page 2 : elves are forest demi-humans , so sometimes , they have fits and want to eat forest mushrooms .
page 5 : on the sign-board are probably : Men 's Mushrooms ( something ) Heaven / Paradise .
page 6 : she calls them takeritake because of the particular shape of these mushrooms . just google-image them .
page 10 : a parody of Ivalera / Ibarera from berserk manga .
this release is actually missing 4 pages of the chapter .
and unlike the restricted magazine version , the tankoubon version shows n!pples .
i censored these 4 pages because ... reasons , if you want to see the uncensored pages , then buy the kindle version : .
https://----[! URL is only accessible to you. !]----/jEwa21KWY2hbw-C0fj2ndu0IwbD1Au1ZzY1HgSBc4VoyR1WIPw9h9cnInVZRJhNlqTUEpMg-My36zhCEB22Xhb6UFW3S2lEsBxzGC1FumS6rwzY8UXxa-EIaXC81MqeZwG9uGHBNEJM7CS16s69gFgXT5LpQHO-ZVBX3hhAxFEVFZns4f6THN9Jt7aEz_zYJohquGn8tQWMBYpBZlzJxo-nE8qqgfj_eRpiEHCZrS5lPHHFAt-tlTUHedNsS9nWiC57Ia7GVmiZ72t1Yk_U7dpn9W_j69AmGX-UcYYuvDDrxfb4KJhGRAdS75UaTAR8H8XbWxJ-Ax39BE65wmFFY3eTEP7ZbfjqIyBuHvEjSidH-Vk88zqrWLt8iyBRYhHtqZPtYCPjtt3ZPnexpWXl9o3XD_lZUTpRyvRegOYpl_rasHIGcU50M4YrlY7Is3kgqkfmtXYPxA4l2FRrRCaHzcNwto-X1kAK5-RNU_5epSbkrISYvM80CqVH61DYIKV8o2BsxTgvwyizWBaC4Y5pnyjnzlZZzcTaf3RUX06ohPtDgu8VTBvulfBwbaERMKVw8XijvELGOpZJcFDFGgSyveZ-uTWy7y92_Dkh2rGSdu2z8A4xPlXl3K2rUPjDu6pmc7DJA6xDK0Fdx-AJ8SaD4Xko5STEt3jg=w1920-h570-no