Ugh, either shit or get off the pot already, goddamn.
Two chapters of pointless grandstanding, both of which boil down to: "This isn't even my final form!!!!!1!11!"
Fucking snoozefest. This is a bunch of edgy teenagers trying to out-edge eachother.
@Armsdealer12 - there is no point in defense that slowly kills you. That armor must be giving him super-strength or some other kind of offensive boost.
@Melodos - on one hand, I want to know what the hell is going on and how it will end.
On the other, the manga moves forward too fast - I have a hard time making sense of what is going on. I think it needs twice as many chapters/pages per unit of content to make sense.
It's a delicate balance to make the audience tsundere. Or maybe the artist just sucks at adapting the story to manga.
@REMasher they were such great people like .... and who can forget the time they had that picnic and got drunk but it was ok because they were able to do the thing
And let's not forget the time ... confessed her love! It was such a sweet scene.
It might be just my feelings, but it seems like the order of page 16 and page 17 got mixed up.
Feels like page 17 should came before page 16.
I don't have access to the raw though, so I can't say for sure.
Fixed @kashiwa_mae
Can't have the teenage looking MC kill someone now can we. That would hurt the ratings. Keeping it PG-14 maximum and rare is essential for keeping that Shounen tag. All gore is just black blobs at worst, blood is scarce and sometimes not even red, edge is maxed up to the allowed point, All damage is internal or a bruise with no bones ever protruding (unless that is already established as their "thing"), and everyone gets to complete their transformations/power-up routines without interruption.