Isekai Tensei Soudouki - Vol. 6 Ch. 48 - With the heroines

Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2018
@doomer you know bunker can be manned with longbow if you don't have a gun. Barbed wire is useful to redirect cavalry charge into unfavorable terrain.
Double-page supporter
Oct 1, 2018
why there is so many extra npc trash keep coming in...
Feb 4, 2019
@Sierra If we look at the partial map shown during the Sanphan arc then Tristovy is most likely France and Haurelia is Germany. The positions of the countries were flipped to make it more otherworldly.
Mar 21, 2019
Hmmm I'm posting here my spoiler for web novel chapter 22 (right after the antrim war so I guess about 20ish more chapters at current pace?)


Names left to right
upper: gina bjork, riserina bjork, magotte cornerius.
lower: gustav adolf noltrand, erunst baltmann, serina, balud antrim cornerius

plot points
1. Balud spend most of his post battle days looking at his twin siblings

2. Court disagree on how to award balud for the double antrim defense battle: 2 of the 10 big aristocrats strongly disagree on awarding balud the possession of boffott's house. Welking wants step by step rise of balud.

3. Welkin intends to invite other head of states to balud's award ceremony, side story bout other head of states: - noltrand's crow prince gustav adolf noltrand (married to rachel's sister) is interested in balud and wonders whether the stories he heard are real or just embellished stories, his wife tells him she just received a letter from rachel bout balud's feats so she thinks they are real. - carlos' health deteriorates and is on deathbed, king franco wants to attend balud's award but need to take care of incoronation, tells teresa to go but she says as future queen she need to be with husband, they decide to send army minister and rodriguez, suddenly urraca barges in and demands to be brought as well, in the back maria smiles slyly, franco facepalms and sights and mentally apologizes to balud for his inability to stop them

4. Notrand's couple arrive in camelon with the 5th ranked knight as guard (named Erunst Bartmann, he is socially inept and is bad at having casual conversation with others) ((notrand empire has 70% of the continet's beastmen and they account for 30% of noltrand's population)), gustav mentions to his wife how erunst made a promise to a girl when he was a kid to marry her and has since maintained that promise, never having had any other partner. Erunst does not know of her current whereabouts, gustav says any girl would fall for him based on his looks, ability and position, but sighs and gives up due to how dedicated to the promise Erunst is. Says: "at least you know her name, we can start looking for her with the whole nations power at a moments notice… so what's her name?", Erunst blushingly said:"…. Her name is Selina".

5. Selina sneezes, she is on her way to camelon with agatha, seirun was left at antrim to take care of magotte after she gave birth. When asked whether she has a cold she while grabbing her shoulders and trebling says that her 6th sense tells her something bad was gonna happen

6. While travelling, rodriguez and urraca chit chats and when the conversation lands on magotte's past feats urraca licks her lips with a fiery look, rogdrigez get a chill and wishes for balud to run away as fast and as far he can

7. Rachel looks at herself in the mirror trying to get her best look, she was 18, a rather late age for marriage among nobles, furthermore she was shellshocked by the brazen confession silk did during the battle, she even disregarded her position as a only child noble. The little sister suddenly pops up as says a dress notwithstanding, going to the ceremony in only underwears is too audacious, rachel screams and asks her sister how much of her monologue she has heard and to forget everything. Margaret comments on rachels'choice of lacy black underwears.

8. A servant says ogas richmond is here to give his greetings to the princess, he is the heir to the richmonds, one of the 10 great families, she can't ignore a future head, richmond starts courting rachel. Ogas comments on how lucky the upcoming hero is to be able to attend the ceremony with randolf's daughter, rachel feels stabbed. Ogas leaves while annoyed inside on how rachel kept refusing his advances. He mutters how he didn't want such an old woman as wife but his father ordered him to get close to her

9. Story moves to the ansara kingdom (the largest and most powerful nation on the continent), the king says how he was happy the maurica-aurelius war happened, he hoped they would wear out each other but a nobody had to crush aurelius singlehanded and now aurelius is like a vassal to maurica. Furthermore he notices how maurica seems to have formed tight bonds with sanphan and majorca. While the biggest navy of the continent, maurica-sanphan alliance might pose a challenge. Thus they must not allow tristovy to fall in maurica's hands. The crow prince asks whether they should act first and invade tristovy, the kings says that’s a fruitless endeavor given the civil war and how unstable the country is. Then they concur they must act in maurica. Antrim's strenght is welkin's strenght, they must erode that. Finishes saying how the more a hero rises the more enemies he creates and how my enemy's enemy is my friend.

