I like how smiley Dio is
When I first saw this scene I thought that The World's powers is teleportation
Now that we know it's stopping time imagine Dio carring Polnareff down the stairs just to have his speech, also the watch on The World's hand kind of gives it away too
I also thought that this mission would have been easier if Jotaro trained a little bit in Hamon since Dio is a vampire
And maybe the rest could have also tried to master it
the worlds real ability is to create chairs out of thin air and make french tall silver haired buff dog farted on stand users teleport to the nearest stair case when it reaches a radius of 10 meters of the stand
So DIO stopped time, went down to where Polnareff was, picked him up, placed him a few steps back, went back up and resumed time, and he did this thrice. I know he likely used The World, but I like the mental image of DIO trolling people by himself.