Isekai Seikatsu no Susume - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Welcome to the Half-Demon Village

Double-page supporter
Oct 25, 2019
@Rasz Yeah was just about to say, that whole village is in the same situation so they don't immediately need to go drugs x rape
Dex-chan lover
Aug 27, 2018
Surprised to see how strong Rose is & at the same time Nia's determination to save him regardless of what dangers lie ahead for her kin's survival. Based on what I seen we only got one more chapter left before it all ends. Sad to see since I like the art & the characters but that's life for ya. Thank you for the chapter.
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2018
i still don't get it why MC say ya let makes babies the girls are desperate to keep the bloodline going or face extinct but this guy keep say nope i don't want to make a big bang sorry i want to go back to my world

i don't get it what the Author plan here on how he ended the manga well he bangs the main 2 girls and shows the baby's (read the baby in Samus voice from Metroid XD ) at the end? or well he takes the 2 girls with him(i don't think this going to happen )

or MC go back to his world and the manga end there......that one hell bullshit end well make anyone mad what about the girls who help him did they get anything or they say yaa we help hooman go back home :)
i really hope we don't get a bad/shit ending or at least make me think oh that ok i guess well time to move on to the next manga and don't forget to blocklist this Author...............................................

unless he makes hentai manga than he OK ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Apr 12, 2020
I know this might not be true and just me finding excuses but, if hes gona leave that world and go back to his, cuz he has family there or whatever reason, then he may be thinking that if he gets them pregnant, hes not gona be there after and gona leave them alone with baby, and hes the type that if he does that he gona take responsibility and take care of the baby with her, so that might be his reason to refuse. Dunno just a posibility.
Aug 15, 2020
All these people saying the MC should just go with it and have sex and how it's a "win-win" and how he's a loser for not sleeping with all the girls and whatnot have to be kids who are still going through puberty. I mean, the average, normal person is not some sex-obsessed manic who only thinks with their dick and feels that "conquering women" or whatever is what makes you a "man". If put in a situation where you're being forced against your will like this, of course you're going to resist. If a complete stranger asks you to have sex with her, the normal response would be confusion and refusal, not blind acceptance and excitement.

Obviously there are some sex-crazed people out there; people who feel like whether you have sex or not is what determines your worth as a person and as a man (such as people who use "virgin" as an insult), and people who think that the more sex you have, the better, but those kinds of people are in the extreme minority.
Group Leader
Jun 14, 2018
"All the half-demons won't go extinct if he makes children with us!"

There's one fundamental flaw with that logic... All the half-demons WILL go extinct because the children will all only be a quarter demon...
Jul 10, 2019
And here we have a competent person roaming the comment section. They truly are a rare sight to behold. Magnificent, isn't it? To see a voice of reason among all these people who think with their... well, this is the wilds after all. Beasts are the most common creature to find around these parts.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
Rape is rape. Drugging and raping MC is really messed up. That said, if they asked and made it apparent that they absolutely needed him or they'd die out, he'd be the asshole for saying no, as far as I'm concerned. It would be different if it were males forcing a woman to give birth to their offspring, but men at least have the luxury of donating sperm through "indirect" means. He doesn't even have to touch the women. He doesn't have to carry the babies, there is no risk to his wellbeing. It comes down to being unwilling to propagate his genes, or feeling obligated to care for the resulting children. Normally I'd say he's entirely within his rights, but he's condemning an entire race to extinction. MC should suck it up and get to work.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
@mlow44 True... that said... most of the time, the only reason they won't f*** is cause they're beta or something... like, they are trying to make the readers feel like they're virgins by choice rather than they couldn't be...

Of course, sometimes, it's because they're actually responsible good kids too... just feel like in Isekai, that's often not the case... either that, or it just feels too weak...
Aggregator gang
Apr 8, 2018
Refusing to have sex with a willing girl who's close to you, intimate with you and you both have feelings for each other is indeed beta (if you ignore potential responsibilities...). Not fucking with complete strangers is not beta. And not fucking with strangers who are half-demons from another world is definitely not beta - it's called "common sense".
I find it astounding that so many people here would have zero issues with putting their dicks into somebody that's not even a human... I mean they have the human appearance (kind of) and they are intelligent but they are still a completely different species. Morals aside, who knows what sex with half-demon would mean to your health or even life.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2018
i want to be taken as breeding stock by a village of cute half-succubi... (´・ω・`)
Aggregator gang
Dec 24, 2019
Nobody wanna hear mc's opinion in all this?

..No? Okay then..

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