10. A few days prior balud received an emissary from the milton house, the head begged balud to inform the king how they had nothing to do with boffott's uprising. Hane was even willing to let agatha be the rightful heir. The messenger reported how all the lands were confiscated by lenders due to insolvency, and the head had to sell family assets and live frugally, all the vassals beside the emissary (longtime servant) have long left as well. Balud informs that if he was to let agatha be the house's head, then he would take care of the debt (hane has to leave and live on a knight's meager pension). Agatha protests saying how there was no need to do that. Balud informs that he was aware of how big his latest accomplishment were, if other nobles see how he wouldn't even spare his in-laws it would create fear and animosity. He would rather show compassion and lower the amount of potential enemies, furthermore he says that it would be nice for his and agatha's future children to bear the milton name. the emissary thanks viscounts generosity.

11. They enter a completely full with a long queue outside pastry shop in the capital, it is super popular chain pastry shop run by tylus (balud's vassal, the guy who helped run the beet farm). He says how the business was going well and they've opened at many other location including in sanphan, all their offerings were super popular given their affordability, especially the new series of honey cakes, honey is a very precious commodity but balud used his cheat introducing the new honey farming method. His antrim honey was super popular and only tylus' shop had access to it.


If anyone is interested I can make spoilers for earlier or later chapters as well
Apr 19, 2018
@tamiraneh If you could, please continue with the spoilers for as long as you can. I'm particularly interested to know the details on how
joins the harem and why she is like that. Also, do the previous chapters, please. I know that there are several details missing from the manga, like how Balud and Selina first met.
Aggregator gang
Dec 11, 2018
this is why harems are garbage, the chicks cuck each other and the mc is a beta.
Mar 21, 2019
So here's my spoiler for web novel chapter 14 "Discovery of Balud's inclinations" which covers the latest raw manga chapter 49

Since the web novel is paywalled, here is chapter 14 raw

Character introduction

Left to right
Upper: Sobat drenn, zirko, brooks abbain, nelson heidorian
lower: silk randolph, seirun, agatha milton, balud antirm cornelius, sanai/masaharu

plot points
1. Brandon is super busy managing the territory, the latest issue being the village of hassan requesting aid for beast extermination, he redirects the request to the knights as the mercenaries are busy doing counterespionage work at the border. Next issue was a request for purchase of new steeds by theknights, he delegates this request to marques. Marques was aiming at cecil, one of the new accountants dispatched to antrim and brandon wanted to give him a time to shine. He also think the request might be too much for the new cecil, cecil apologize to marques for the trouble, marques boast to leave everything to him. Marques take a peek to see if his boasting had any effect on cecil but she had already turned away and left. Brandon secretly thinks that despite the innocent and docile look, cecil might have the making for a bad woman.

2. As that was going on agatha shows up and says that it looks to her that they are enjoying themselves and are having it easy so she can perhaps add more workload. Brandon feels a chill down his spine and thinks a witch has appeared. He feels she is even more of a troublesome person compared to the viscount. He had heard that she was managing singlehandedly the finances of the milton baronate and had caught the eyes of an higher aristocracy, tho he personally wouldn't ever want to marry someone like that. Just as he was thinking that agatha says how brazen he was and she wouldn't let him leave till he worked till next day's morning. Brandon feared the mind reading monster. Agatha leaves a pile of document which are forecast of revenue and expenditure till next year. She tells him to finish compiling them within 3 days. Brandon begs for forgiveness, says he will really die. Brandon thinks agatha fits her nickname of "antrim's witch", he looks around for help but marques and cecil averts their gaze.

3. Agatha is frustrated by the previous administration's ineptitude, they are currently urgently compiling a family ledge, without an understanding of citizens they couldn’t even collect taxes properly. She massages her temple, previously the governors never wanted anything to do with that piece of land, most of the villages were self governing so their trust for authority is at the bottom, agatha contemplates how long it will take to restore a trust. While she was complaining in her head cecil brought a cup of mint tea, agatha thinks that perhaps cecil's merchant past taught her how to take care of others. Agatha still thinks that she wouldn’t lose to cecil in terms of charm. Cecil tells agatha to take care of her body, if the chief governing officer were to collapse there wouldn’t be anyone to replace her, everybody in the office then wonders in horror just how much more work would fall in their hands were agatha to collapse.

