Jimi na Kensei wa Sore Demo Saikyou Desu - Vol. 4 Ch. 34

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 22, 2018
@kwendy it's not, Suiboku is just as cold if not colder.

and no part of what suiboku told him to do include emotions or passion.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 28, 2018
@lemuel gotta agree with you there, his simply following orders to protect rain, though i didnt expect her to be so ruthless, but i guess they were enemies and i dont see her letting them off, still have no idea why they are letting that raping noble free, atm at least
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
Poor bastards.
It would be one thing if that naughty cunt killed them personally. I bet that would feel really good.

But having to be killed by some emotionless asshat in a bathrobe is just too cruel.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 2, 2018
@lemuel is no necesaraly true that he show no emotion, but in regard to reactions, he just doesn't have so much of it. For example when brauer confessed to him he was certainly happy but as he told if he wouldn't be a sage he would have been through the roof. He seems to go beyond emotions as mundane as they are because he has lived for so long and trained for so long. Apparently his master didn't wanted him to go by the very same route as he did, because he's much older and wiser to understand that power is not all attainable by oneself. I mean with the power he gathered he could rule them all but he's not, he loves his daughter, he seems to be grateful and loyal to his master and care for the one that loves him and his disciples.
But at the end if he's ordered to kill enemies he will without regret or compassion. Besides that they are indeed after his daughter, so I don't think he care the least about their lives or their circumstances. It's like cutting grass to him, they speak, they feel, they move but ultimately they are worth nothing.
That's why, he might not react but he's not like his master that abandoned something precious to him for more power until he didn't feel anything for anyone (indifference, not an unfeeling being, that would be scary). His master saw his own mistake and gave him a different path to travel.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
My armor is contempt. My shield is disgust. My sword is hatred. In the Emperor's name, let none survive.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2018
it's not that he doesn't have emotion, it's that he's disciplined. He's so disciplined to the point where he suppresses his own emotions automatically. It's clear that he doesn't WANT to kill anyone. The proof is that he's essentially never killed anyone until now, he almost exclusively incapacitates or disarms his opponents. This is his duty as a vassal, and he takes duty very seriously, particularly when his adopted daughter is protected and cared for by his lord.

On his master's side, she's absolutely correct. If you want to send the message of 'if you try this, you WILL fail, and you WILL die' you have to be absolutely ruthless. Normally, you WOULD leave a few survivors to spread the word, but as she said, there's no need. Do you spare the people who tried to murder you just because you feel bad? You make sure you and yours are safe, then you worry about other people.
Dex-chan lover
May 3, 2019
She's in the correct here, don't bring modern sensibilities. They attack unprovoked, without so much as a warning or parley, and if they win a fair treatment is minuscule chance. Better dole out a taste of their medicine, and make absolutely clear she has greater strength (yes, subordinates do count) and ruthless will to use it than any adversary she's had.

I mean, I would do the same, especially if I have sansui.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 22, 2018
@kwendy and that does not require emotions, it require being able to show empathy and understanding for the person your raising, not for random people.

Experiencing the world does not require vivid emotions either, emotions are a filter that make things look different then they are, if you're happy everything might look enchanting and fun, while sad everything looks dour, if you don't feel anything you see what is.

so no, having absolute control over his emotions does not in any way diminish what he set out to do.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 2, 2018
@nobaka he did kill tho
That guy is not alive anymore.
And when he takes his daughter from the body on the ground you can clearly see how happy he seems to be, and I think (might be wrong) that is from the perspective of his master.
Again I might be wrong here, but at least is how I read it
Dec 4, 2018
I still don't understand why Sansui is still with this household. I get that they were the first household he stumbled upon so he worked with them, but the amount of shit he has to tolerate from her and her family is weird. Why isn't he interested in finding another household to treat him and his daughter better, he has the power and talent to be wanted. And why is she treating him like a common soldier and like the talent he is, her attitude is weird and downright destructive for someone who she wants to be loyal to her.

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