Let me explain again, because the things that happen in this manga do have a real world equivalent to it. You didn't socialize enough to come in contact with a druggie whore, or being invited to a friend's group to study.
>You can be disgusted by any shit you want, it doesn't justify shitty behavior.
So vague, what constitutes shitty behavior? I see the callout as a reasonable response you on the other hand, do not. Who is right?
>Cool story bro, still not 'realistic', still mean spirited bulshit,
Yeah bro that's why when you ask whores what their parents think of them they tell you they don't tell them because they know its a shameful lifestyle. Some get kicked out of the family and are shun eternally.
>you still don't say that to your sister first thing after coming home in front of guest,
The sister like I already explained, assumed he was a boyfriend because of her reputation. Ina normal situation the sister would have said who's that and chat him up but instead with the harlot reputation spreading around, it would make sense she would be hostile towards her. Go back to Elementary and learn context clues, bozo.
> you don't air dirty laundry in public,
She's known as the school bicycle, there's open talk about sleeping with her. In my case, you had to know they were whores, and in here everybody in the class knew except the loser mc who doesn't socialize.
>And no, that's not what an easy lay is, you don't need to ask an easy lay to become your girlfriend, that's the whole point of an easy lay, don't use words you don't understand.
She isn't that easy but she is easy enough to buy some McDonald's and a hotel room to lay the pipe with, which isn't much. There's whores who put out for some shitty reggie. Those are considered an easy lay.
Go outside.
You wouldn't want a lock that could be open with multiple keys, would you?