Isekai NTR ~Shinyuu no Onna wo Saikyou Skill de Otosu Houhou~

Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2023
NTR and other things aside, the art is really good, and the story is... By my standards, not too shabby I guess? I would recommend for degens (like me)
Dex-chan lover
Jun 7, 2023
Well...WAS a good manga IF you enjoyed Netori, but you wont like what happens in ch.42
Basically its Netorare on MC part, which is odd compared to what the manga is. The story tries to explain it, and obvisously MC claim her the next two chaps, but it feels like author wanted to have the MC getting cucked, for whatever reason and tried to shove it in. Not story relevent as the fucking sex scene was through the whole chapter. Kinda dissapointed as the story was a nothing burger, the characters were white and black and the only thing what made people being interested about it get kinda destroyed. Oh well. At least I know even semi-hentai trash can sink lower :kek:
Jan 13, 2024
Well... At least this entertained me. Why?

Short answer: 5.5/10 - 6/10.
It's not that great, MC personality is just to justify NTR, he sounds sometimes gay in the first part about caring for his friend. Though, story (to me) gets better in the second arc.

Long answer:
Well... The NTR is just MC raping any woman who gets closer to MC bcs he fears that the girls are going to use him (though, only one of the girls didn't try to deceive MC, figure it yourselves).

Gotta be honest, the only reason why I don't give this thing a lower rate is bcs MC is not stupid as usual these mangas are and he's well aware of his self.

Tbh, I felt bad for the Mac's friend but I tried to cope with it and keep reading, everything goes smoothly and well... Gonna be honest, it's not something cool, I wish at least author gave us the complete stats and not just level but whatever.

At the end of the arc the manga turns into full hentai mode and a lot of sex, until something happens and MC is forced to redo from the start, this time he chooses to not go with his friend and part ways, after he gives a detailed plan about how to defeat the Demon Lord.

And that's where we currently are. Gonna be honest, the personality of MC is contradictory and it's purposely made that way, and a lot of the comments I have read about this manga hate that, but since the second arc starts MC just fucks woman and does a little of "NTR" to a certain girl and have sex with the sister of someone, that sister part is not NTR but Nitori from something that happened, from all the sex this manga has, that was the only one that I was ok with.

Currently MC is trying to defeat a certain being (I'll let you discover it yourselves) and the story got strength again, it's a solid plot for a 2 hours read manga, I'm scared of how this could end, hope author can give this manga a good ending (I mean, an ending that can be enjoyed, even if it's a sad ending or a happy ending)
May 15, 2019
I frankly just think this manga is an exercise of absurdity. It's as if the artist wanted to make a shocking story as a way of getting attention, landing on making the story an NTR isekai, but didn't actually wanna make real NTR cause it's weird and gross. So instead we have this weird, whitewashed idea of NTR; Naoto is fucking girls that Shinji likes, but isn't like, really involved with, guys, so it's not like Naoto is really doing something that would ruin a friendship and breed hatred and contempt. And, of course, he's doing it as a way of "helping" his friend, so it's not like he's really doing something bad and self-serving, guys. It's just ridiculous. The NTR shouldn't be in this story.

The story dynamic, I feel, would actually be fine, great even, if not for the addition of NTR. I love the dynamic between two friends, where one is generally jaded and cocky, and one is trusting and friendly; think Hans Solo and Luke Skywalker. Not quite a student and a mentor, but more so two friends who end up teaching each other about the world, due to their different personalities giving them different perspectives on the same issues; the differing perspectives of the friends clash and meld and they both learn more than they would have by themselves. This wonderful dynamic then gets sullied, really outright ruined, by the fact that, well, one of the two friends is doing something that fucks up the friendship and the whole mood of the story. This actually happens fairly often in NTR stories, especially when they're longer than a single doujin. A few NTR stories have the one getting NTR'd have a fairly friendly relationship with the one doing the NTR, and it's always somewhat sad and annoying as a reader.