4. Agatha thanks cecil and says she will rest after checking the mails, as personal secretary to balud checking his mails was her job. For nobles replying to low importance matters was the secretary's job, if balud had to check all the mail he was getting he wouldn’t have time for anything else. Being an viscount on the forefront of the kingdom all those who sent letters had either strong connections to balud or were of high importance. She wonders that despite that, for balud to receive a personal letter from rachel, the romantic life of silk sama will be an uphill battle.

5. She sees a letter sealed with the emblem of two cups engulfed in flames, there was no way she was gonna mistake in recognizing that. That was the emblem of milton house. She thought that if she was with a peasant, a baron might be able to do something but there was no way a baron can overpower a viscount, she thinks that this was something even her retarded brother knew. While thinking that she opens the letter and reads. Suddenly everyone in the room feels like the temperature dropped a few degrees. Agatha says:"kukuku you really did it now, you shitty brother." everyone wonders who was the guy crazy enough to anger the witch of antrim.

6. Thomas compliments the fine cotton clothing serina is wearing, she boast how good balud is, thomas smiles wryly as he listen to his love interest boast about another man. He compliments despite the good quality, the fact that they could churn out articles of same quality at that speed was astounding. The articles of that era are all made by artisans, the quality vary between each piece depending on many factors, balud's machine made same quality produce is amazing. He asks selina about the production method, selina refuses. Selina suddenly has a bad feeling like the delicious snack she saved for later was eaten by somebody else. Selina's forebodings are always accurate, perhaps it’s a beastman's intuition, perhaps it’s a woman's intuition or perhaps its both. She wonders if something was about to happen to balud. While she was thinking bout that thomas ask selina out for dinner, she refuses by saying her intuition is telling her she needs to rush back as fast as possible. Thomas feels like despite his career advancement, he has made no advances in romance. He thinks his interest is just gonna be a concubine of a viscount, perhaps he will be allowed to look from the side, he wonders if he is a masochist.

7. With trembling shoulders, agatha grabbed the letters and leaped out of the office. She thinks she made a blunder, she never thought her brother who is always self centered and never doubted anything he did would be that clever. Thinks perhaps she was overthinking it, maybe it was count orkney behind it all, after all attached to his brothers letter was another letter from count orkney.

8. Hein's letter (the brother) letter stated this: He was truly thankful for the care antrim's house provided to agatha. She was an important member of aristocracy, she was considered a top talent when she attended clevis female academy in the capital. Despite her beautiful appearance, she is now 24years old, and her timid nature makes me worry for her future, if antrim's lord has the heart to take her in as a concubine it would be the greatest news for me.

9. She thinks his selfish brother is just in need of economic aid, she angrily kicks the wall and freezes due to the pain to her foot, she then marches to balud's room. If it was just the milton house, she could just say she severed all ties to her house, but this time there was a count being the intermediary so matters were not that simple. Balud being a newly minted aristocrat has already caught the eye of nobles, if they were to simply refuse a higher ranked noble's introduction, the anti king faction will all move against balud. She currently neither want to go back to the milton house nor enter balud's harem, she ponders perhaps balud wasn't so bad but then thinks it was not the time to think that, she needed to discuss how to proceed with balud.

10. She knocks on balud's room, receives no reply, thinks its weird as she knows as his secretary he had nothing scheduled that day. If he was going out he would need to take brooks as guard, yet she knows brooks was patrolling the town at that moment. Just as her vein was bulging thinking balud was still sleeping at that time of the day, she hears a nfufufufufu from other side of the door. It was balud's voice for sure, but she thinks that’s a sound only lowlife would make. She thinks that perhaps he was once again in the making of something that will shatter her common sense. As governor, Agatha was the only person who has a spare key to that room, she barges in saying how it was not the time for making inventions.

11. Going back a little bit balud finally got some personal time since seirun and selina weren't there. He brought with him from cornelius county the 10000 pieces of gold, his personal assets, in front of the shining pile of gold balud was like possessed by something. He kept repeating to himself, just for a bit, just for a little bit. Spreading the gold out was a thing of the past, he now made a bed and pillow out of gold and jumped in, the clicking of gold coin clashing with each other excited balud. He swam and threw gold around all while smiling indecently and saying guhehehehe. In that state he could not hear agatha's knocking, agatha was also agitated by the letter to think too clearly.

