July Found by Chance - Vol. 2 Ch. 29 - Goodbye

Mar 17, 2019

It's a full chapter. :) I don't think there is an epilogue yet for this story because near the end, Muryu suffered from pain in her wrist that she needed some rest, as I remember she rested for 1 week twice. Maybe that's why we don't have an epilogue yet. She may need to rest her hands for now.
Oct 17, 2019
can someone plz explain what happened between dohwa and juda...what was happening about the murder and all??? plz...i am confused....
Active member
Jul 7, 2020
@coffee_2512 from what i inferred, juda's mom was a patient at dohwa's hospital. his parents didn't do their job and neglected the patient (the part about doctors, not doing the surgery, etc.), which ended up in juda's mom's death. when they were kids, a group of bad people kidnapped juda thinking she was a child of dohwa's family, abusing her which gave her severe trauma. basically they wronged her in every way, not dohwa directly but his family.
the truth gets revealed and people bully juda even more, dohwa tries to protect her but she doesn't want his protection knowing he's only doing that out of guilt. she pushes him away and leaves him behind, so he commits suicide (i think? it was only shown that he was standing on the bars of the high walkway) in tails and returns in heads (this is why i was uncertain, it looks like he attempted suicide but if he did he would've lost awareness).

in short, their relationship goes to shit bc dohwa's parents indirectly murdered juda's mom.

this is just what i understood from what i saw, but i might be wrong lol
Mar 6, 2019
This is so tragic.... from what I understood, Dohwa actually committed 'suicide' and lost awareness? since I think he was confused to what Danoh was talking about, saying it was unusual for her to comfort him etc etc. Also, notice how Dohwa was wearing his tie tightly unlike the previous panels, thus further proving that he's returned back to his concept.


This is so depressing ;-;
Jan 10, 2020
omg the relief i felt when i saw dohwa in the panel with MC only to for mny heart to be crushed when i realize that it isn the dohwa we knew and loved :(
Nov 9, 2019
I’m crying.... I’m actually crying.... this is so heart wrenching... I just want them all to be happy.

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