JK Haru is a Sex Worker in Another World - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

Jun 27, 2019
Once again, they really did a good job at portraying a Prostitute man. This is so realistic.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2019
depressing.. must be because it's too realistic it almost feels like someone's experience o.o

edit : looks like not only a few people find this depressing huh
Apr 23, 2020
She treats people like meat and is thus treated like meat herself. Or she's treated like meat and thus treats people the same way. Either way, no mercy for her. Since she's got an easy way out of her situation, in form of her classmate, yet does not take it. Even though he gave his life trying to save her, she still has no appreciation for him. It seems she prefers this lifestyle over being with him. Admittedly, she'd have to invest early on. But it's not like it's not a promising investment... I do respect her for being self-sufficient. However, she's also extremely self-centered. To the point where she didn't even bother listening to god, which she got summoned by. I wonder whether she's really got no skills. Most likely she's got some, but doesn't know about them, because there is no way to check. And since the stats are invisible, if you aren't told beforehand (her own fault, I assume), or don't try fighting, you'll most likely never find out about them. Also, in a world, where most people never went to school, someone with her advanced education could easily impress anyone to at least become a merchant's apprentice. But no, let's be a whore... It was her choice, she's sticking with it. Why are so many people pitying her? Even if she's treated roughly often, she's not really risking her life. Did you see her client's scarred body? Yeah, he's getting his money's worth. Nothing wrong with that. Especially since it's a service being offered. So far it's a 10/10 manga. Finally an isekai with a female protag not being a villainess, or having it easy. Say what you want, but good stories require some hardship to overcome. I'm really looking forward to seeing what will become of her.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2018

Well I'm not really agree with you.

The MC is sefl centered and didn't have a good personality but "she's got an easy way out of her situation, in form of her classmate, yet does not take it" wow really ? Becoming the slave of her otaku classmate, do you really think it's an available option for her ?

He think he is the protagonist with his cheat skill and didn't put effort in his life, he didn't treat the MC good since he buy her to have sex and complain without thinking of the MC who cannot do anything else than being a prostitte. This guy didn't even propose a descent relationship, he want a slave/master relationship.

"Also, in a world, where most people never went to school, someone with her advanced education could easily impress anyone to at least become a merchant's apprentice. But no, let's be a whore... It was her choice"
Well the reality is not as easy than the isekai genre tell us you know.
Becoming merchant without connexion is really difficult if not impossible. She didn't have a birthplace or anythink to make the merchan trust her. Why a merchan will teach and make work a girl who come from nowhere ?
And not only the merchan, most of the work start with a aprentice when you are child. And becomming aprentice is quite hard without backup.
And last, she is a girl and we are in medieval society, even if she have skill no one will take her seriously.

Do you know Mileva Einstein ? She was the women of Alber Einstein, she participate actively in his reserch but all her discovery is in men name. We only know the truth because Albert write it in his diary.

I didn't say that she put any effort in her life, but I think you didn't try to get in her shoes.
Apr 23, 2020

Of course you are free to feel the way you do. However, so am I. I am not convinced by your arguments. She is a skilled manipulator. Easily getting what she wants from guys she looks down on. Has she not wrapped the ex-classmate around her finger? He can buy any girl, yet he buys her. Despite having given his life for her, the only way she'll do it with him, is for money... He can buy any slave, yet he wants her. I don't think he wants to mistreat her. He even keeps asking her whether she feels good, while others clients don't even pretend they care. She is but a cheap fuck for them, nothing more. Lowest of the low, as she admits herself. Yet she still looks down on her classmate and prefers men, who mistreat her. Her ex-classmate offers her a way better position, than she is in now. Say what you want, but since when is being the lover of the strongest and well off person a bad spot? That slave thing is him trying to tie her down. He realizes how she sees him, yet he still clearly wants her all to himself. You may think that's inhumane. But he is no fool, apparently. You see, you can't turn a whore into a housewife. If slave magic is a thing in that world, he can ensure she remains faithful. Otherwise there is no point even trying to get with her. He gives her a chance, extends his hand, as the one in a superior position. You complain that he doesn't treat her like he loves her. That's because he (even if only subconsciously) realizes how she feels aout him. Yet he is still there for her, offering her a way out. Let me remind you again, he can have anyone. If I were in her shoes, I'd take the offer immediately, while also exerting my influence upon him and shaping him closer to my ideal. He seems quite malleable, so she, as an experienced manipulator, would have an easy time with him. She could be the main wife. Yet that's not what she wants. Her aim is to become the best whore. What kind of goal is that? There is only one explanation. She loves what she does.

Despite being a woman in a misogynistic world, she is not a product of that world. Not only is she superior to others, in terms of knowledge, she also mesmerizes people, just by being so different. I'm sure she could make a living in another way.

And besides, regardless how history remembers you (aka regardless haters hating), you can still carve out a path for yourself. Your Einstein example only proves my point.

