Isekai Walking - Vol. 7 Ch. 64 - Curse

Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2023
Again, war, him annihilating the enemy is not invalid, especially because again, he doesn't know what they're capable of, you take him as unmatched because you as the reader know more than Ignis and the humans, but in-universe Ignis doesn't know what they can do, so he's not taking any chances.

Irrelevant if they're overpowered, because again, war, as they say, fuck around and find out.
And no, there's no need for an all out war, they attacked first, they suffer the consequences.
You don't get to start a war and then whine when you get your ass kicked.

Just because one side is the "good guys" it doesn't mean they need to play "nice", this is fucking war, war is ugly and brutal even when the sides are equal, why would it be diferent just because one side is stronger?
Aggregator gang
May 29, 2023
i like'em, the massacre sucks but he had a point he didnt attack till they did. he seems to just be focused on protecting and helping the king or following his orders.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2020
I'm not sure yet but making a deal with a demon to not do something you never intended to do seems kinda based.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
I'm not gonna lie, reading commets from people who disliked the slavery plot is as fun as the chapter :dogkek:

I wonder if part of the reason for Japan using slavery is due to cultural differences, sure there's the obvious side of power fantasy, owning women, them being completely dedicated to the MC and so on, but Japan always had a  very big focus on blind obedience and following / obeying a superior, plus I feel Japan feudalism was not exactly like western feudalism.

I feel that another issue might be that Japan also doesn't have recent slavery in their story, or at least they don't talk about it, so unlike in the west they don't think of the brutal slavery that some countries had in recent story, but instead they think more of the older slavery thst wasn't as bad because people were treated fine to a certain extent.

Another reason might be because they don't associate slavery to ethnicity, we gotta be realistic that recent history slavery was basically completely racial, but Japan was always isolated for the most part, so they probably don't associate slavery with racism, which was arguably one reason slavery was so brutal too.

I hope someone with more insight in Japanese culture and history could give some opinions on that :thonk:

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