It's Not Meguro-san's First Time - Vol. 2 Ch. 16 - I Haven't Changed

May 9, 2019
@spriteporn "what the author wants you to understand" = the point of stories. There is such a thing as burrowing too deeply into a story for meaning that isn't there, and in several cases humanity is filled with controversial dualities where the solutions can be either incredibly complicated, taking forever to solve, or idiotically simple. If you don't like how the author presents "their" story, you're free to write a fanfic "correcting" what you believe to be wrong, write your own story, or read something else. x'D You are free to your opinion of the series, I just also think you should take down the overdramatic reaction a notch or three.
Active member
Jun 22, 2018
what the author wants you to understand is supposed to be the moral of the story, but when the moral of the story is something as shallow and lazy as "just deal with it" and the author makes no effort to justify that a moral can you really blame someone for calling bullshit? also that was beside the main point which was that this isn't a story, but a fanfiction where conflict is nothing more than a stone on the road that you can kick out of the way with ease, be that for the main character or those affected by them. the fact that this is something the author neglects shows that the author does not intend to tell a story, but convince you of something, but when that author doesn't put effort into convincing you, say by showing the opposition's point of view, the steps taken to change that opposition's point of view, and finally how those steps convinced the opposition that they themselves were in the wrong, can you really blame me for being critical of that change of mind? the author did not make characters, he made switches, switches that he turns on and off as he pleases. there's no point in writing a fanfiction about something so poorly written because then you'd just be writing a story in the author's stead. the reason my comment seems over dramatic is because the author can't write drama and in comparison to that a real life opinion and hell people replying to eachother in the comments has much more depth than this blatant preaching
May 9, 2019

Authors are humans, and they pick out what they want to display in a story. Manga have x pages to show whatever, and assumptions made by readers fill in the gaps. If author wanted all the curves and bends for why the characters do what they do, they'd write a novel. In this case, there isn't any genuine antagonist/protagonist to the story, it's just a relationship between an antisocial doormat and a confused doormat, and I'm ok with that x'D. And if you're not going out of your way to purchase the manga directly to support the author, then yes, being overly critical of a story you read for free is a bit much in my opinion :p. But as I have said before, you are free to react however you'd like x'D. I just wanted to point out it's a tad excessive.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
Protective and frustrated little sis acted like an ass because she's frustrated and immature. It wasn't the best way she could've handled the situation, but who actually knows what they're doing at 15 or 16 years old? Many adults don't have skills for handling stuff like that, so they try to bully and shame people into what they think is best.
Double-page supporter
Oct 10, 2018
son o bichi, sono bichi, son bichi x17
sonbich sonbich ha!

Dare da? Jama suru na my my love!
(Asaki fukaki mono domo yo Ha-!)
Dare da? Mamori nuke my my love
(Uma ga kerishi mono domo yo Ha-!)

Who's there? Don't get in the way of my my love!
(You shallow yet deep ones, hah!)
Who's there? I must protect my my love
(You ones who have been kicked by a horse, hah!)

Risei ga chigireru shunkan (SANchipinchi SANchipinchi)
Genkai mitai dayo? (SANchipinchi SANchipinchi)
Risei ga buttobu shunkan (SANchipinchi SANchipinchi)
Anata wa nigerarenai! (Nigasanai! Ha-!)

At the moment your reason crumbles... (Sanity Level Critical Sanity Level Critical)
It looks like you're at your limit (Sanity Level Critical Sanity Level Critical)
At the moment your reason gets blown away... (Sanity Level Critical Sanity Level Critical)
You can never escape! (I won't let you run away! Hah!)
Active member
Jan 14, 2019
On one note I can understand the sister but on another holy hell the method you chose was mmm prob not the best. Also im glad this was cleared up quickly though it feels like there was a missing chapter in between pacing wise. Im really liking this so far c:
Double-page supporter
May 11, 2019
Lmaoooo this guy is a fucking loser. He talks like he knows her, when he know nothing about the little slut. Her sister obviously knows her better so he needs to stop acting like he’s not a retarded virgin who’s in love with a slut
May 19, 2018
Oooh, there was no sign of a sibling anywhere... it should've come up when she couldn't get into her house when she forgot her key... curious... it's like they just thought of it 😏! Though after a few chapters, it seems like due to their relationship they didn't like to mingle with each other? That was a really quick resolution btw XD! One moment she acts like she dislikes her sister but now it's all good to go? I would think it would take time for her to adjust to the reality that just revealed in her face o.o
Aggregator gang
Oct 26, 2018
@Konrad yours was the only redeemable comment in this god forsaken section
Sep 18, 2019
Ooh yea, pacing coulda been done better. But I'm not sure the mangaka is at that level (yet).
I feel like she has changed though, it's just slow and subtle (as change typically is). But there is no way she can date so many guys, so quickly, without leaving her heart out of the relationships. People break too easily for that.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 7, 2018
I don't get it. Why not just let people speak their mind? It hurts no one outside the most sheltered. Either let people discuss japanese comics or close everything down.

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