Isekai Yurutto Survival Seikatsu: Gakkou no Minna to Isekai no Mujintou ni Tenishitakedo Ore Dake Rakushou desu - Vol. 2 Ch. 6

Mar 15, 2019
Hmmm i guess that brother was absolute trash who don't give a fuck bout survival and just follow on his lust fr he is really is a trash well i don't really like to say it but i hope his minded brother would dispose of his trash brother before he goes out of control and does what he want well i do know the mc would just sit idly and don't prepare anything specially after hearing what those two new comers said he probably know some good traps and a useful material to deal with the stupid trash well his minded brother is also included though cause he might dominate them or maybe take advantage when his brother cause trouble on mc's base
Active member
Jan 15, 2020
The guys in trash camp are screwed,
They're raping the girls because "protection" but if they get rescued the girls could come forward and the guys would go to jail, or they won't be rescued and the girls will take revenge
Double-page supporter
Jan 20, 2019
Kind of
feel bad for the girls who are stuck with the brothers cause by the time the webnovel ends they all die
Sep 25, 2019
Yeah, no matters is it hentai or just typical ecchi manga, it's always hurts me when the girl getting raped
and left to die in the end
Sure i would love to have sex with bountiful girl everyday, but dude, there's an approach for a win win situation.
Unless you talking about rape for revenge, but no, we're not nudging different plot in here.
Nov 1, 2018
Man the ending of the web novel was horrible

I can't believe MC pretty much had his way with every girl with his harem, but ultimately just marry one, he also had an one time affair after getting back to japan,he keeps almost nothing in contact with the others, even makes it clear that he has no idea what most of them are doing
Active member
Jan 14, 2021
@TheFlash080 so who survives and what happens to the MC group can you spoil me I dont mind even if its huge spoilers even better then xd
Dex-chan lover
Jul 18, 2018
I normally hate spoilers but I kinda saw the direction the manga was going so I clicked. Now I drop.
Double-page supporter
Jan 20, 2019
The whole group of the mc survives till the end also a few more girls join up with him a little later while during the time on the island he has sex with all the girls except 2 lol but by the time they get saved he still ends up sleeping with those 2 his wife lets him 😂 since he marries one of the original girls on the island karen is her name if i remember right since she got pregnant. And that's how the story ends.
Active member
Dec 30, 2020
Raping Comments:
Yep, I had this in my mind and i prety much expected that scene which is why i am so unrelaxed and i feel bothered because i know that those brothers are just rapist to the very core, Besides wasn't it obvious from the start? I feel so bad for them cause those girls are pretty much a cum dump for them...Food and water? Not sure about that...a little portion will go to those women but most of the foods are for the men, That signal is just a bait to gain more women to abuse, So i propose that they lead the tiger to those motherfuckers and save the girls and the people that they can save.

Survival Comments:
Good good good, Now that clothing is secured, The things that they have to worry next is continous supply of food, water and protection from the beasts and the bastards...Since he only got 3 water refillers, more vases are needed to act as a Water Storage and food storage, As for the protection, Traps must be laid not too far from their base, They should make bows from branches and vines, And as for the arrows, They can make those from sticks and thin can be weave if they can get plant fibers and extract strings or some kind of wool...Just anything that can be used for weaving...With that, the next thing they should worry is to find a way to get help from the outside.

Side Comment:
Okay, Somehow i trust them now...those girls? Okay, I trust you but i still feel that you guys are sus...Anyways, i've read some of the comments below and gain knowledge thanks to the LN/WN readers that this will end up with no polygamy and ending with them just cutting their connections with only a few left, Unacceptable, Purely unacceptable! IT IS NOT U.N.A.C.C.E.P.T.A.B.L.E! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK IS THAT BOND AFTER THEY GOT STUCK IN THAT DAMN ISLAND? It doesn't make any sense! At least end it with them having contact with each other because the MC saves them from that damn island! IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE TO END IT LIKE THAT!!! I feel like dropping this shit...I just hope that this manga will change the ending...It does not really make contact with the others? What is this? Some sort of dream that jusy passed by? What a dickhead author.

SCRATCH THAT! I AM DROPPING THIS SHIT, FUCKING AUTHOR, FUCKING ENDING, FUCKING BULLSHIT. You started the damn manga with fucking made the MC have his way on those fucking made the story that the mc is the saviour of these girls and now you'll just fucking end it with the most ANNOYING ENDING THAT THERE COULD POSSIBLY BE! F.U.C.K. Y.O.U. AUTHOR! T.R.A.S.H.! GARBAGE! STRAIGHT INTO THE GARBAGE CAN!

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 21, 2019
Yup, MC has a almost legit harem going now. But, MC is also smart and so far hasn't done anything extremely stupid, with the exception of staying in that cave that the asshole group knows about.

As an aside, I would absolutely love a reality show/miniseries where all MD commenters are kidnapped and dumped on an island just like this. Would be worth at least 6 episodes.
Apr 7, 2018
@Centurionzo since this should be based on the LN, let's hope that it doesn't follow the WN ending. I'd like to believe the author ended the WN prematurely to concentrate on his LN.

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