12. They both freezes, agatha wonders if she truly was in viscount's room while also thinking that was a very cute butt. Balud was just swimming frog style so his behind was fully exposed. In the meanwhile balud's brain was fully confused, he was sure he had locked the room so how come agatha was there in front of him. While in the state of confusion he got up not remembering he was fully nude. His front was now also fully exposed to agatha. Agatha seeing the balud's member also felt some tingling in her abdomen.
a. Agatha: -- is exposing your member to a girl a hobby of master? You are such a pervert!
Balud: guaaaaaaaaa (his white skin start to turn pink)
b. Seeing the change in balud agatha also got a bit excited
c. Agatha: are you satisfied? Arent you excited to have a leftover woman like me stare at your member? Do you perhaps want me to step on your groin?
Balud: please kill meeeeeee!
d. In the past event with seirun it ended peacefully as both party felt guilty but this time agatha was different.
e. As a vassal there was no way she was not gonna make use of this weakness. She stared without blinking at the cowering balud
f. Agatha: Why are you covering? Please keep having fun with the gold, even if something were to shoot out I wouldn’t mind.
Balud: But I do miiiiiiind!
g. Balud was now blood red and was sweating and crying buckets. Seeing balud in that state made agatha felt joy she never felt before. She was trying to hide it from balud but her lower self was trembling as well.
h. Agatha (not good its getting wet)
i. She noticed how she was a woman who would find joy in bullying others, she realized that her perversion was perhaps even worse than balud's. However she would not find joy in bullying just about anyone. She does that everyday to her subordinates but thinks that’s just a job, it was the first time she ever felt like that, she realized that perhaps it needs to be someone she likes, she then wonders since when she started to like balud.
j. She feels guilty due to silk but then tells herself this is this, that is that, they are separate matters. She was someone who could accurately measure the worth of others, however balud was the first person she could not fully understand, says perhaps he caught her interest the first time they met at randolphs mansion. The more she think about it the more excited she got.
k. Agatha: hey don't hide it, let me look at it! If you like gold that much, let me use gold to rub your hard member!
Balud: Forgive meeeeeee, please don't bully me anymoooooore!
Agatha: fufufufu…. Whats so bad in leaving yourself to oneesan? Lose yourself in your desires.
Balud: I… I have someone I like!
Agatha: You are not very persuasive when your member is hardening in front of a woman you don't even like.
l. Seeing the devious smile plastered on agatha's face balud felt true danger and knew he had to take this seriously
m. Balud: I'm sorry agatha….!
Agatha: … what? That’s no fun
n. Sensing the seriousness agatha also lost her playfulness, all the tension left her body and as she was already tired from work and worried about future, she passed out. Balud sighs and bows down in seiza. Balud reflect how this was for sure his fault, there was no way someone as meticulous as agatha forgot to knock. Despite knowing that Balud could not help but wail: someone, anyone… please help me turn back time!. He then hits the ground with his fist. The vibration made coins collide and the sound alone aroused something in baluds body, he once again despaired at his own perversion.

13. An hour later, balud was dressed and finished cleaning the room. Agatha opened her eyes to find herself on the bed. Noticing it was balud's bet she jumps up and covers her lady parts, seeing that balud sighs and says how it saddens him to have no trust from the opposite sex. Agatha says how it was not that she didn’t trust him, balud asks then why she was covering her lower body, agatha went full red and said if he were to continue she would go to the balcony and scream what had just happened. Balud immediately apologizes. While balud was bowing down agatha took a peek at the bed lining where she found a small wet spot. That made agatha feel so embarrassed she could die. As she awoke she felt her secret place was drenched. To balud who knew nothing, agatha screamed: "p-please take responsibility (for awakening me as a pervert)". If balud didn't indulge in his perversion, then agatha wouldn't have discovered herself either.

14. In order to maintain her dignity agatha took a half an hour leave in order to retouch her makeup, still with faint traces of embarrassment, agatha could finally explain the letter's matter to balud. When she mentioned how they wanted balud to take in agatha as a concubine, balud remembered what had just happened. He was proud he was able to stop, had he lost to his desires there would nothing left to discuss. If he accepted agatha it would open a new world (of SM) to him. Balud explains how it has become more troublesome than expected.

