Jigoku no Gouka de Yaka re Tsuzuketa Shounen. Saikyou no Honou Tsukai to Natte Fukkatsu Suru. - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - It becomes clearer

Aug 14, 2019
got into the Discord finally, case cracked it for a solid 25 mins. To anyone that wants it, the code is actually: https://discord.gg/6VR2F2sVQW
May 22, 2018
since most trees have very thin branches at the top his body must be very light to be able to stay at the top of the tree like that... but since his body was remade out of hellfire, he might not weight much I suppose lol
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 9, 2018
NICE NICEEEE. Thanks for the update, please continue translating this manga really love it. Thank you translators can't wait for the next update. Merry Christmas everyone!
Active member
Aug 15, 2020
"Heartless bastard" Did you even listen to what he said? The entire village hated him, and the only person he cared about is the one who sacrificed him!
Fed-Kun's army
May 23, 2020
Im already tired of this bitch. The princess is chill but the other girl is everything toxic in manga characters. Literally everything, it really bothers me how everyone in these stories treats behavior like that as if its acceptable.

Also the guy just agreed to be some strangers bodyguard for literally no reason, and I can already tell that soon this story I was excited about wont be appealing at all anymore. Im so fucking tired of these stories where the OP male character becomes some servant/simplord for the first female he stumbles across. Just fucking let a guy have his own story, not just be a part of someone elses. Blah.
Fed-Kun's army
May 23, 2020
Are you kidding me he's even carrying their heavy shit for them -_-
Next hell be holding open doors and chanting "Milady"
Dec 13, 2020
is there any way to slap a man hating perverted lesbian in manga? seriously there's nothing likable about that knight. she bring whole manga down with just single hand.

MC is good, he probably just lost and don't know what to do so he stick with first person he met since he don't know about outside world. he get used for those rude treatment and because whole village hate him.
Oct 16, 2020
F..k the authors with their lesbian propaganda in non-yuri / shoujo-ai mangas. Not to mention this one is a total bitch.
@johnpoop2529 I hate the authors for doing that shit in straight mangas. F.. them.
Sep 5, 2020
@AntiYFans I'm not thinking of dropping this before but that weirdo lesbian bitch is too disgusting for me too, so I understand
@StaK I agree there's a lot of exciting manga that lost it's hype because of that factor
May 12, 2018
that "paladin" is utterly awful. She'd be better as one of those one-off villains, like the fat noble pig kinda villain. or generic scumbag bandit number 2.
Oct 8, 2020
i can't even care about anything she's saying if he was really mad he'd just erase her with fire so idc what she says or does at the end of the day i'm 60% sure his body is just made of fire like a logia so i don't know if cutting him even matters either
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
Okay I like the story and MC but this is annoying and starting to get frustrating.
1) why are the chapters so short after one? For a story like this 20 pages is minimum and 30 to 40 allows for good pacing. As a courtesy the first chapter should be 50+ pages to get all the exposition out of the way and establish the setting (so everything is setup for the actual story). We shouldn't be on chapter 3 and still standing in one place and just NOW explaining that it's been a thousand years
2) The random overprotective perverted Yuri knight is as annoying as usual. You can be defensive but your precious princess would have actually DIED had he not helped, show at least a little graditude. Also as you can clearly see the person you keep insulting and treating could kill both of you in five seconds. It would make sense if they were close enough to know each other's personalities, but they don't know anything about this man that could destroy them and the whole forest on a whim and she can't even hope to damage him. The last thing any sane person would want to do is agitate or any way anger or upset him. Also if you're a devoted knight at least listen to your master, and you CLEARLY can't protect her yourself (not even from the obvious threat of bandits). Just accept his help and be grateful for it.
3) What is with this random conflict? The dude just said he's from a thousand years ago and have been mentioning CONSTANTLY since he showed up that he was lost. The only thing he's been doing is asking for directions and he JUST said he's never seen the outside world before. Why would you blindly follow him? I agree with the MC he has been completely upfront with the fact that he has no idea where anything is. In contrast neither the princess nor the knight at any moment expressed that they were lost. In fact they provided the MC with information he didn't have about the area. Anyone would assume they know where they are and would say if he was going the wrong way. Also someone doesn't go at the front because they necessarily know where there going. The MC was at the front because he could let effeciently deal with the underbrush and was their literal body guard (so he deals with danger first). The idiot knight has no right to get mad at him or act like that with the whole "you should have done that from the start". The princess (who has some brains in the pair) at least should have realized everyone was lost and said they should make a plan or something, but nope. She's dumb too apparently. The second half of this chapter was just a waste a time.

So far this is just bad and frustratingly so. Which is ridiculously annoying, because I'm interested in the premise and want to like this story, but there's nothing even slightly praise worthy here.

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