Isekai Walking - Vol. 8 Ch. 79 - Negotiation with Enrique

Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
:notlikethis: Sorry, orders should be fixed now.... (Probably)
thanks for the hard work :)

Ready for some karma in the form of orcs to befall the dumbest merchant out there, making enemies with their former escort in an orc infested territory and exposing himself to both monster ambushes and retaliation from the adventurers

I actually hate that trope as well. In many manga and anime crazy amounts of unjustified violence are accepted simply because a girl is responsible. It completely breaks immersion for actions to have no consequences and it also pisses me off. I remember dropping Toradora anime because it was the greatest example I've ever found of this
finally someone that hated that in Toradora (series really overhyped a lot, good 1st Op though), worst of all the noble girl gets mad at clearly a pair of siblings sleeping, it's not like she was naked or something and worst of all in a moment were they had to hurry.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 23, 2023
an experienced trader who forgets that the value of gold is based on the trust you have with others is a tiring trope .
But i guess ass hole existe so its not unrealistic , excepte karma dont existe went ther is nobody to write it ,
evil always win and that's why we must fight it.

thanks for the chapter
Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2018
A merchant with no morals and values only maximizing profit, is a conman or a thief. And above all, a great merchant can make a profit in any situation.
As others have said this is foolish and self destructive, as he just threw away an opportunity to make favorable connections, and abandoned security in lew of short term profits. The "calculations" are not about coin but risk and reward. And money is just a medium for value, but there is also a value for things like connections, and reputation.

The options were:
1) Hide cargo in village and escort villagers as emergency passengers. Then request compensation from the lord/village Head for his losses. (and also maybe return to recover cargo).
2) Stay in the village longer to provide security and supplies. Decouple a horse from the caravan and send a rider to request emergency aid from the Lord. Continue journey when aid arrives and request compensation from Lord/village Head for supplies and services.
3) Continue journey, but slow down so the villagers can walk alongside the caravan. A compromise where everyone get what they want but with a delay to delivery and increase risk of monster attack.

In lew of compensation he could also gain the favor/debt/connections of a lord, something that money CAN'T buy.

But instead he chose 4) Steal rations from the villagers, destroy his own cart, and abandon his security for the remaining journey with known threats in the area.
He is still going to be late for his delivery, and he is taking a big risk that the cargo and the lives of everyone (including himself) will be lost on the rest of the journey. If the lord gets word of this (from survivors or other passengers he brought) his company reputation will be ruined. Not to mention the Lord pressing criminal charges if not straight execution.
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Jun 23, 2024
Ye, feels like this series is starting to rely on some pretty shitty tropes and writing ever since MC left the two adventurer girls looking for their friends. Might just drop it for a while and come back in a year to see if it's progressed at all.

Feel free to spoil the WN for me btw, would appreciate it. If the series just gets worse then I'd rather know now and just take it off my update tracker.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2023
Baby throwing tantrum for not getting his way.
He should be lucky hikari didn't slit his throat/probably would've if sora wasn't reigning her in

The sleazy merchant case aside, am I alone in thinking that the morning scene isn't funny at all? It's basically jumping to (wrong) conclusion followed by immediate violence.
i guess it's to balance things out tho it is kinda weird to have 'fanservice' although didn't they think it was her sister? i mean that'd still be a bit odd but not like there wouldn't be siblings sharing a bed because most commoner's houses would have like one room to share versus hikari sleeping in the 'girls' room' or so
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2023
The sleazy merchant case aside, am I alone in thinking that the morning scene isn't funny at all? It's basically jumping to (wrong) conclusion followed by immediate violence.
Not to mention "No need to apologize, it was my fault for being in a situation that could be missunderstood"?!?!?!?!?!
WTF... no, it wasn't your fault, it was all her fault, she should feel awful for being a violent b*tch and she should have to stay atleast 50 feet away at all times.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2018
Ah, the tired trope of the woman overreacting over literally nothing. In this case, a(n ex slave now turned) little sister sleeping with her (owner and) older brother is apparently bad. Also, gotta love incompetent good guys who COMPLETELY FAIL to see the blatantly obvious asshole just bail on everyone.

So many idiots in this group. It's amazing they didn't lose someone when they fought the orcs earlier.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 18, 2018
Ye, feels like this series is starting to rely on some pretty shitty tropes and writing ever since MC left the two adventurer girls looking for their friends. Might just drop it for a while and come back in a year to see if it's progressed at all.

Feel free to spoil the WN for me btw, would appreciate it. If the series just gets worse then I'd rather know now and just take it off my update tracker.
The protag is a rare case of an isekai MC who actually LEARNS. Later on, thanks to this event, he extorted a group of crooked merchants (who previously threatened him for merely sharing a camp with them) by selling them healing potions at a price that can only be called highway robbery...all while the merchants in question are in grave danger of DYING. And this is AFTER Sora tries selling the potions at a much fairer price, putting aside the fact that he's still selling the potions while they're in grave danger; the crooked merchants expected Sora to give the potions for free, because, well, they're in danger and got pissed when Sora reminded them how rude were they to him before. They have no choice but to buy the potions at the inflated price, fearing that he's going to hike the price even more. To pour salt to the wound, Sora even said that if only they were nice to him, he's willing to give them the potions for free.

As for the conclusion to this arc, Enrique's company lied and had the adventurers locked up in prison. However, one of the adventurers uses their clout for a retrial, which proves Enrique's guilt as well as everyone involved. However, this isn't over; Sora demanded that their merchant license to be stripped for a long time, on top of demanding a HUGE compensation fee, which they have no choice but to pay.

What else...oh, I know. Later on, shortly after this arc, he fought another assassin coming after him. Sora kills them rather brutally, by burning them to death...AFTER tricking an angry mob to attack said assassin while the assassin in question is helpless. Geez, this kid is MESSED UP, I tell you.
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Dex-chan lover
Apr 26, 2018
Thank u always for ur great work...

_Breaking passengers cart
_Hoarding the food supplies
That's not a good rapport for the merchant if it spread around...
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2018
I hope they save the village and get word out about the Aurora Company and have them regret their decision. Because a merchant company with a tarnish rep, people will not want to do business with them and eventually the lose of business may cause them to go under. They forgot that a merchant company on the right side of the law, their rep is more important that profit at times. A good reputation means people will want to do business and open avenue for more business opportunities thus more profit. A bad rep does the exact opposite and people don't want to do business thus opportunities close and lose of profit.

Then again that merchant is probably gambling that there will be no survivors so his actions won't tarnish his rep. But we all know that the MC has plot armor on his side so he will win out some how.
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