15. Namely agatha had already severed ties to the milton house, yet in agatha's veins still runs the milton blood, and for nobles bloodline is most important, furthermore Hein being the head of the family this time has figuratively lowered his head to agatha, this is something she could just not refuse. If they were refused by someone lower than them it would lose face to the title of nobility itself. Rejecting would be simple but that would make many more enemies, perhaps even those who looked kindly at balud. For those not keen on the details, this matter looked like the milton head was worried about agatha's future and specifically made a request, if agatha were to simply refuse that, they would be in the wrong this time. They debated that perhaps this trap was laid for balud after all. After reaching that point agatha says that perhaps she should take a break from her current job. She was sure her brother hein was not aware of all the machinations and was just dancing on someone else's palm. In order to survive, in case of war antrim needs to wait for reinforcement from other nobles while delaying as long as possible, afterall their force is small and they are a protrusion into aurelia. In mauricia there exist an unspoken law that nobilities will not send reinforcement to those they have cut ties with. It was something arising from the country's foundation, when the country first formed there were much infighting between nobles, thus the first king prohibited noble infighting and but also removed the need to reinforce those whom they cut ties with. Thus if balud were to protect agatha now, he would receive no aid in time of need. Agatha swore that she would spend her life serving under balud, if she was to become an obstacle, she would gladly remove herself. She understand that if she were to leave antrim house's protection her life would be forfeit yet she does not want to be an obstacle to balud. Balud says that if it means losing agatha, he wouldn’t mind making an enemy of all nobles. Agatha feels hot and thinks that she really want to push him down and bully him, step on his things and let him lick her feet. Agatha says that orkneys were in the hasting faction, the same as falknik, if they were to make an enemy out of falkniks they wouldn't have an out in case of war. Says not to mind her and that there are still a couple of merchant families who would want her. Balud was frustrated and he embraced agatha and told herself to stop just taking all the burden herself and that he had a few more ideas that would not sacrifice her. Seeing the usually S agatha that weak balud was seeing death flags, there was no way he would abandon agatha, she was an important cog to antrim's revival, furthermore now that they are friends it would leave a bad taste just to abandon her.

16. Balud says there are 2 ways out, the first was to become a nun to europa's church, it was the biggest religious sect that has big influence on the continent. It would be difficult for even the king to force a europa nun to forsake celibacy and marry. But that also means leaving antrim and becoming a nun, hearing that agath's eyes become moist. Seeign that balud hurriedly waved his hands around saying that was just one of the options, in fact he wanted to go for the second option. Says that agatha was always strong, how come she was suddenly so weak. Agatha complains that she knows it doesn’t suit her, but says she was still a woman at heart, and it was okay to be weak at times, balud corrects himself saying he just think she looked very cute. Both blush, balud feels like they were entering a dangerous atmosphere and tells himself he finally understand the danger of gap moe.

17. The second option is to be adopted into another family. That way she would gain protection from the family, get their surname and might perhaps get some right to inheritance. That is the definite way to severing ties. Agatha says that there was no one out there who would adopt her, in fact they needed someone of rank count and above after all. Balud admits indeed welkin adopting teresa was an exception among exceptions. He also says that since she is aware her character is a problem, perhaps it was now time to change it. Immediately retracts himself when seeing the teary agatha again. Balud tells himself that compared to the strong agatha, the weak agatha was even harder to handle, he once again asserts the fearfulness of gap moe. Agatha says there was no way to be adopted into a counts family, after all she was the daughter of a small baronate, and she even cut ties with her family.

18. Balud says that its true that there would be few families willing to make an enemy out of miltons and those behind him, worst comes he will convince his parents and take her into the cornelius, but he really does not want to have agatha as elder sister. "Why don't you want that" screams agatha. The fact that she got excited imagining balud call her big sis was to be sealed in her heart forever. Balud complains that having an S mother was bad enough already, adding an S sister would just be a punishment game. He shudders thinking of the 2 devils tormenting him, one physically one psychologically. He says there is a more suitable house: the randolphs. Agatha was left with mouth agape at the out of common sense answer.

