If you think his mom is bad, then you probably aren't Asian. Asian parents always compare you to children of people they know who are better than you in any way, shape, or form. They'll also talk shit to you right in front of your face. But if there's one thing you should know, it's that doing this is actually their way of telling you to do better. It's not that they're awkward or anything, but this is the way Asian people have raised their own since ages ago; indirect encouragement instead of direct encouragement.
The MC is also acting like a typical Asian; he thinks more before he talks, which in a sense, is an attribute of a so-called beta person. Westerners, aka Europeans, tend to be more direct, thus we attribute them as alphas. You can see this kind of pussy MC in Korean, Chinese, and other types of Asian literature, not just Japanese. It's just that the MCs that are typically translated for Korean and Chinese tend to be more alpha.
Then again most Japanese MCs tend to be beta, so there's that.