Journey to Seek Past Reincarnations

Active member
May 1, 2018
No actually, didn’t know about vivibear’s plagiarism history.

Thank you for informing. And I don’t see why it should be put in spoilers tag. It’s not spoiling the plot of the story.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 25, 2018
@Mitsukinee I know about the plagiarism thing, but so what? This is one of the more interesting manhua out there. In fact I like this and her other adapted work too. I'm not really that bothered by the plagiarism thing, since the Chinese like to copy things anyway.
Jan 23, 2018
@maddery it was only to let people know, not necessarily get a reaction out of it, if you like her works regardless then good, if not oh well
i just personally think people that steal other peoples hard work (moreover profit off of it) is a disgusting thing to do and such people should not be respected or supported.
again, personal opinion
also that last comment is a bit... yikes.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 25, 2018
@Mitsukinee 'Cause that is the truth. Having read some Chinese manhua and novel, I noticed that they have this annoying tendency to copy/mimic popular works. Freakin' tired of it already. They said that she stole other people's works, but I haven't come across similar novels to her works so far. Regardless, that info shouldn't stop people from enjoying this series.
Jan 18, 2018
Hmm... To those talking about plagiarism, I would like to point out that before we had copyright law in the west (which only even began to make sense once we had printing presses; before then you'd have to copy anything by hand, so the "value" of a given work was regardless mostly from the time and labour needed to do that) it was standard practice to lift large sections of whatever you were writing from other authors, or to steal stories from other people, for instance in travelogues. Why is it unethical to copy and embellish upon someone else's idea without attribution?—that idea doesn't come out of nowhere; in a society based primarily on oral storytelling, it makes little sense at all.

I don't think it's dastardly at all that China hasn't fully signed on to the same ideas of "ownership of ideas" that the West has. And while lately they've been pulled more in this direction, but I don't feel obliged to knock authors who want to stick to the old, more chaotic ways.

For authors in countries with stronger copyright protection, I'll be much more critical of plagiarism simply because it gives an unfair advantage when everyone else has been playing by copyright rules. (And no one here has been born in a time where we weren't like that.)
Apr 28, 2018
I'm Chinese myself and plagiarism and piracy is not a big deal in China, just look at any Chinese drama. If someone doesn't support the author's plagiarism, they don't have to read it. But, that doesn't give the person the right to not allow other people to enjoy it if they don't care about the plagiarism thing. Heck, the original which was plagiarized off of probably isn't even translated into English.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I see nothing wrong if you take an idea and improve on it

I mean that called innovation and is what drives competition
Active member
May 1, 2018
Ok I like how people downplay the plagiarism as if she only got inspiration from the other works.
If you look at the wiki, she literally copy pasted other people’s works into her own. Like. Huge chunks of copy paste.

“I'm Chinese myself and plagiarism and piracy is not a big deal in China, just look at any Chinese drama. ” Yes, it’s not as big of a deal as in the west. But if Chinese netizen themselves awarded Vivibear with the title of “Goddess of plagiarism”, then it does mean something. Chinese government still tries to fight off plagiarism and copyright violations, it’s just harder to do because of the sheer amount of ppl.

Point is, people can still read the series if they like. Nothing wrong with that. But no need to censor information for newcomers, it’s their decision on whether to continue reading after.
Mar 16, 2019
This manga is amazing.
Even though every time she goes back into the past, my heart literally breaks, it's part of that beautiful web that the author has created. It's such a beautiful plot with gorgeous characters, not only with the art style but their history and background.
Sometimes, the missions she has gets a little repetitive with every time her heart is broken, but still, no one can deny the complexity and thought put into each period. (I do have my personal favourites and I'm so glad that the author agrees with me)
And the art style. Oh. My. It's just amazing. I absolutely adore this kind of Chinese art style. The characters look stunning. Just so so beautiful.
Personally, I love the main character, really like her personality and behaviour. Not too cliche and dependent on male characters. Got a little of her own powers but not too OP tho which I really appreciate.
In conclusion, really, really recommend this. It's seriously pretty good.
She better end up
with the Vampire dude. Seriously, she better. Literally, he's like the only option sooooooooo.....
And, I don't like the Shi Fu. He's just weird and weird.
Active member
Jun 12, 2018
I hate that the author vivibear plagerizes other works, but the Manga itself is pretty good and I would credit the artist for being able to bring the story to life despite the source material coming from a dubious background.
Nov 22, 2019
each arc is so cool and interesting and the art is beautiful~ i wonder if shi fu and her have some intricate past together...
i wonder if all the guys she's meeting is shi fu's past lives and they were torn apart for some reason and the jar of tears is supposed to restore her memory or something or it's their punishment?
Aggregator gang
Sep 27, 2019
@Roiya what story Vivibear plagiarize ? It might be the story I been trying hard to find so please answer if you can
Nov 22, 2019
i have a feeling the vampire might be endgame but what's w shi fu?? but i love this story anyway thanks for update!!!
Mar 8, 2019
Thankyou for the translation! Actually this manhua has a live action drama, search "the journey" its Chinese drama,.
Apr 6, 2020
It's kinda sad because she has so many potential male leads, but it's most likely thanatos, I always thought all the people she met might been shifu's incarnations and thanatos kinda just died somehow, which might still be the case, but I'm sticking with team shi fu.

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