Jesus (YASUHIKO Yoshikazu)

Mar 5, 2018
Society was mostly homophobic back then, with the exception of Ancient Greece. Even Romans looked down upon the Greeks for liking pederasty. You can't reproduce children to ensure the survival of your family with male-to-male intercourse, so it was at best getting the 'don't ask, don't tell' treatment, and at worst became the scapegoat when things got bad (that could also be the Jews, heretics, or heathens, among other groups).

I'd argue that homophobia is one of the few justified kinds of social pressure for group identity, for reason I stated above. The deaths are unfortunate, but they brought it upon themselves for not repenting and overall being a burden to their society. Homosexuality cannot be universalized as a principle because if everyone was homosexual then humanity would go extinct in one or two generations. Or, if you use the scientific in vitro or whatever, then the sperms/ovaries would be less than ideal, compared to natural conceptions, resulting in weaker babies. Even if you do have babies (either from swinging or adopting), you've essentially robbed your children of the possibility to have normal heterosexual family, or perhaps, even heterosexual relationships.

Only selfish, mentally ill people would want any of that, just to fulfill their silly fetishes, and you called St. Paul crazy?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
How about you crack open a big can of GoFuckYourself, motherfucker?

If you need rules to keep yourself from being gay, then you’re already gay. So, go suck a dick. Or eat carpet. Whichever is gayer.

Straight people are the majority, and there are plenty of them. You don’t understand that reproductive rate is measured by population, not individuals.

Consensual gay sex was not a big deal in Ancient Rome. Pederasty is disgusting because it’s pedophelia.

And yes, Saul-cum-Paul of Tarsus was a crazy dickhead who cussed out Yeshu’s brother over eating treif and kosher at the same table.
He cussed everyone out. About everything.

He also fought against the importance of Brit Milah, and then conversion at all. In time his rhetoric led to the deaths of countless of his own people. “There shall be one law for yourself and the convert/stranger among you”. He argued that the law didn’t matter.
In the face of “I am not here to remove the law but to reaffirm it” that sounds completely contrary to the teachings of a man he never met.

One doesn’t need to be a Christian to read the Christian Bible. It’s often a fun read. Acts is crazy!
But I don’t meet many Christians who read the Hebrew Bible, except snippets that they take out of context.
I’ve read both a couple times.

Paul pushed “hell” into the consciousness of (alleged) worshippers of The Lord. He got it from pagan societies.

Sheol is mentioned once or twice but never explained. One theory as strong as any other is “graveyard”. Ever read Samuel? Why would the high priest be in “hell”?

Trinitarians are polytheists and have no share in the world to come.

In short: you don’t know shit.
Mar 5, 2018
Why do you think Paul was the first one preaching against sodomy acts, instead of it being a principle he adopted from his Jewish background? Sodomy acts are also forbidden in Judaism too, for obvious reason (from my previous post, which you haven't debunked yet, by the way). Only now that somehow it's alright to do such things, because the conservatives and reformed Jews did enough mental gymnastics to convince themselves that such acts are allowed, when they're clearly not.

Again, I'm sorry to say that a lot of sodomites "somehow" died from reactions that are clearly natural responses to disgusting acts. Can words really kill people and cause them to commit suicide? Suicide is by definition an act of self-termination of one's own life. It is their own act that is responsible for their own deaths. Homosexual acts are naturally abhorrent, like male circumcision, but worse because such acts are sinful and bring catastrophe for everyone else. Some people like eating feces, but that doesn't mean it should be allowed, because it's disgusting. Same with sodomy. Deep down inside, the sodomites knew that such acts are sinful, that's why they've let themselves to fall into eternal damnation, out of their own will. Nobody pushed them to die, except for themselves. (Also, the quick spread of AIDS from male-to-male intercourse also contributed to many deaths of homosexuals, but hey, blame them on Christianity or "homophobia", right? )

I won't bother replying to your objections towards the New Testament when you don't even have the basic knowledge of it. You even wrongly attributed to Paul something he didn't really come up with. I see no reason to debate that with someone who's clearly not trying to do so in good faith. In fact, I think you aren't worth my time anymore. I already know what kind of person you are: an ideologue who bends truth to suit your own agenda. I think you should repent, because at this point you might hurt yourself, or even commit suicide, from persisting with your support of sexual deviancy and sin. You aren't even a male, you said it yourself. You're a female. Why insist then? Are you a yaoi fangirl? In other words, someone who likes disgusting sodomy as her fetish fuel? Pathetic, if true, like all people who are proud of their sins.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
So you want to follow all 613 of the old laws? Otherwise you’re a horrible sinner, right?
What’s the appropriate punishment for not digging your biff far enough from camp?

What mikveh do the women of your church use before they have sex with their husbands? There are pages and pages about menstrual blood before one line specifically about having sex with a man “like with a woman” which doesn’t even make sense, logically. Unless you mean by raping them. Because women were property. They had no right to consent.

I assume you buy kosher meat or live pescatarian. Blood and suet are explicitly prohibited.

How long are your tzitzit?

I hope you’ve never shaved your face or temples.

Your family marry your cousins, right? You’re supposed to do that.

On and on there are things you don’t do because they’re either inconvenient or heinous.

Everyone interprets the text, because it’s convoluted and weird.
There are two creation stories one after the other, and they contradict each other. That keeps happening.

Kid, you don’t know the Tanakh and you don’t seem to know that your own holy book is at least as full of conflicts and errors.

In short,
You’re disgusting
Dec 17, 2020
@Thrembs why are u offended? its a mere coincident that this manga released in the same month of your so called "pride" month. the fact that youre offended by something like that goes to show that gay people will use anything, no matter how small, to use as an excuse to argue. grow up dude people like you are exactly why other people view the lgbtq community as weirdos. not saying i disagree with them 🤣.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2023
So you want to follow all 613 of the old laws? Otherwise you’re a horrible sinner, right?
What’s the appropriate punishment for not digging your biff far enough from camp?

What mikveh do the women of your church use before they have sex with their husbands? There are pages and pages about menstrual blood before one line specifically about having sex with a man “like with a woman” which doesn’t even make sense, logically. Unless you mean by raping them. Because women were property. They had no right to consent.

I assume you buy kosher meat or live pescatarian. Blood and suet are explicitly prohibited.

How long are your tzitzit?

I hope you’ve never shaved your face or temples.

Your family marry your cousins, right? You’re supposed to do that.

On and on there are things you don’t do because they’re either inconvenient or heinous.

Everyone interprets the text, because it’s convoluted and weird.
There are two creation stories one after the other, and they contradict each other. That keeps happening.

Kid, you don’t know the Tanakh and you don’t seem to know that your own holy book is at least as full of conflicts and errors.

In short,
You’re disgusting
Thank you for kicking all kinds of ass a long time ago ❤️

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