket watches)