Have these mangaka never had friends? It's not the kind of thing you do to a friend, if you have any human dignity. I think I would sooner kill myself than willingly sully my friend's relationship with his partner in any way, unless that person was actually toxic and abusive in some way; in that case, though, I would probably just kill the bitch, not fuck her. Even if I had a mystical ability to fuck bitches to death, I wouldn't use it as a matter of basic manly honor, I'd snap her neck or something. It seems to me that any author that would write this kind of story simply must either have no idea of or interest in manly honor, as I can see no other way that anyone who is kind and honorable towards the ones that they would be friendly with could even consider making a story like this and think it's good. Maybe if the blonde ikemen character just drained the female characters, it would be fine, but introducing the sexual aspect, making the story NTR, just ruins it and makes it a weird and distasteful work.

Really, I think that's the main point to be made: The story would be fine, but the NTR ruins it wholly, not just from its presence alone, but also the execution of it. I would love to see these two friends journey through a fantasy world, make friends, make enemies, clash and make up. The fact that one of them is NTRing his buddy just fucks it up and gives me a bad taste in my mouth. What makes it even worse is that it's such cowardly NTR too, frankly. "Bro, it just so happens that all the women that Kenji likes romantically are also trying to like, deceive him and take advantage of him and stuff, so of course Naoto is gonna fuck them to protect his bro." It's as if the mangaka is afraid to actually make it real NTR, or maybe just unwilling to. Probably the latter, honestly. Without the NTR, if you can even call it that, this whole work is just a generic isekai in the generic setting common to isekai, but with an interesting character dynamic, with the aformentioned two friends with wildly different personalities and worldviews. Of course, that's probably hard to sell, or at least just as difficult to sell as any other generic isekai with only one or two notable aspects that set it apart from other generic isekai. So, we get this instead: A work trying to do something shocking, cynically hoping to get more attention than it rightfully would get, without the actual guts or passion to make it all that shocking or interesting.

This story would be leagues better with a Rance type of guy going around and actually fucking a bunch of dudes' actual wives, if the NTR is so essential. Hell, keep the NTR, just don't have one of our co-protagonists doing it to the other; imagine two guys, one is a total troublemaker, a hardcore Rance type, the other guy is just kinda quiet, demure, and mostly quiet, but goes along with the troublemaker all the time. The two have been together since childhood, the troublemaker always finding some new, fun way to make some trouble, and the quiet friend goes along with it and they both have a bunch of fun. The troublemaker friend gets a good idea one day when they're just about adults and around that adventurer age: "Bro, let's go on an adventure and fuck married women all around the world." Then the two depart, and do exactly that. Hell, they go so far, fucking so many mens' wives, that they end up making it all the way to the Demon King, the big bad, the ultimate evil. What do they do? Fuck his wife. Boom, story ends. Better than this weird story where we have a guy fucking all of the women that his friend is interested in, in some weird, stupid way of "protecting" him from all these women who have to artificially have ulterior motives to justify the NTR shit, I'd say.

tl;dr I dislike the NTR in this manga. It's not the NTR, it's how the NTR is done. It's weird, distasteful, and annoying that Naoto is fucking women that Shinji is interested in cause they for some reason all have ulterior motives and are trying to take advantage of him, and Naoto simply needs to fuck them to stop them. It's fake NTR, trying to use the name of NTR for the shock value and clickbait, and then trying to whitewash it to make it palatable for normal people. If not for the fake NTR, or if it were real NTR but without the protagonist doing it to his friend, this manga would be pretty damn good, I think.
Dec 13, 2019
tl;dr I dislike the NTR in this manga. It's not the NTR, it's how the NTR is done. It's weird, distasteful, and annoying that Naoto is fucking women that Shinji is interested in cause they for some reason all have ulterior motives and are trying to take advantage of him, and Naoto simply needs to fuck them to stop them. It's fake NTR, trying to use the name of NTR for the shock value and clickbait, and then trying to whitewash it to make it palatable for normal people. If not for the fake NTR, or if it were real NTR but without the protagonist doing it to his friend, this manga would be pretty damn good, I think.

Its how the author is self righteous in that the protagonist has to do the NTR with a convenient excuse ready for every women he targets. It just rubs me the wrong way.

Compare it to the Married MILF ntr where the story acknowledges that the Protagonist isnt right and he is doing it out of selfish desire. The honesty of the protagonist is acceptable and even admirable
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2023
It technicaly is only Netori, since the MC is the one that does the cucking.

But NTR is the Chad of all genres, something all true Connaisseurs know.
Especially if the cucked one is a wimpy harem-mc.
Mako Development Diaries ... oh that one.

I have wished Brock cucked the whole heroines from the other diaries.

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