@mrmm - Starting country, Arcana Kingdom has 4 noble families based on card types:
Spades have MC, Sansui the overtrained swordsman. Daughter of their family is bored as Suzumiya Haruhi, but 100 times less fun person to be around.
Hearts have Saiga, a typical isekai protagonist who can use all magics and bed all women. He plans to marry the house's heiress and become the head of the house eventually.
Clubs (Caputo) have Kyoube, who was introduced this chapter, and has a lot of magic power. The priestess-looking girl is their noble daughter.
Diamonds weren't introduced yet.
Royal family is, naturally, Arcana, and that suit-wearing girl is a princess of the starting country.
The nearby country, Domino, recently had a revolution. Now most of their imperial family is dead, except Rain, who is MC's adopted daughter. And all surviving nobles fled to Arcana Kingdom. As expected of nobles that had a revolution in their lifetime, they're all-around bad people who are only causing trouble.
It is not clear how Domino is ran now. Hopefully they have an otherworlder with administration talent somewhere on the top.