JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Part 6: Stone Ocean (Official Colored) - Vol. 17 Ch. 158 - What a wonderful world

Jun 12, 2020
i finished part 6 three days ago but i came back just to reread the ending again, but this time with what a wonderful world playing in the background and i cried even more T^T

thank u @gimick
Nov 30, 2020
Every part does something right. While the stand fights werent as good this part, this part has my favourite story. The true story of fighting destiny, what araki was trying to tell since phantom blood.
Dec 9, 2020
I finished the last 40 or so chapters in one sitting and that ending definitely made my eyes water a bit, I haven't felt that emotional for an ending since part 1. Jolyne was an amazing JoJo and all the Jobros in this part were great as well. The ending makes me sad that the universe we've come to know and love is gone, but those characters will always remain in my heart and I hear SBR is amazing so I'm hyped for that. Goodbye Jotaro, thanks for all the bizarre adventures...
Nov 21, 2020
Almost 300 comments here, that's crazy.

@Dyzupil assholes like you are the ones who spoiled part 6's ending to me and alot of other people. Part skippers are bad, but y'all are worse by a LONG SHOT

Honestly idek what to say, other than how heavy it was. The entire journey, all the happy and sad moments, all the important story defining fights, and the filler fights. All the Bizzare adventures, just completely undone and erased. And everyone is either dead or in some kind of weird mess with the universe reset. Would have been way more emotional if I wasn't spoiled on every bit of this arc and most of the part in general.

Anyways, off to STEEL BALL RUN.
Dec 25, 2020
SPOILER WARNING: This comment has spoilers on Part 6 of Jojo, so if you haven’t read it, and want to, please stop, you will regret reading spoilers. If you haven’t even read Part 6, you shouldn’t even be on the last chapter where a lot of crap goes down.

I genuinely think part 6 might have been my favorite part this entire series, with so many cool stands with different abilities, the character development between Jolyne and her friends, watching one or two of Jolyne’s friends were expected to die, as that’s how Araki did all the other parts but then when even main cast (aside from Emporio) gets killed and then reincarnated in the new universe, it just feels so heartbreaking, to see Emporio have to start from square 1, none of his friends knew what he or them went through in their previous universe, so us readers who grew attached to the characters earlier in part 6 were basically robbed of that experience. This made the ending sooo good in my opinion, it just goes to show, don’t get too attached to something, because it won’t last. Sorry if this doesn’t make sense or something, it’s 4am I should be sleeping, anyways thanks for reading.
Nov 9, 2020
just read a long ass essay explaining what happened and a video. I think I fully understand everything Pucci was trying to do and the whole plot of the story. very happy Jolyn's soul and the rest of the gang's souls were not destroyed. very epic
Dec 16, 2020
This is the most amazing part I've read so far, but the ending is confusing a bit 😔
Sep 19, 2020
well, i read this ending while listening to "what a wonderfull world" and damn, its like araki names the arcs of the manga just for the reader to listen to the music
Dec 27, 2020
This was my first time ever reading a manga and I gotta say, this experience was way better than I ever would’ve thought. I just got off of watching parts 1-5 and I couldn’t wait to get some more jojo. I had a hunch the next animated part would come out soon enough if I just waited but I couldn’t ease my hunger for more so I went ahead, stepped outside of my familiar territory and did something I think I took for granted, reading. But nonetheless, I’m glad to say I read at least one part so far, I plan to read more and much more to come, this won’t be my last or first time. It took me about 3 1/2 weeks to read this, reading about an arc per day, but I plan to jump straight into SBR and then after that, mabe do some backtracking, read some of the older parts that I only watched and haven’t read yet. I’ll be exited to see your guys comments on the other parts as well, some of you say the funniest stuff I swear.

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