I've Become the Villainous Empress of a Novel - Ch. 39

Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2018
What I dont get is, knights who are employed by the lord weren't getting paid so they took out loans from the lord like how the fuck does that work if they just let the shit go and say they weren't paid so they won't work and then the lord is toppled and problem is gone? Or just take the money he calls loan and treat it as if it were your rightful pay what the fuck is he gonna do you are the police who is gonna tell you to stop? If shit gets to capital this dumb lower nobility can't lobby for shit.
Dec 21, 2020
@AlphaFlow I wouldn't say it's a filler, she's doing his job as an express, this is what this manhwa is about, right? And the rebels who wanted to remove her aren't exactly satisfied yet because they think she might go back to being a bad ruler, what she's doing right now is very important to show that she's back to how she was originally, that she still takes her role seriously and cares about the people.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
Thanks for the translation.
Hope she will destroy them all at this ball. This stupid count sure deserves to have a nose around his neck.

@Keza and @Yuwenn shut your traps if you don't have anything intelligent to say.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
The English here is awkward, grammar is spotty. The difference is particularly stark after Asura's excellent job on the translation. I appreciate that the job is being done but it could be better, and the fact that Asura have dropped this isn't much of an excuse to lower standards.


Group Leader
Jul 27, 2020
It's excellent work considering they are a new group. I won't disagree that the work could be better but the way they pick up a series to let the reader continue reading is to be appreciated. The faults may come to light more since Asura was more experiencd but deal with it to read a free series for which you ain't paying a penny.
Also Asura dropped it and they picked it up. Nothing wrong done, please don't comment if you don't have a brain.
Anyways, good work on the chapter loved it. Even though I don't read such genres, it's pretty good tbh.
Power Uploader
Aug 2, 2018
Totally agree with @7rK ‘s comment.. Y’all be bitching about the stuff you’re not paying a shit for while someone is trying their best to provide you an update to read. You can always go and help them proofread the chapter rather than bitching here if you think you can do a better job.
Nov 4, 2020
Y'all are reading this for free and I don't understand why some of you are bitching about the translation quality. If you're going to bitch about that, then do it on your own. The new translation team are already doing their best on giving us some chapters to read for FREE.

BTW, thanks for the update of this. I actually already forgot that this exist because of how long it was that I read the latest chapter.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Free or not, work deserves criticism. I too do scanlation for free but also aim to deliver the best quality releases I can even though I will not see a dime for it.
Oct 22, 2018
compared to the early chapter, this arc is reaaaally slow like, blueballs every chapter :(
Double-page supporter
Apr 7, 2018
This would probably make a good story in novel format but all this yada yada in manga format is just drawing the same thing over and over and is not very interesting. Yes, we get the nobles are culprit, yes they are exploiting people with predatory loans, yes even the people who work for them are in debt, yes man bad, queen pretend to be bad too, we get it already 🙄🙄 This is really just rehashing the same stuff with slightly more detail and dragging on way too long. Especially since they did an exposition dump at the beginning of the arc and we are barely adding any new information.
Feb 8, 2019
Is this even the same comic? Its just repeating the same stuff. I want to see literally anyone other that one guy. And can the empress please do something already?
Power Uploader
Apr 11, 2020
@HaxtonFale I read the comments earlier and I'm not talking about your comments we are grateful for your feedback and will try to work towards that. What the people after you said was regarding the comments made "Y'all seriously suck" this wasn't criticism this is direct insult which demotivates the Translator as it's her first time Translating
Feb 8, 2020
@Mojo I’d rather they properly flesh things out then skip things or make them unnecessarily short, I think the pacing is fine to be honest. I personally don’t like it when people say “it’s getting dragged out” or “it’s unnecessary just move the plot already” when in fact usually when I see those comments or people saying that the story is just developing the characters and setting which is important for development and shouldn’t be rushed like that. There are cases they are right however in this case it isn’t, this pacing is a lot more fluid then already skipping towards throwing people in jail or something... Especially when the Manhwa will be done, reading through it the pacing will be perfect, you’re just getting impatient because the updates are slow.....
May 29, 2020
I don't know on what accounts she is going to imprison them. It seem all they did no matter how bad is still legal under the law, unless she imprisons them for 'no reason ' which will make her look bad.
Not supporting the nobles by the way. In the first place interest of any kind is banned in my religion.

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