Isekai Ojisan

Jul 5, 2020
Yes, even if Striptease guys acted like assholes too, the initial asshole move was not theirs.
People should realise that doing free translation, be it anime fansubs or manga scanlations, takes time and work, it can lead to serious burnouts, can even leave you depressed when you after a few years realise how much precious time from your youth you invested (lost) and so on.

So when you have a minor hitchup but still want to continue and you continue to work on that stuff, but suddenly somebody gets impatient, putting out his own stuff "because you were slow", it is something that will make you uncomfortable. You can call it a troll, but to some it can feel like people are being assholes towards them, a.k.a. harrasment. Nobody likes being harassed, especially if it is harassment received in exchange for doing free service to community...

Actually the Kontol chapters were at least done decently (the unko release, not so), but whatever, if he did it to harass people, fuck him (if not, I'm sorry).

If you think you can pat yourself on the shoulders for indirectly bringing us that Unko release, you might wanna check how bad it is. :D
Dex-chan lover
May 19, 2020
@ninkirin I was talking about the trolling before the sniping. Like trying to trick people into thinking there was NTR (i keep mistakenly thinking Dead Elf was before the sniping for some reason).

Trolling after the sniping is a whole other ballgame. Hell, I would say trolling afterwards is a preferred reaction as opposed to them removing all the chapters they previously did.
Feb 23, 2020
pff. if scanlator dont want to continue just bcos got 'sniped', fuck off then?😪
ah, but thanks anyway.
Mar 12, 2018
I fail to see how "being sniped" is invalidating a person's work. You can still do your translation and publish it for everyone to enjoy. Either they are doing this for the quick views or they have the maturity of a 12 year old.
Group Leader
Apr 15, 2020
As a part of a scanlation group who's put many hours into chapters before, I know that especially for these comedy/reference heavy manga it can take a long ass time to translate these types of series, my group is definitely on the slower side with our releases, and getting sniped is absolutely the worst and most stressful experience. Like imagine scraping together 10-15 hours of your free time for the past 2 weeks to get a chapter out (and it's not like we are getting compensation at all) and then it getting sniped. And the readers really shouldn't hold anything against Dead-chan and the rest of the group, the snipers are clearly trolls trying to derail groups... It's that exact kind of behavior that stops tons of potential quality scanlations and groups from continuing to produce quality work! I hope Dead-chan and the rest of the TL's working on this series reconsiders since this series is truly a gem!
Mar 11, 2019
"Like how would you feel if a manga that you and your friends were updating constantly and putting a lot of effort into for everyone else to enjoy was made in vain when someone pushes out a chapter before you knowing that you had probably worked on translating the next chapter or had already finished it?"

Wouldn't give a single shit. Especially since MangaDex allows multiple translations of the same language. People would get to choose from 2 different translations, regardless if yours came first or not. Hell, if anything I'd be thankful because that's something to cross reference to check anything I might've missed when working on it. It's just bruised ego that you don't get exclusive e-fame for a fan translation.
Double-page supporter
Jan 13, 2020
I do not keep myself up to date with type of stuff nor have I observed Dead trolling myself, so I do not know much about it, but yes I get how people would dislike that type trolling. I would dislike being misled by a translator just for the lols, so I get why people would not support Dead and his group as much.

@Mr_Bushido27 There work is not invalidated per se, as people down the road can read it later on if they publish there works (due to consistency and such). However, you must remember invalidate and in vain don't mean the same thing. I just feel that there translation was in vain as there is no point in reading it as it is probably very similar or the same as the chapter translated by Giga. As a result, people don't generally go back and re-read chapters even if it was translated by another group, as there is no incentive to do so. (Unless there was some major changes to the chapter like what Murata does in One Punch Man, if the previous translations were not as clear as the new ones, or if the person just really loves the series and wants to re-read it again).

You may not give a single shit about it, but does that mean Dead and his group doesn't give a shit? Like yes it sounds reasonable that you shouldn't care if someone else posts a translation of there own. But, these people have been translating and revising this series for over a year. It's something they've been working so hard on for everyone else so you could say they are more invested into this series then we are as readers. So them giving a shit about what had happened is reasonable in my eyes, but to each there own.

Also, if this was truly about having e-fame I feel what dead and his friends are literally doing the exact the opposite of gaining e-fame as it makes them seem like snobs. So I have my doubts that it's related to e-fame in my opinion, but idk.
Mar 11, 2019
You asked how that would affect me (or whoever you were replying to) and the answer is that it doesn't and nor should it. These people could be slaving over this -Fan- translation for over a decade, then someone else comes by and "snipes" them, but that doesn't change fucking anything. No progress was lost for them, no money, nothing. The only thing that was lost is the ego and attention for being the first one to translate it. It's a stupid concern and a childish from them by the most harmless slight that could've been done to them apart from comments talking shit at them here. As far as I know, they make no money from this, and even if they did, I doubt it's predicated on being the FIRST and ONLY group to translate this manga. Doubly so in MangaDex because, again, it allows for more than one translation despite being the same language.
Also their inability to damage control over a perceived "e-fame loss" doesn't disprove that's not the reason. The translation group seems to be comprised entirely of children, so I cannot help but laugh at their lack of maturity over literally nothing.

