It's Not Meguro-san's First Time - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - I Don't Want to Remain Silent

Active member
Dec 7, 2018
for those who say the MC is spineless and beta.... here is a question for you the great alpha males (LOL).... can you accept your girlfriend after all those bad rumours going around about her?? Accepting someone for who they are is by all means courage itself... besides, he was going to stand up for her anyway, just missed the timing.... and for you who say the mc is stupid for not trusting his partner...... how about you put yourself in his shoes and see for yourself how hard it is to actually trust someone, especially if the other party is a problem child.... who knows? Someone who you think trustworthy can actually stab you in the back you know
Nov 18, 2018
NTR man finally appears.

Time for that sweet NTR with the used goods slut.

I'm 100% sure this will sell INSANELY good (read: millions of yen) in moonland and get a 2nd volume. Yayyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!

Also anyone else wondering why any of the dozens of guys from before broke up with a perfect cum-dumpster slut like Meguro?

It doesn't make sense to me.
Sep 3, 2018
@Logic Ok, Imma put myself in the MCs shoes and watch as my GF denies dudes tryna pick her up, defends our relationship in front of her friend, and straight up tells me that she likes me in front of my judgmental classmates. How can I be distrustful of my GF's commitment after all she's done? If you can't at least trust your partner's resolve even a tiny bit after that then your future's looking pretty bleak and devoid of interpersonal relationships. Might as well visit a shrink.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I live in one of the gender equality forerunner countries. I can't honestly say I'd have ever wondered if some girl I found interesting is a "pure" virgin or not. Seemed like an irrelevant question.

It'd be impossible for me to put myself in that dude's shoes. I was never any alpha male, that's for sure, but neither did I have weird issues like that dude. I always had plenty of friends. The couple of times someone tried to bully me, I responded in kind and that's it. Fortunately I'm not in a habit of self-inserting when reading stories, so I can read without a deep degree of sympathy, as long as the MC doesn't greatly annoy me. I'd say this MC is getting close to the initial limit, but perhaps he will get better from now on.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@Naxrrhid To answer your spoiler: it's probably that, like you, those dudes thought of her as "goods" (read: sex toy) to be tossed into the trash can as soon as they got tired of using the same hole more than a few times. The most positive thing that the MC has going for him, unlike you and so many others here who call her very degrading and sexist terms, is that, despite the rumors, despite her telling him she's not a virgin, he still thinks of Meguro as a "person" and is interested in having actual romantic relationship with her.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 31, 2018
@Naxrrhid I once heard a guy talk about why guys dump easy girls. He said it's because guys want to feel special. If a girl will sleep with any guy, and she sleeps with him, then he's nothing special. If you have to work for something, you appreciate it more.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 25, 2018
Dex-chan lover
Sep 25, 2018
@Naxrrhid this is only a speculation.bear with me

meguro is really close to maguro,which means tuna, in japanese.

and in japan, maguro is also a slang for an expresionless woman in bed. (which is like a dead fish. eyes open,but no reaction)

now imagine you're.......'holding hands'. and you're so happy about it.excited. you want to see your partner feeling the same with you(or writhe in pain if you're a psycho.whatever). but then you realized, you're the only one who's excited like a lil' doggy. the other party is keeping a cool face throughout the hand-holding. not even a blush or anything.

how would your male pride feel? :3

@highstream that doesn't make sense because if such a thing is the reason why, the guys won't go for meguro-san in the 1st place. from the context we could also see that all the guys are thinking is sex.

@havelmom that profile picture made so much sense with that comment xD
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
this comment section is the best part
I'm sure the author is not even interested in the topic he's presenting, he's like me and just wants to see a good old fashioned internet flamewar
Dex-chan lover
May 30, 2018

yeah, as was said, it's not that he's overthinking more than she is but that it's his thoughts that we are privy to. She probably has a similar reaction when she overhears people talking about them, tacitly agreeing with criticisms of her and jumping at them for criticisms of him. They both have their own confidence issues and they probably manifest in similar ways. If a girl asked him out, she'd probably hesitate as well, thinking someone more "pure" or "interesting" would be nicer to be around than her.


