Something I have always been curious about; how do Greek people write mathematical formulas? Like how English people use Greek letters to represent functions and other mathematical entities.
it is actually very similar, though i am not the best at math, it's just that some things are replaced with greek letters instead of english, for example one i can think of right now, x and y axis are χ and δ. one big deference for math in general that i can think of right now is that the use . and , are reversed. for example 1 million will be written 1.000.000 and one point five will be 1,5. edit: it will be pronounced as coma though.
also just to clarify the number π is called the same in greek as the leter, not like how it is in english. (it is pronounced like pee)
fun fact the question mark for us is not (?) but (
the symbol (?) simply does not exist in greek