Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou Deshita? - Vol. 13 Ch. 92 - More Level Experiments

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Haruto doesn't discriminate. He plugged sensei's hole, then proceeds to an old man's hole.
I still wonder what would happen if they connect a string of one person to a hole of another.
I think you give that level up, if it's one of the strings in the ground, but they probably just both end up mindbroken if it was one of the loose strings.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 25, 2023
Oh okay. The string was bent and then inserted.
It was then cut. So the previous string that was already stuck to the ground got a new "hole" and the previous one got disconnected to the ground.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2018
well that's a lot to absorb so quickly. So:

  • you're born to this world with N number of "strings". These strings determine your max "level" (aka level of control over magic). As far as society knew, this N was unchangeable at birth. As these strings are not at all detectable, except indirectly through an appraisal spell.
  • you have some number of strings bound to the earth and connected to your back, which determines your base level. The remaining strings are "loose", connected to the back but not tethered. This level can increase and strings tether through training and experience. but you are capped at N. Once you hit N your magical prowess cannot grow.

  • as usual, Haruto being basically a reality bender is able see these strings. and tug around with them. These strings seem to be connected to the mental psyche, however. Though it's inperceptible to everyone else, the one who's strings are tugged will feel some mental anguish
  • On top of that, he can see "holes" in a person's back. These represent untapped true potential. So a person's true max level is N + H, based on the number of holes.
  • Haruto previously shown that he can force level ups by tugging these loose strings into the ground.
  • As we are learning now, these strings are unseverable and unable to be unthethered. So Haruto cannot as of now reduce levels nor reduce the max level of a person
  • Haruto can however, force a loose string into any holes a person has. This causes extreme mental anguish to the point of passing out, but the result is that the string seems to know in this circumstance to split itself. Filling the hole and thus increasing the subject's max level. Something unheard of in society.
  • If there is no loose string, an existing tethered string can be forced in as well, also knowing to properly sever itself. I imagine this is even more anguish-inducing, but TBD.
  • Lastly, Majins have no strings/tethers. if they possess a human, they also seem to temporarily lose their strings (loose and tethered) and holes. Supposedly a representation that their mental state was taken over.

I think I got everything? Man, I remember when this was a simple little slice of life with a cute little sister and a fox girl maid.

I guess that begs one more question though:

- can holes be created? I assume if strings can't be tethered then holes can't be closed (except by a string)
One more thing from previous chapter: The strings can get tangled preventing them from connecting to the ground. (how this all stated)
Dex-chan lover
Dec 3, 2019
Forgot the main takeaway: in a world where your power (social and otherwise) is directly related to your max-level and decided at birth, the solution mc found was to... increase the max level with hole-count H - another number also decided at birth!

So rather than being a salvation to those who was born with a poor lot in life, this is a salvation to some (but likely few as H seems random & independent, and unlikely to be distributed way above the average N) and a curse to others, and once all the re-shuffling has been performed it will be the exact same situation where some are born with a poor lot in life.
who the fuck asked for this to be about reducing inequality?
Active member
Jan 24, 2018
This manga is really trying to compete with frieza's 5 minute. How many more chapters will they spend on this single exposition scene.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 5, 2019
Next test, can you plug a loose thread into a hole on another person? Would it result in a bond, or would it work like other cases of insertion, where it self severs?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2021
Wow so if pull one line that is stuck from outside of it and stuck on the free hole will make a new line. That is op! so the more latent power each one has higher their level will be....

I really curious now when Haruto remember to check Charlotte holes :meguupog: How many holes she will have :worry:
If her max lvl could go above 50 means if she has like 50 holes she will be over 100 levels.

Mer entered on anime rabbit hole! Oh no! :aquadrink:
Iirc, Haruto cant see his holes....

Eitherway, even for Charlotte...

Trypophobia Intensisfies.... XD
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
Thoughts and prayers to the people here claiming that this (and the prior) chapter is setting off a fictional phobia that they self-diagnosed themselves as having after reading about it on Reddit. They simply can't stop themselves from seeking attention with the made-up condition "trypophobia" and commenting on everything that "triggers" it.

I've got a legitimate fear of heights, but you don't see me commenting about every high space without safety railings I see in a manga and saying how much it triggered me, cause that shit is cringe (not to mention the height is entirely fictional).
Just because it doesn't give you the heebie jeebies doesn't mean it's fictional. I've known people irl who gets unnerved by lotus and lamprey images edited onto eyes or skin but don't even know what the phobia is called.

The thing about this one is that the manga is not intentionally depicting body horror, but it triggers people anyway and is worth commenting about.

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