MTL without QC spits out some awful stuff with verb tenses and gendered pronouns. (The latter of which is actually pretty appropriate here.)I don't get why some of the translations are so weird from the raws.
just try not to think to hard about that sort of thing. i don't think the mangaka did lmao...I'm amazed at the size of the neighbor's balls for crossdressing to school. Specially when it wouldn't be looked kindly in Japan of all places (by teachers and the like, not to mention the normal students that don't care for gender identity and would see it as aberrant).
Unless, of course, he was supposed to already be back from school and decided to change into a female uniform while going outside. Or it was the weekend or something.
teach is truly the only normal one in this entire manga lmaoSo far the teacher who responded to his offhand revenge comments is my favorite character.
Also looks like the MC suffered some major E M O T I O N A L D A M A G E