Anyway, if you feel like supporting the author and have $6 to spare, you can buy the recently released first volume. Search for 帰ってください! 阿久津さん 1巻 to find it, or use the couple of links below the manga description.
@iltrof The word "serious" is misspelled. Happy that it got a volume announcement and hopefully it will dodge the dreaded axe. Thanks for the translation.
@justforthelulz I've been trying to memorize the words for boobs from that for some time now but I just can't do it. I can't even look at the image you posted right now and tell if they're all spelled the same as the original post without checking. I have failed and perhaps even dishonored the boobs and the memes I revere.
@rebel16 Actually one of the video versions was how I came across it originally. Perhaps if we just picked favorites from the words, we could at least memorize one of them by sound and reading? Trying to get all of them at once is clearly beyond me.
@rebel16 Indeed, it would be difficult to choose just one. But as they say, we don't just do things because they're easy. We do them because they're hard. We rise to the challenge, and I choose dobonhonkeros for this test of my abilities.