Isekai Walking - Vol. 8 Ch. 78 - Aurora Company

Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
I am sure that you have also passionately fought against the objectification of men and the unrealistic body standards still present in all media for them, because you could never be accused of having double standards.
Oh, I tried to. Only to be told to MAN THE FUCK UP and to hit the gym. By other MEN.
So nah, I guess men don't need me to fight against objectification for them. They love it.

I'm tired of this now. You two get a room.
Use protection.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2020
... I think this guy is forgetting that in order to make 'profit', he'll need customers to sell wares to. You can't really make profit off of dead people, unless you're the lowest of the low and literally profit off of dead people.
Honestly alot of this is failure of authors and writes to distinguish corporate and singular business practices(i'm saying this as someone who thinks capitalism is the best we got when it comes to financial systems btw, even if there's alot i don't like about it), corporate is usually shareholder based with the ceo literally being hired by the shareholders, hence why they can be super cruel with some of their decisions because after all, the ceo is just "doing their job" where as singular businesses (commonly called mom and pop, but even valve corporation fits this to a extent) are owned by a very few people and as such can be far more lax with certain rules for the better good, hence why "mom and pop" companies that get big enough tend to be much hardier than corporations in some ways, changing course is much easier for them.

In the aurora company's case this would fall into the latter, hence it makes little sense for the old man to be so unbending on such a task simply because the long term profits of the "word of mouth" of their good deed would likely even if it cost them more in the long run, ensure longtime customers based solely on their history of "good deeds", you don't need the 1 customer that spends alot once, you need return customers that trust your brand, thus yes the old man being so unbending on this would in fact be idiocy, that said remember how japan treated the merchant class until the meiji restoration, they were effectively treated with contempt.
Dec 29, 2018
Oh, I tried to. Only to be told to MAN THE FUCK UP and to hit the gym. By other MEN.
So nah, I guess men don't need me to fight against objectification for them. They love it.
Well, at least you are consistent, that gives me a bit of respect for you back.
Most just realize that entertainment is escapism, which politics should rather stay out of, unless it is satire or another form of inherently political content and that we are are coded to prefer to look at attractive individuals, regardless of our relationship status.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Doesn't seem like anyone's backing off to me. Seems like they're going strong. Making whining videos about left-wing/"woke" media is their only content, their selling point, to make money. A bunch of people who don't touch grass flocks to them and use them as rage-fuel. If a movie has shit plot, I'd criticize its plot for being shitty. I'm not gonna diss it because I can't jerk off to a character.

Most people are sick of tropes that right-wingers love to see, too. That's why movie makers moved away from them.
you just went all in with the same problems you criticize the other side, for mocking the people that should touch some grass, you totally should listen to that same advice and take a minute, take some air because you're repeating the same in each answer you give to @Elhao. And the other side does the same when making videos about right wing people, they should touch some grass, bigots, incels and attacking them because they think that they don't like sth because they can't jerk to it while not listening to actual critics from them.

you say most people are sick of tropes that right wingers love to see, but the same can be said about the other side and how the marvels and acolyte bombed, because even if people jump to defend it they don't consume the product and just go for the moral high ground which two people already mention that alienating the people that watch you and then get mad when they actually listen and don't watch is... well, we already saw the results of that.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 8, 2023
Ebenezzer Scrooge need to be visited by ghosts of past , present and future. Even his character look like him.

An old man party visiting instead of B-rank girl party, Isekai manga is going haywire

My guess is them as B rank not mention from a prestigious school is high enough in the social hierarchy that he won't do any backhanded coercion. He could ask but not delve any deeper. On the other hand Sora is an unknown most likely low in social hierarchy.

Also the B rank party will lure*ahemvisit Hikari and there mere presence will deter them (Not a Spoiler)
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2020
@Elhao @Mr_Detective @grrman @Knighto

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Feb 17, 2023
I don't know why this thread is now about Star Wars having FMCs, is this manga part of the Star Wars extended universe and I didn't notice? Is the walking skill powered by midichlorians?

It's not the merchant's responsibility to help them, but it should at least be a consideration for him instead of something he rejects out of hand. He'd be cartoonishly evil to not consider it -- which would be a bad indicator for the series' writing. It seems like he may have rejected helping the villagers to have leverage over Sora because he knows about Storage -- maybe if he didn't know about Storage he would have agreed to help?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
I don't know why this thread is now about Star Wars having FMCs, is this manga part of the Star Wars extended universe and I didn't notice? Is the walking skill powered by midichlorians?

