That feeling when after several months new chapter getting released and you simply cannot remember what this all about and what happened in storyline earlier and what this manga actually is?
Yeah that feeling exactly, can you feel it? xD
That feeling when after several months new chapter getting released and you simply cannot remember what this all about and what happened in storyline earlier and what this manga actually is?
Yeah that feeling exactly, can you feel it? xD
Sure can. At this point I'd usually re-read the last couple of chapters to jog my memory, but in this case it doesn't seem to be worth it. Into the "dropped" bucket it goes.
Sure can. At this point I'd usually re-read the last couple of chapters to jog my memory, but in this case it doesn't seem to be worth it. Into the "dropped" bucket it goes.
Make sure you click the orange bell with the check so it turns black. Notifications are no longer tied to reading status since the update, though they really need to make it so "dropped" turns off notification by default.