He wanted manga meat, but Ochibi got him aged jerky? I'd feel so scammed…
lol well stuff like jerky would keep for longer but I’m sure it’d taste good with soy sauce/garlic as opposed to those American slim Jim’s but if they really wanted to, they have plenty of money to buy a whole ham from a butcher or so lol, but I wonder if she could summon like a fresh cut or so as opposed to some common Jp convenience store thing (plus it’s good to be stocked up for winter? I guess Ochibi can summon blankets but considering Onii said his fire magic isn’t hot to him, I wonder if that means he can’t warm up that way, versus just making a small campfire)
it is interesting that the “honey packets/sachets” was considered a “student lunch” thing , interesting if a school does bulk order stuff like that, it makes sense there’d be a cafeteria thing tho in animanga I’m just used to ppl having bento or some store bread race