I forgot but how far in the future until he learns contraceptive magic(or something similar), I am pretty sure I read the novel and it was somewhere near the end of the cat village rescue.
@monkey123 Hmm... Kinda random, but looking at the description of that manga, I can't help but be reminded of Touka Scott and his kneesocks; makes me wonder whether Touka would get along with the tights faction or view them as heresy.
@Vincentius i agree with you on that also i love that profile picture i to wish that to happen to our boy subaru in the main canon and not a side story
I haven't read the LN myself (it's a format I've, unfortunately, never been able to get into for one reason or another), so I don't know how far along the story is at the moment, but from everything I've heard from others who have, Subaru's admitted that he also loves Rem, so in the (potentially unlikely) event that he gets any kind of happy ending, he and Rem will definitely have their What If become reality.
Same here. I've tried various times to get into ones I already know I should like from their adaptations, but it just doesn't end up working. I'd pretty much rather have a full manga adaptation of each of them, y'know? Far too many short novel adaptations that are just like "Now go read the original for the rest." Real thorn in the balls.