Juunenme, Kikan wo Akirameta Tenisha wa Imasara Shujinkou ni naru - Vol. 3 Ch. 12 - Flareteria Dungeon Conquest: Part 4

Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2020
I like how they did blatantly call out how the pro-dungeon profiteering faction is indeed looking away from all of the deaths that have resulted from the dungeon monsters.

Your wallet is NEVER worth more than people's lives.

Discussion over.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 25, 2018
umm..... just make a normal town?

you already have a whole infrastructure there. people already gathers there.
restaurants, entertainment, etc2. it's all there.
and they do say the normal monster can still reproduce. maybe make a monster farm.
just be a normal town.

the adventurer can either leave or job change to something else.
the merchant can sell different things that's less adventur-y.

won't be an easy transition. but not mission impossible level either.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 2, 2018
How dare that guy even pretend that his life is in that much danger from a loss of profit.
Not only is it clear the dungeon will still run for at least a while, but once monsters are no longer a massive problem, you have a huge area with grassland and forests that can be used for tons of stuff.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2023
The ancient civilization did a Jurassic Park!

While it's true that dinosaurs periodically escape and a few dozen people get eaten, the annual ticket sales create a lot of value for the shareholders. And all those janitors and groundskeepers rely on the park for their jobs! Besides most of the staff are from costa rica, so... [/satire]
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Dex-chan lover
Aug 19, 2019
It's going to be a serious pain in the ass to rebuild the city's entire economy from scratch...

However, if it means people will no longer be injured or worse by ungodly creatures from other dimensions, I say it's all for the best in the long run.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
It's essentially a war economy. Both the merchant's guild and their potion business depend on it. Either the merchant's guild concedes or they can keep conquering dungeons at a record pace to spite them and squash any business opportunity for both of them. The merchant's guild doesn't have a leg to stand on.
Double-page supporter
Aug 13, 2023
Page 2: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NeglectfulPrecursors
If you're doing stuff with the potential to end civilization, you could just not do that (make it illegal) or hold off until the potential negative consequences can be contained.

Furthermore, I feel like this is not well thought out and monsters should be starfish aliens if they're being summoned from other dimensions. It requires a speculative biology artist to draw those, so they don't do it, but...

Can't anyone just go down there and undo the seal whenever they want? I guess it's hard to make it out alive when you do that, but it's not impossible. Also it's unclear where those sealing devices come from. They're ancient technology but can still be made?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
Huh. Seems the spoiling ppl from past chapters were wrong, when they said sealing the dungeon didn't destroy it and the resources it gave the city (and that it only prevented stuff like stampedes or whatever).

As is, the dungeon is now just regular land, with some monsters on it. And if you were to want to make it a sustainable resource, you would need to limit the output greatly (I can't imagine it sustaining more than ~1 of each larger monster every ~3 decades or so) with tons of infrastructure to prevent poaching it into extinction. And even more resources spent in feeding those monsters (and overall preventing them from "poaching" the dungeon themselves, as they hunt).

Honestly, extracting a couple breeding pairs of each profitable monster to some larger forest with existing wildlife to feed on, would be more useful. Then the small area inside the dungeon could simply be used as some farming area.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 14, 2018
The merchant leader is still pretending he has any power. He's got 3 futures: He pisses off MC enough to kill him, the twins are able to create a new monster husbandry industry(which is HIS job, if he wasn't such a whiny ass), or he makes the team screw off hard enough that he can hire someone to get all the way to the dungeon core and break the seal.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
Page 2: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NeglectfulPrecursors
If you're doing stuff with the potential to end civilization, you could just not do that (make it illegal) or hold off until the potential negative consequences can be contained.

Furthermore, I feel like this is not well thought out and monsters should be starfish aliens if they're being summoned from other dimensions. It requires a speculative biology artist to draw those, so they don't do it, but...

Can't anyone just go down there and undo the seal whenever they want? I guess it's hard to make it out alive when you do that, but it's not impossible. Also it's unclear where those sealing devices come from. They're ancient technology but can still be made?
Like the manhattan project, and CERN?
Stuff that was ultimately entirely harmless, but the physics were not entirely understood before the first tests were performed, and some legit scientists put forth absolute doomsday scenarios as the absolute worst (but unlikely) possibility/result.

Why do you think that? There is absolutely no reason to think that extradimensional life should adhere to the rules of extraterrestrial life. And honestly, people are clearly crosspollinating across the dimensions, so likely all other creatures have too.
ps: starfish aliens are really inefficient in way too many ways, and I find them very unlikely to become dominant.

They probably could. But then monsters would start spawning again. And it sounds like they spawn in that core room and walk outwards, so it would be really dangerous for a clerk. And odds are, unsealing requires breaking the device (liek maybe it breaks if they break that shield surrounding the device). And maybe they can't make those devices any longer, and only have a limited number left (or it's simply extremely expensive to create).
It's essentially a war economy. Both the merchant's guild and their potion business depend on it. Either the merchant's guild concedes or they can keep conquering dungeons at a record pace to spite them and squash any business opportunity for both of them. The merchant's guild doesn't have a leg to stand on.
Shouldn't have put all your eggs in one basket. Learn to diversify and future proof.
These merchants essentially are war profiteers upset at peace talks finishing up.

Inb4 some idiot goes and unseals the dungeon core.
This is like factory-workers rioting over the adoption of automated processes in the factory-line. Or truck-drivers rioting over the adoption of self-driving trucks. Or artists rioting over generative ai. Or an arms-manufacturer rioting over their government ending a war.
It is all vested interests wanting to vest their interests. Which is understandable and doesn't make them invalid in doing so. But also does mean the industry is inevitably going to change and plenty of people likely has to lose and/or change jobs.
Dex-chan lover
May 13, 2023
Nah, fuck that Merchant, dude deserves to be hung honestly..

He repeatedly cut off life lines of adventurers in form of potions etc, in order to make money even, if he now were to present some sob story.

Also, those citizens (Not even Adventurers) complain about the closing, when they themselves NEVER had to go in there just to potentially die, alongside harder circumstances due to Meechant Guilds repeated intervention, mc should honestly decline the meeting and leave them to fend for themselves. 😮‍💨

Really hope he wont work for that guy, nor help him.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2020
The merchant leader is still pretending he has any power. He's got 3 futures: He pisses off MC enough to kill him, the twins are able to create a new monster husbandry industry(which is HIS job, if he wasn't such a whiny ass), or he makes the team screw off hard enough that he can hire someone to get all the way to the dungeon core and break the seal.
about your last proposition, that's the funny part cuz aint no one was strong enough to do so before mc and crew came, i won't rule out the fact that he didn't want to clear it in the first place but it's mostly cuz no one was also strong to complete de dungeon

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