I think there's a misunderstanding of the kind of trust he lacks in her, and that kind of trust is rooted in his main character flaw, his lack of self-esteem. He probably trusts her or isn't worried in regards to other things like the contents of the rumors. The only trust he seems to lack in her is vicarious, he doesn't trust the trust she puts in him, that she believes he's worth her time. It isn't like Gurran Lagann, if you have self-esteem issues and someone says "believe in the me that believes in you!" it's not gonna be enough to get you through it. It's still asking you to indirectly believe in yourself, which he can't do. It's probably going to turn out the same from her perspective. No matter how much one tells the other how great they are or that they're worth their time and love, it isn't going to make them confident and it will get harder and harder to change their minds the more they like eachother. That's what it's like to have low self-esteem, to feel unworthy of love.

In the first place, it's quite suspicious he has no friends. Could you imagine going through your school years without friends?
I don't need imagination. I have memory!
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2018
"There are only two types of men in the world, evil men who think women are sex toys to be thrown away after use, and beta cucks who get NTR'd at all hours of the day!"
-comment section
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
that doesn't make sense because if such a thing is the reason why, the guys won't go for meguro-san in the 1st place. from the context we could also see that all the guys are thinking is sex.

What @highstream said makes perfect prurient sense. Some guy "goes out" with her because he's a horny virgin and heard that she'll sleep with anyone. Instead of moaning and groaning that he's the best thing since sliced bread, she lays there, as you even said, "like a dead fish. eyes open,but no reaction." Not only is he not the best lay she's ever had, she didn't even seem to enjoy it at all. Dude picks his badly hurt pride up off the floor and moves on to other fish in the sea.
Sep 3, 2018
@Meridis If the MC thinks he's still not worth Meguru's love after what she did this chapter then this kid needs a shrink. Immediately.
Anyways, this getting enough attention to warrant a serialization and maybe a second volume makes me think though. For Japanese youth to relate to a guy with crippling self-esteem issues struggling to find meaning in, and outright being unable to form, interpersonal relations points to something wrong with the mental health of the young population. Must be part of why Japan's population is declining.
Or, more likely, I'm overthinking things and I'm bored af.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Damn, dude. But I'm sure you don't need phony sympathy from a stranger in the internets.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 17, 2018
Q: Is there gonna be NTR?
A: No. This is neither Seinen nor Drama.

Q: Is it annoying that a rival character is introduced the second after their relationship gets more serious?
A: Yes. Fuck the rival character trope, it's annoying, cliché and distracts from proper relationship development (except for Ojojojo, there the rival turned out to be best boy).
Nov 18, 2018
But Meguro is a perfect cum dumpster. Outside of her (female version of a pee pee) being slack and useless, which could be the case after the dozens of guys plowed through, there is no reason to break up. She could easily be kept on the side and given her personality, it's not a stretch (haHAA) to assume she would be ok with it if her boyfriend said that that made him happy.

Given the sheer amount of talent and skill the author has shown in writing, I think you are right on the money with that Maguro analogy.

It fits...., too perfectly actually, when you really think about it.

There is absolutely ZERO, no reason at all to throw away a perfect cum dumpster slut like Meguro-chan though, even after using the same hole a few times. She is extremely attractive, so pump and dump doesn't apply to her. Maybe I'm lacking in world experience to fully understand this, hence my continued confusion.

Do you guys think this story will get an anime adaptation at some point?
May 25, 2018
he had the guts to confess to her but no guts when it comes to dating her? in my experience, with these types of guys, the girls have to take the lead, and most of the time they think you're just fucking with them or it's all just some sick joke. author seems wishy-washy on MC's personality. on one hand he's brave enough to confess and tell people off on her behalf, on the other hand he thinks she's just fucking with him and will leave him at the drop of a hat. if he's confident enough to ask her out, why isn't he confident enough to realize that she's dating him because she wants to, not because it's funny?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2018
I dont even have to say anything in the comments I wake up and they are automatically in theater mode ready for me and my popcorn ?

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