It's Not Meguro-san's First Time - Vol. 5 Ch. 32 - That sounds great

Aug 7, 2018
I love how the series change between the perspective of both of the MC.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
"people here have confidence/trust issues"

Nah, more like they have read a lot of manga that uses the same cliche monkey wrench into the romance wheel schtick. Even more so with the don't tell bit.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 21, 2019
People here get so triggered whenever a girl has any kind of friendly interaction with a boy who isn't her boyfriend that I'm starting to suspect we are overrun by radical muslims.

When the author proves us wrong we will stop.

It has been always the case until now and it's predictable, there is this chance this one is actually nice? I wouldn't put money on that though. At least we can have faith in Meguro.
Sep 7, 2019
Broken girls make great gfs/wives if you can heal them. This manga is doing great!
Dec 23, 2019
Have people forgotten that this guy was a friend of Koga? He already knows he and Meguro are in a good relationship and once even tried to stop another girl from confessing to Koga. Maybe it slipped people's minds...
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2020
So how long before arranged marriage, or trip to America, or angry parents plot points come up? -_-
Jun 10, 2019

i'm gonna step in here since i've recently gotten out of one of these relationships.

it's... a very problematic statement to make there man. couple of things i want to say, and even if it's just a glib statement, someone may take it seriously and i really don't want anyone else to go through what i had to. going into a relationship with that kind of mentality can very easily lead to a toxic relationship which will just end up hurting both sides.

i'm gonna be genderless here since this applies to any side.

1. you should never enter a relationship for the purpose of changing who someone is. you should never enter a relationship thinking that 'oh, i don't like this, but that's okay, i can change that'.
be it habits, views, hobbies, past issues, whatever. never enter a relationship hoping to change, heal, or whatever the other person.

2. don't think of someone as 'broken'. that's demeaning them. that's disrespecting them. you see someone in a wheelchair, you don't think of them as broken.
sure, you acknowledge their disability. but it doesn't mean they're any less of a human being for it. same as someone with social/mental issues, or past trauma isn't any less of a human being.
they don't have to be 'fixed'. they have their issues, and what they want to do about them is their call. sure, you can give them support, maybe offer choices, etc. but ultimately it's their call.

don't go in with some sort of hero mentality that you're going to save or fix them. it's a trope which i always cringe when i see in manga frankly, that the girl has to do nothing because the guy will save her.
a relationship should be about mutual respect and support. not something to satisfy a hero complex.

3. say you're in a relationship with someone who has past issues, and you want to support them, maybe help them resolve them.
it is not your call as to when or how you those issues will be resolved. again, you can offer your support and understanding, but ultimately it should be on the other person. and if you can't be in a relationship without the other person addressing those issues, that's perfectly fine. that's understandable. but you should not try to 'fix' someone.

4. say the person wants to address their issues. or maybe they don't. being in a relationship with someone struggling with past trauma or addressing it can also be very difficult. it's not what you see in manga. it can be massively draining. it can change you. and at the end of it, the person may be the same, but you've become a shell of your former self. never stick with the hero complex thinking that you need to save or fix the person. if it's affecting you and you don't see it going anywhere, end it. end it before it destroys you.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Have people forgotten that this guy was a friend of Koga?

Right, I've forgotten that it's an unwritten rule agreed to and strictly adhered to by all manga authors that they never write into a series a scenario where a friend falls for and tries to take a girlfriend away from one of his friends. How silly of me to think that a manga author would ever create such a character.
Active member
Jun 8, 2018
Everyone is worried about the guy hitting on meguro, but by now i feel meguro has enough common sense to not fall for them. The only way i can see things happening now is if it is forced, which would take this manga in a direction no one would like. No one wants another gal cleaning.
Dec 31, 2019
Just fucking try and hit on her. TRY MOTHERFUCKER
It wouldn't surprise me if he skipped the flirting and went straight to (attempted) assault, justifying it with the rumors he's heard about Meguro being an "easy girl".
Dex-chan lover
Feb 1, 2019
Hard to tell from just this chapter, but looking at our ML's friend here, I have a feeling he won't try anything. Since his first thing was to bring up ML to make her smile. I have a feeling he'll be someone that worries for ML and gives Meguro some emotional development?

I mean, just my guess. Cause I think the drama between ML and his friend would be kinda shitty, writing wise.
Group Leader
Apr 7, 2020
I honestly doubt he'll try something if anything he will protect her in Makoto's name
Mar 7, 2019
Anyone realized that the author copypaste Meguro's smile at the last panel from the previous panel (the one where she welcomed Koga)
Double-page supporter
Apr 21, 2020
@FredFriendly There's an unwritten, unspoken bro-code to never go after a bro's girl...even in manga. Doing so is just an asshole move and shows the so called friend doesn't really care for or respect the other guy. This guy is a bit a playboy...but he's not an asshole to Koga, either. That's what people mean when they say it won't happen. This guy isn't a piece of shit to his friends like Koga...if he does something, it would be out of character...or reveal he's been two faced all along(with no hints or foreshadowing, an "asspull").
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
FredFriendly There's an unwritten, unspoken bro-code to never go after a bro's girl...even in manga...

Hahaha!!! You say that yet guys who are like you have described this dude, indeed, gone after their best friend's girlfriends. A classic example is
Fushigi no Kuni no Arisugawa-san
where the male lead's best friend does something very much "out of character" and makes very innappropriate advances towards his best friend's girlfriend because he has fallen in love with her. Let's not forget that mangaka are perfectly capable of writing something that no one in their wildest dreams could have expected. Need I remind you of Gal☆Cleaning!?

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