While it is a shame this manga will likely be in translation limbo for a while because of this, I really will never not be laughing at this group over this pathetic drama.
Mar 12, 2018
There work is not invalidated per se, as people down the road can read it later on if they publish there works (due to consistency and such). However, you must remember invalidate and in vain don't mean the same thing. I just feel that there translation was in vain as there is no point in reading it as it is probably very similar or the same as the chapter translated by Giga.
Your first two statements contradict each other. Their work is not in vain as people will most likely choose to read their translation instead of the one-off by the other group. There is absolutely zero reason to get upset over this unless you are actively making money for being the first one to put a chapter out, but I highly doubt this is the case.

Couldn't say it any better myself.
May 15, 2018
Wouldn't give a single shit. Especially since MangaDex allows multiple translations of the same language. People would get to choose from 2 different translations, regardless if yours came first or not. Hell, if anything I'd be thankful because that's something to cross reference to check anything I might've missed when working on it. It's just bruised ego that you don't get exclusive e-fame for a fan translation.
@HSnake5 if you didn't give a shit that means you didn't read isekai oji-san nor waiting for the translation for it, so why are you here?

No progress was lost for them, no money, nothing. The only thing that was lost is the ego and attention for being the first one to translate it. It's a stupid concern and a childish from them by the most harmless slight that could've been done to them apart from comments talking shit at them here

There is absolutely zero reason to get upset over this unless you are actively making money for being the first one to put a chapter out, but I highly doubt this is the case.

@HSnake5 @NinKirin Striptease lose motivation since they are sniped, that's enough reason not to translate. also why are you guys blaming striptease for dropping isekai oji-san not @GigaKontol who sniped, then didn't translate it anymore?
Mar 11, 2019
But I did read it, so what are you even on about? I like it a lot but I sure as hell won't lose sleep over no translation for it. I already have over a dozen mangas I read or want to that I'm waiting for a translation, so this is just one more of them.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not blaming anyone for anything except "Dead Elf" group for being children. Being butthurt because you got "sniped" over a fan translation is just pathetic.
May 15, 2018
@HSnake5 okay then. but why the negativity toward striptease? why you call a group "children" or "butthurt" for not translating considering you said yourself that they translate not for money and there is nothing to lose for them? in other perspective why the negativity for striptease since they don't have any merit for translating?

and then why no negativity to @Gigakontol? considering they sniped isekai oji-san then didn't translate anymore even though Gigakontol said that he can translate a chapter in a day?
Mar 11, 2019
@rex09 It's not "negativity" so much as I can't help but point and laugh. I would not even be posting here, nor would there any drama around any of this if they didn't make it clear that they will stop translating because they were "sniped". Which I really do not wish to reiterate on it, but it is a childish concept to be mad over and decide to drop the project. I would have zero complaints if they just dropped the translation for any other reason than the bruised ego over e-fame. Not even the group that was translating a manga called "trash" that dropped said manga because their favorite character went through a snuggle struggle on a future chapter, thus making them want to drop it entirely. Still funny and a shame, but not nearly as pathetic as what's happening over here.

On Gigakontol or whoever "sniped" it, I don't really care about them. They just showed us how much up their own asses striptease really was, especially with this lunacy of getting "sniped" and making your project suddenly "worthless".
I just want someone to pick Isekai Ojisan and translate it, don't really care who. This drama is gay and so is everyone involved.
May 15, 2018
They just showed us how much up their own asses striptease really was, especially with this lunacy of getting "sniped" and making your project suddenly "worthless".
@HSnake5 what? so people nowadays snipe just to show a point? to whom? and what do they gain from showing that point? what do the reader gain from Gigakontol showing a point?

edit: i forgot
Which I really do not wish to reiterate on it, but it is a childish concept to be mad over and decide to drop the project
please reiterate, i want to know what's so important that a group have to spend their time translating, without asking for money or any merit when many people bashing/blaming them
Mar 11, 2019
@rex09 Like I said: Don't know and don't care about the "snipers".

And since I don't really expect you to read everything I've posted in this section so far, I'll just copy paste what I already said before regarding the bullshit about "wasting their time".

"These people could be slaving over this -Fan- translation for over a decade, then someone else comes by and "snipes" them, but that doesn't change fucking anything. No progress was lost for them, no money, nothing. The only thing that was lost is the ego and attention for being the first one to translate it. It's a stupid concern and a childish from them by the most harmless slight that could've been done to them apart from comments talking shit at them here. As far as I know, they make no money from this, and even if they did, I doubt it's predicated on being the FIRST and ONLY group to translate this manga. Doubly so in MangaDex because, again, it allows for more than one translation despite being the same language."

Also if they can't take mean words written by a nobody on the internet then I suggest quitting said internet altogether.
May 15, 2018
@HSnake5 so when
striptease got sniped by Gigakontol and dropped the translation you held negativity toward striptease
but when
Gigakontol got sniped by unko scans and dropped the translation you are indifferent toward Gigakontol
huh, nice double standard there
and since you are indifferent toward the one who makes this entire mess and let others clean it, i don't see any reason to continue this discussion. so yeah, let's just end it. Appreciate your opinion tho
Mar 11, 2019
@rex09 I don't hold "negativity" towards anything, I just can't help but laught at them.
Also I just assumed Gigakontol were the "snipers" in this case. Regardless, I'd laugh at them just the same for dropping a series over being "sniped".
I see no reason to be upset over the "snipers" because I still cannot understand how that's an issue in the slightest. Feel free to explain it to me, because nobody has given me a coherent explanation so far, but I guess this is it. Regardless where you stand, this drama is gay and it's still amazing how MangaDex breeds these with such efficiency.

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