Thanks for the chapter!
Seems like at least three of the houses have an OP Japanese person as a retainer. Just for a change would be nice if the fourth family with emblem of a diamond was a girl excelling and mainly using sword arts with a little magic thrown in. Not like Saiga who mostly uses magic to buff up his sword arts extremely (and cover up his severe lack of training, and skill. Guy really needs to practice using a sword and firmly ingrain the basics without using magic to overpower obstacles.) With any luck he'll learn from his defeats and learn to think and come up with ways to win in situations where his cheats aren't able to overpower the route to victory. Shousou seems to be treating this world like a game or LN where he's the OP protagonist making him good and all his faceless opponents evil. Wonder if he'll be able to take the shock once he sees a corpse he created up close with all the blood, viscera, and smells that are edited out in games?
Seems Rain is the last free member of Domino Imperial family. Hopefully we'll find out if woman was her mother or a highly trusted retainer who willingly sacrificed her life to save her beloved princess. Wonder if rest of family still imprisoned or 'executed'? Nurey seems to be the typical corrupt noble who refuses to learn his lesson, believes lineage gives him right to do anything and rules apply to everyone but him, and greedy as hell. Even if have four of eight treasures there should be limits on usage, costs of wielding them in battle, and whether the treasures are obeying willingly or not if they all have personalities like Eckesachs who is one of the treasures also. Such as needing a lot of mana, material, or something to create a copy with rather than out of thin air with no cost, limited number of times can create a copy of something per day, only a recognized wielder can use ability, or something to limit the copy ability from being abused by the evil and corrupt. Also, like anyone who's used a xerox machine, no matter how good a copy is it's still inferior to the original. Furthermore, unless the copies can be altered there's going to be about a 1/8 to 1/4 of troops who can't use the copies for various reasons. Like what good is a copy of a high class sword to a bowman or axe user who's never touched a sword? Copied armor sized for a medium (for example,) build soldier would hamper movements due to size difference for a small or large build soldier due to hampering movements from too much or little space. That and armor differs between types of soldiers, like a mounted knight can wear heavy plate because horse carrying weight while bowmen usually wear leather armor to avoid weight and solid parts interfering with them aiming, moving, and shooting. Granted can make copies of the plate for knights and leather for bowmen but then have to consider and plan what size and type of armor to copy for which units first which can take a while with a large army and commanders wanting their troops outfitted first.
First princess should really get over the knights' defeat and focus on how to make them stronger and better rather than stagnating their training and wasting time holding a grudge. Especially considering Domino seems to be going down the route of the French Revolution of starting off with noble ideals and denigrating into a bloodthirsty mob seeking to overpower opposition, blindly believe they're right and good making any opposition wrong and evil, and try to force everyone within reach to agree.