The reason why I don't pity her, is because I'm convinced everything is the consequence of her choices. She can leave, but she doesn't. She saves her dress, but offers her throat for cheap, instead of making sure it is off limits. Why? All to become the number one whore of that fine establishment. And thus everything is happening by her own choice. If you still don't think so, she could have gone up with the fat virgin and had a way easier time. I'm sure she could have gotten him upstairs. But faced with a choice all of a sudden, she chose to make sure a regular would not spend cash on other girls. DESPITE knowng full well what he had in store for her. It was a cold calculated decision. And you're telling me I'm supposed to pity that? Heh... I think it's you, who doesn't understand her.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2018

I agree in one point, we are not agree in our respective view of the MC 😅

1) The otaku classmate
You complain that he doesn't treat her like he loves her. That's because he (even if only subconsciously) realizes how she feels aout him
I don't think so. He didn't treat her like that because he know her true personality, that he obviosly know because he came from the same world as her. I knew her personality back then and already like her in this time but if he can speak, have sex and propose her to become his slave that because he his is superior to her now and he have some otaku fetish.
the fat guy he quite better man than him and actually try to help the MC and the MC even if she didn't have any feling either didn't think he is disgusting like her classmate
the classmate like her ? yes. Want to help her ? b*llshit, he just think he's a hero like manga he like read (so basically a hero isekai with harem tag) and have some fetish.

he saves her dress, but offers her throat for cheap, instead of making sure it is off limits. Why? All to become the number one whore of that fine establishment. And thus everything is happening by her own choice.
she didnt offer her troat, she said "I have few dress, you damaged it, you paid for it" and when he grab her troat "this service is x money" she didn't want to suffer but did her job.
She also said this man is a regular and when he can't buy another girl he buy her. Do you think a regulard didn't know how cost service ? Mostly if he's brutal ? She have a job to do and her n+1 said that she have to endure.

3)the MC is manipulative
yes and no
yes she manipulate quite people around her so what ? Are you telling me that she can have a happy live whitout insure his rear ? Yes she is interrested when people have money because she can have it if she play well and her but is to have many money to live comfortably.
no cause she didn't ask to come in this world neither she didn't ask for her classmate to love her. She ask him to buy another girl and refute people when they said she is in couple whith him.
She didn't like him, she is disgust by him but she have sex with him cause he is a client that all, the rest is in the classmate head.
Like, once she put some cat ear to serve the customer and the classmate who came this day say "You put him for me ?" obviosly not !
In a relationship there something called consent.

She need to survive in this world and have choose this work for any reason she want. She work with pride and she is independant, she didn't want to become a slave. Why she should be his slave ? Because he's strong and she will have an easy life with him ? But she's litteraly disgust by him. Maybe if he was a man who didn't live in a fantasy world.

4)Your Einstein example only proves my point.
So your telling me that all history book are actually update to add the women who have contribuate to the actual society when we know hers existence ?

I didn't want you to pity her, I actually don't pity her myself, but I don't like people speaking about other people who have a shitty job like her like she's worst than worm in a pile of shit.
Apr 23, 2020
Pfft, when did I insult her? I merely quoted her. She said herself her position was the lowest of the low. Also, she is in no position to be disgusted by anyone, as she offers herself up for money on a daily basis, to people with far worse fetishes, without complaining. In case you weren't aware, whores are disgusting.

Also, the classmate is not "like some sort isekai protagonist". He literally is. And yes, he stands far above her in the social hierarchy of that world. As she herself admits to being at the very bottom.

Now, after reading further,
I admit he isn't the best master imaginable. However, he still offers a far better position to her. No risk of being hurt by clients, or raped and murdered by thugs. Yet she still chooses to continue being humiliated and risking her life. But wait, there is more. Are we going to ignore how she saved her own skin by asking the thug to murder "her man"? There wasn't even an apology issued for that incident. That act was more disgusting than anything the ex-classmate has pulled so far. Make no mistake, she is proper scum at this point. At a later point she even complains to herself he isn't readily available to save her ass at her convenience... So she wants nothing to do with him during her best times, but still wants him to be there for her during her worst moments. That is an entitled princess for you. He is the only one she treats like this, because he lets her. If he were to disappear, she'd crack.

I don't understand why he continues to stick with her, despite all the other fish in the sea throwing themselves at him. My patience would have ran out long since.
Active member
Sep 5, 2018
She is too self-centered, or too bitchy. Her personality isn't that great. Oh well. Moving on to a better manga.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2019
So she was a kind of a THOT before she got isekai'd and is a whore now. Wow.
Active member
Aug 28, 2020
This book is really interesting as it is depressing. This is fiction work, sure, for it is a fantasy, but it makes you think that not only her but any woman in this line of work has to submit to this kinda stuff every day to live. Not sure how I feel right now as I read this, but I can say the author is really good at what he/she does.
Active member
Jun 28, 2020
I would've 100% tried to follow that classmate and start a business cuz you got ideas from your world. But this girl went straight to the dumps without even trying. Nice
Jul 1, 2019
man, i always loved this manga. haru is a strong protagonist, and for everyone thinking she is self centered when the men only see her as a object.... you gotta rethink that.
Nov 1, 2020
@ProjectRado yall really dont try to understand her character at all. its not like she’s a weeb like all of us, she considers this the real world not a world where her knowledge will make her rich. she doesnt know better. this is what she grew up with. fkin insensitive dumbasses

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