Juujika no Rokunin - Ch. 202 - Let Us Observe

Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
You know, I've been hate reading this manga for a few months after having read up until the timeskip before and dropping it, and holy shit I can't think of a series that hates women more outside of the most fucked up of hentai. Like christ, is every female character either going to die or get sexually assaulted? I know this series loves to put most of its characters through hell but it seems to love making the women suffer twice as much for no good reason.
It's hate/outrage bait from the author to make up for their non existing writing skill. Only problem with this is that no one gives a shit about the characters in this Manga.

At this point I'm also here because of sunken cost fallacy.
Jul 4, 2024
That's yor hero?... not mine.

Que basura, Shun solo deja morir a las chicas sin hacer algo, extraño al Shun psicópata.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2023
Staying caught up with this manga is less like enjoying a nice cake once a week and more like needing to take medicine once a week
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
Am I the only one here because it's devolved to the point where it's nonsensical C-tier slasher/horror territory? This is just funny to me now, I laughed my ass off at the last page of her spontaneously desiccated corpse.
Active member
Nov 9, 2023
Author heard us talking shit about how she just up and vanished only to go "oh shit that's right" before shoving her into a single panel and then going back to our regularly scheduled torture porn programming.

Also Shun, buddy, why the fuck are you hesitating on doing anything just because the lesbian bitch has a shotgun? You do realize you are going to eventually have to fight her anyway right? Why not just do it now and possibly save the lives of your "friends"? Like what do you think is going to happen here? You play Kyou's game and then he just goes "Okay you win Shun! You can kill me now! :D" and nothing else happens? What is your plan exactly? Why are you suddenly completely brain dead?
No way he would actually give her the go to actually shoot him with a shotgun he loves him and it would literally kill the point of doing his elaborate crap
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
I'm starting to think that this would be better for everyone if this was just porn instead of stumbling through a poorly constructed plot. Like, something of actual interest happens and it's relegated to a single panel???? That's fucking it? You have to be shitting me. We could've seen her explore the complex or anything but no we have to see another long drawn out torture porn scene.
Mar 6, 2025
We had over 200 chapters following Uruma's story, we saw him face the most diverse challenges, develop, become stronger and more intelligent and the author decided to simply shove all of this up his ass to demonstrate his sadistic desires in a poorly written way and polish his shitty villain who had the worst arc in the entire history of the manga.

Juujika is the WORST MANGA I HAVE EVER TOUCHED IN MY LIFE, Shiryuu is the WORST MANGAKA in history. He made a shitty and dragged out final arc to in the end simply throw away everything we saw in the middle of his trashy work. I really hope he never touches a manga again, his work is a grotesque disrespect to the entire Japanese culture and you are horrible.

What can you expect from a mangaka who doesn't develop his characters and likes to disrespect his female characters in his rape scenes, right? You human trash.
Last edited:
Mar 6, 2025
Tipo mais de 200 capítulos acompanhando a história de Uruma, o visto diante dos mais diversos desafios, se desenvolver, ficar mais forte e inteligente e o autor decidiu simplesmente enfiar tudo isso no cu dele para demonstrar seus desejos sádicos de uma forma mal escrita e polir seu vilão de merda que teve o pior arco de toda a história do mangá.

Juujika é o PIOR MANGÁ QUE JÁ TOQUEI NA MINHA VIDA, Shiryuu é o PIOR MANGÁKÁ da história. Ele fez um arco final de merda e arrastado para no final simplesmente jogar fora tudo o que vimos no meio de seu trabalho trash. Eu realmente espero que ele nunca mais toque em um mangá, seu trabalho é um desrespeito grotesco a toda a cultura japonesa e você é horrível.

O que você pode esperar de um mangaká que não desenvolve seus personagens e gosta de desrespeitar suas personagens femininas em suas cenas de estupro, certo? Seu lixo humano.
Espero nunca mais ver o nome dessa merda na minha vida depois de juujika. Espero que ele seja apagado da indústria de mangás, suas obras são desrespeitosas com essa cultura e você falhou provavelmente na única coisa que se permitiu fazer. Você é irresponsável.
Mar 6, 2025
I hope I never see this shit's name again in my life after juujika. I hope he is erased from the manga industry, his works are disrespectful to this culture and you failed in probably the only thing you allowed yourself to do. You are irresponsible.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2019
The MC is still standing there doing nothing, not even ATTEMPTING anything.

Also whoever said the girl who's basically a female version of the MC was gonna show up called it.
Mar 6, 2025
Goddamn you author! You wasted yet another character again! I really liked Hanoka too. I'm betting more than anything that two more girls are gonna die. That's just the kind of stunt this fucking moron of an author would pull! And Shun is still useless. Everyone is dying around him and he can't do a damn thing!

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