19. The haurelia king, rui ferdinand, was 49, just a few years older than welkin, since when they were young they were rivals and since they became king, the rivalry entered battlefields. Due to a blunder 10 years ago they lost the war but since then both parties have been sharpening their claws awaiting for the next opportunity. For the time that will come they were even prioritizing the army instead of economic growth, that lately has rattled a few nobles, led by his cousin duke monphoor who started to wonder if maintaining such big army was necessary. They had forsaken economic growth and instead enlarged the army, if they were to decrease its numbers, they would risk not being able to control the populace leading to unrest. He thought that the country's fate depended on count selvy, however he did not know that selvy already set the cogwheels in motion.

20. At a checkpoint in antrim a merchant was stopped for a search, the merchant produced a passage bill signed by count selvy. The merchant says he planned to sell cotton in antrim and purchase threads. The guard comments that there were many such merchants lately. The merchants identity is Sobat the chief spy working for count selvy, due to the disappearance of all subordinates he sent into antrim before, he was left with no choice but to infiltrate on his own. However he felt the unperceptive guards are not at a level where they could catch his subordinates. He chitchats about how nice the newly appointed lord is, the guard while looking pleased stops their conversation. From that he deduced that the lord managed to be loved by the population in less than a year, to show how abnormal that was, normally it took at least 5 years for the people to understand a new lord. The other thing is that there was a control of information, the guard was probably given instruction on what he can talk about.

21. Zirko and her group of mercenaries are in the forest between borders catching rats, a spy curses on how quickly they were found, 2 of his companions were already dead and the third was missing. In that moment zirko heard on the wind that a spy was going her way, she pities the bad luck of this guy. She put force on her legs and sprints forward and immediately splits the guy in two. Szel jumps down from a tree and comments how every guy who ends up in frot of zirko becomes dead meat. Say no matter cuz he caught the last one. The way they could easily detect spies was because balud came up with a new way to use wind and water magic. With wind magic they could easily coordinate over long distances and water magic by detecting the body temperature of invaders. Zirko complains how that was too effective and they have been catching spies left and right and are thus too busy to go back and enjoy balud's food.

22. Walking on the streets of antrim, sobat was surprised by the amount of guards, in count selvy's territory normally there would be only 800 guards, if you count the reserves that makes it 2000, after all guards do not produce anything and is only a burden on the economy. Yet he already counted more than 100 guards and that was in patrol alone. Considering that none of his spies passed the border, that effort alone made him realize that antrim had at least as much or perhaps more active military personnel than selvy county. Antrim's territory was only half that of selvy county, normally that military endeavor was impossible to keep. He wonders perhaps king welkin has sent aid and is preparing for attack. He stops by a hostel, ask for 1 nights stay, food and barn space for his horse. He comments how the proprietor looks happy. The owner replies that since the coming of the new lord, foot volume doubled, and so has the business. Says most new guys are mercs or vagabonds looking for jobs but thanks to the guards the lord brought from capital and his old house, they've been able to maintain peace. Despite the high upkeep cost for stationing many guards, the word on the street was that balud was in good grace with the king and was childhood friend with sanphan's future queen. When he left for his room he thought the situation might be worse than expected, if it truly was king welkin the fifth's plotting of fortifying antrim in expectation for an attack then they should act first and invade when they are not ready yet.

23. Agatha says that they should just turn back and leave. She and balud were in a carriage bound for randolphs house. Instead of facing randolph, she would rather just have balud call her sis. Despite being a marquis in the country with power alone, randolphs house was among the top 3, and that not counting the extinct tristovy royal bloodline that flows in silk. Just thinking of the conversation they are going to have made her stomach hurt. It had been 4 days since they left antrim, due to the missing lord and governor, the men who had to fill in must feeling hell, balud made a small prayer for their wellbeing.

24. Brandon, marques and cecil are buried in piles of documents, brandon prays to agatha for a quick return saying how he will never say she is a sadistic woman, indeed marques adds that he will not call her an S or brute again. Just as he was saying that another pile of documents that needs to be expedited was put in front of him, he could do nothing but wail.

Yeah the earlier web novel chapters are freaking long, web novel ch 1-13 covered manga chapters 1-48
Dex-chan lover
Apr 22, 2018
Dude's been gone for ages and he can't get a second to touch some fluffy tail when he comes home?
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 19, 2018

That was plenty good! and long! Maybe just a bit more and you would have translated the novel. Such a shame no one is translating it. I wish Reigokai have picked it up.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 29, 2018
I'm just waiting for the moment when all the information about Balud gets leaked out and these countries just sit there just trying to maintain their countries.

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