Isshou Sukitte Yutta jan - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Neo Dutch Wife

Jan 24, 2019
Then again, her fucking EVERYONE in the club is equally implausible, imo,
Not implausible at all. It doesn't take much to get some many guys to screw a girl. I'm very much familiar with stories in real life of a woman sleeping with every guy in a friend group, both sequentially and in orgies. Hell, there's an infamous voice actress who caused quite a stir for having been a member of a band and sleeping with all of the other band members (except the bassist).
Dex-chan lover
May 12, 2023
Guys don't cope... She said she hurt him and he said she "finished screwing all the other guys". If the author wanted us to see she didn't she would have said "I hurt him by insulting him and boudmouthing him to his other friends"

But nah, that hoe thought it's clever to use her pussy as a, vengeance tool. And that fucking loser decided to hate all women like they are all the same person.

The were both fucking terrible and unfortunately only one had their life utterly destroyed from a social standpoint. I expected to see her be a gyaru whore sucking off somebody in an alley and as she came out, randomly notice somebody reading the doujinshi with Miyu. That was much more fitting imo.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
I have... no sympathy for the guy.

Don't get me wrong, all desire for him to get better... but he has such a weak ass character.

The girl was not a great person either... but at least she had a reason to be hurt, and I kinda don't believe a guy saying that she "screwed over his friends" when his reaction to her pussy was that.

Seriously... that isn't just being sheltered, he already had a stupid vision of life.

At least she is normal.
Jun 3, 2024
but at least she had a reason to be hurt

She didn't. He didn't say that her pussy was ugly, or that it looked loose (like how some dudes imply that they've been ran through), he just said it's not like what he imagined, which is perfectly normal for a virgin, especially in japan where most of the porn is censored.
I love how there's so many simps in the comments saying that her fucking the entire friend group might be false when there's no indication whatsoever in this one shot that his memories of the event are unreliable. She fucked them, there's no need to do some mind gymnastics here.

At least she is normal.

She absolutely isn't, no mentally healthy women would fuck an entire friend group like this after an offense, even if he had really said something hurtful. And considering that her response to it at the end was to dismiss it by saying that men and women naturally hurt each other, i doubt she got any better. Hell, she's probably even more toxic now.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2023
She didn't. He didn't say that her pussy was ugly, or that it looked loose (like how some dudes imply that they've been ran through), he just said it's not like what he imagined, which is perfectly normal for a virgin, especially in japan where most of the porn is censored.
I love how there's so many simps in the comments saying that her fucking the entire friend group might be false when there's no indication whatsoever in this one shot that his memories of the event are unreliable. She fucked them, there's no need to do some mind gymnastics here.

It's obvious that "En-chan", the MC, was shocked and horrified by the sight of Yumi's cunt. And it's equally obvious that he communicated those feelings to her. Regardless of his words, she understood his reaction, and because she had feelings for him, she was deeply wounded by it.

That all makes sense to me. People can be very sensitive and insecure about their bodies, especially adolescents and perhaps especially young women. So, although En did nothing wrong, he hurt Yumi quite badly. That's just the way it goes...

I agree with you that Yumi probably did sleep with one or more members of their doujin circle in retaliation. As you say, this is supported by both his narration and her dialogue (see pages 10 & 23), and nothing in the story suggests otherwise.

However... We do, I think, have good reason to take En's account with a HUGE grain of salt. I say this for three reasons:
  1. The venomous, borderline psychotic misogyny of En's opening narration: "I detest women and their bodies, they're the one thing in this world that I can't stand. Those deformed freaks..." [emphasis mine]

  2. Though it's easy to miss, Miyu, En's imaginary 2D dreamgirl, narrates the crux of the story. Miyu's narration runs from the exact moment we first meet Yumi on page 8 (coincidence? I think not), to the end of the hotel room encounter on page 22. En's narration picks back up on page 23. According to Miyu, it was not Yumi's promiscuity that broke En: "You poor thing," she says on page 19. "That must have been awful. All of a sudden, she showed you something so filthy..." [my emphasis, again]

  3. There's no direct indication that En ever cared about Miyu in the first place. He never says he had feelings for her or even that he was attracted to her. That said, he did buy a camera to photograph her and eventually fixated on an imaginary "pure" version of her. From the latter things, we can safely assume she meant something to him. But it's hard to say what.
The most reasonable interpretation, I think, is that En was, from the beginning, so psychologically fragile and obsessed with the idealized perfection of 2D beauty, that the mere sight of a real woman's cunt literally shattered his mind. Everything after that, from Yumi's cruel words to her possible promiscuity, was incidental.

I believe that the real point of the story is delivered by Yumi on pages 28-29: "Men and women can't avoid hurting each other! That's life!" It's a simple statement, but one that draws a clear line between Yumi, who grew and got on with her life after a bad experience, and En, who simply could not.

P.S. I don't think sleeping around in the wake of a bad romantic experience is unusual or inherently immoral. Even if Yumi did have sex with the other members of the circle to "get back at" En, that doesn't necessarily make her a villain. She was a young person making some poor but very common and understandable decisions.
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Jul 12, 2024
MC was shocked/surprised to seeing a vagina for the first time, if he used only JP media until then he had seen it censored or drawn, of course a real one would look different.
He didn't even insult her, it was simply diffeent from what he knew, to me the girl reacted way too harshly, thinking he was insulting the shape or something.

About MC saying she fucked the rest of the group, is not impossible that in the rage she actually did it to make him fell bad or destroy the club, he said he left when she was done with the other guys, meaning he probably seen her starting to go from one to the other, he was her first love, but nothing say he was her first experience.
I think she did fuck th club to get back to him.

The girl and the drawing have some resemblance, and their name use the same letters, MC didn't let her go, but sadly he is broken when she likely recovered and there is no chance for the two to reconcile.
Well...there are 2 chances.
She decides to meet him again (he is too closed off to go for her) or both get invited to the wedding of someone in the club and meet there, and have a talk.
At the she did say that she hurt him back so yeah she probably did fuck the club.
Jan 24, 2019
I don't think sleeping around in the wake of a bad romantic experience is unusual or inherently immoral. Even if Yumi did have sex with the other members of the circle to "get back at" En, that doesn't necessarily make her a villain. She was a young person making some poor but very common and understandable decisions.
In this case, it was inherently immoral because it was done with the purpose of hurting someone else. That's outright sociopathic behavior, and it shows how selfish and unstable she is because she ended up destroying the entire friend group because of it and doesn't really seem to care afterward. Her decisions are not understandable, as proven by all the negative reactions to it here. It was unhinged, and a vast overreaction. Honestly, the main character was better off not getting with her, as she almost certainly has a toxic personality, but he's simply too in his own feelings to realize this.
The most reasonable interpretation, I think, is that En was, from the beginning, so psychologically fragile and obsessed with the idealized perfection of 2D beauty, that the mere sight of a real woman's cunt literally shattered his mind. Everything after that, from Yumi's cruel words to her possible promiscuity, was incidental.
Her word's and actions definitely contributed to his current mindset. Back when he first met Yumi, the main character wasn't nearly as toxic regarding women as he is now. Seeing her vagina wasn't what shattered his mind. It wasn't like he freaked out when he saw it. It was her insults and later actions that left the biggest mark. His later misogynistic feelings are just a coping mechanism and a way to rationalize how he feels.
Apr 9, 2024
^ Or it could be just IRL porn is unappealing to him [hence he never seen it] since he hates 3D after all.

and I've known people who's squicked by IRL genitials compared to drawn ones hence prefers ero-doujins over JAVs : p

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