It's not the merchant's responsibility to help them, but it should at least be a consideration for him instead of something he rejects out of hand. He'd be cartoonishly evil to not consider it -- which would be a bad indicator for the series' writing. It seems like he may have rejected helping the villagers to have leverage over Sora because he knows about Storage -- maybe if he didn't know about Storage he would have agreed to help?
the walking skill can pull some bs abilities so I wouldn't doubt if he gets the force by walking :02::02:.

the question is how the merchant will know about his storage, I could expect that he will make him fight the orcs as he fought with the B ranks and he's willing to help.
edit: went back to reread past chapters at least the merchant guild knows he has a magic bag for storage, and we already got author bad writting with the slave trope.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 21, 2023
What does it say about me when I'm literally trembling with rage while reading this, wishing I could reach through the page and choke this shrivelled miser to death with my bare hands? "No matter how many die, all that matters is profit." Let's see you say that when you're the one getting torn about by orcs. The worst part is that people like this exist in real life and they are responsible for the majority of human suffering
Dex-chan lover
Nov 29, 2020
Let's see you say that when you're the one getting torn about by orcs.
If he goes this route, that's probably what's going to happen. But I do have the hope of this manga being one of the better ones and this guy's "profit over anything" face is just a facade and he either is better that that but will try to make it happen in a way that maintains his facade or... he might be worse and will propose to do something like leaving the wares, but just to take the people as slaves.
Group Leader
Nov 12, 2018
bruh, convincing him would have been OH so much easy: threat him to spread rumor that "his company preferred to let a whole village die for little profit instead of helping them" on all cities on the road, and job's done...
i dunno any merchant that like his popularity being thrown in the mud...
Dex-chan lover
Aug 29, 2020
This can go a number of ways.
A)The old merchant ends up being as vile as they say and somehow recognizing the true identity of the MC(or that of the girl) he'll try to blackmail him with it in order for the MC to side with him in.
B)The Merchant ends up being as vile as they say and has some kind of Appraisal skill(not that far fetched for a famous successful merchant)and has appraised the MC and he knows that he has the storage skill he'll try to coerce the MC to use his skill to carry the merchandise(or even blackmail/entice him to work for him permanently).
C)The Merchant is not a bad guy ,but he has to keep up appearances of being ruthless or his rivals within the company will "eat him alive".
D)A mix of the above.
E) old man wants Hikari
May 24, 2024
So are left wing people. ... examples omitted ...

You can't just use "toxic" as a magic word to make yourself right and discredit everything your opponent says. And I don't know what being an incel would have to do with anything. How about stopping to poison the well and actively engaging with one another? Your behavior makes you look rather gasp toxic.
Woah woah, I'm further left than most US politics. Doesn't mean everyone left of you loves corporate slop. What you gotta remember about people making sweeping generalizations like that guy is they're the common clay of the new West. You know... morons. Try not to see others not aligned with you as a monolith because you're spitting facts in the second half.
I think I can. Especially when my opponent is a bunch of, well, toxic incels, who throw the word "woke" out to diss everything they don't like, make up reasons as to why something doesn't do well (regardless of whether or not it's true), and promote their own disinformation. Yeah, tried that. For years. I can only have the same conversation for so many times before I realize there's no point in dealing in right-wing trolls.
Yeah, it's usually the toxic incels that are the problem. Hey, the contents created can be shit, and you can judge it for being shitty. But when toxic incels hate something, it's 9/10 times because they can't jerk off a female character, or someone isn't straight.

Ooh? Really? Well good for them. They have their own shits they can wank to now.
It's funny how this conversation started by you being angry that someone said the merchant's position worrying about his bottom line is real and valid and morphed into you defending the comically evil mega corp, Disney. The one that argued in court that since a dead person had a free trial of Disney+ their SO has to agree to arbitration. They'd do anything for a dollar because that's what corporations are. You're out here like you have the MC's walking power carrying water for these shitty projects like The Acolyte. It got bad watch numbers because of numerous issues from plot to pacing. How readily you respond to the clarion call of these big profit driven companies to defend garbage from "racists" when they are acting with the same interests as the merchant character's perspective you were railing against to begin with! :lol:

You don't have an "opponent" in this thread. You're just a dude that responded to another dude in a rude way. All you've done since is double down on said rudeness. The MC has a storage power that could eliminate or at least mitigate some of the problem the merchant has yet he is the one unwilling to speak up because it's in his interest to have a low profile. The merchant is simply speaking in regards to his interests and hasn't acted on them yet. He could vary well be holding out for assurances that he will be compensated - scummy guy, but not unbelievable. He does not have the false choice you initially stated where it's the packages or people. Next chapter I'm hoping we find out said famous merchant has a high level identification power and KNOWS the MC is holding out. Will the MC's personal interests outweigh his righteous feelings to save people? Of course not.

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