like a wise old man once said : if there's a hole there's a wayAny hole is a goal
like a wise old man once said : if there's a hole there's a wayAny hole is a goal
lol are you dumb? like cmon use your brain,it's first chapter i was curious how it is,i didn't like it and left an opinion and of course i leave it and won't ever read it, why would u even say something stupid like that lolThen skip
grr how dare people have they own opinion 😡😡😡. u act as if it's something everyone MUST likeWho did dirty on this man 😅
Jodio uses masculine specific terms for Dragona, like bro and such.Actually, on the topic of Dragona: is it really appropriate to be using masculine pronouns?
I've been seeing some reference to the raw that implies Araki used feminine verbiage himself, so I'm wondering if there was confusion on the TL's part?