Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute!

Dex-chan lover
Dec 11, 2018
I remember some of my friends saying that OPM was a useless series since Saitama just one-punches his enemies instead of doing something like Goku or some other character and getting stronger. I started to ignore them ever since.

And yes, it's because of the fact that this is such a good parody (I got really sick of all those "I will be a good person" and "I am not strong enough" type of stories) that I read this series. I suppose that that guy is like most people and thinks that all good action series must have a hero that start off really weak and goes through the entire story like a clichéd protagonist, getting stronger through the power of friendship or something. Like, if something is this popular, there must be some valid reason for it.
Jan 12, 2021
One thing I don't get is why are people being objectively salty about a manga that they don't give two shits about.

Like, seriously, if you like this manga, you would praise it and discuss more in-depth on it. If you don't like it...just drop it and dissapear from this thread.
Mar 18, 2019
First of all, almost all isekai are over-the-top, so I don't see where the parody here lies. Second, I've pointed out multiple times that being bad/shallow on purpose does not make it any less bad and/or shallow. There's a difference between a "parody" and using a handful of self-referential jokes in order to justify pandering to the lowest common denominator in terms of a given genre. I've pointed out how men are portrayed in the comic precisely because there is no reason to do so if the work was a parody, and not just targeting the sexless, kissless otaku who consume such garbage en masse. As to the jokes, there are few and far between, and recycled over and over again.

Also - trying to be a parody by putting in every single element that makes isekai works bad? Bravo.
Dec 26, 2020
anyone have manga like this, I don't really care for the comedy tag I just like the badass MC but if you have one that has comedy in it I will gladly accept
Apr 13, 2020
@Auraculum Why are you being so pretentious? Its just a fun action comedy that takes all the usual tropes and raises them to a hundred, its ridiculous and the ridiculousness is the joke. Comedy is subjective obviously so get off your high horse and let people enjoy it.

You might have a dumb niche you’re into that you enjoy despite it’s quality so just let people have fun because ur sounding more pathetic than the “sexless kissless otaku’s” ur describing lol. This dumb niche just happens to be incredibly popular.
Nov 6, 2019
AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH, this wish-fulfilment, trophy, isekai garbage with generic as fuck art style doesn't have the right to be this fun to read.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 17, 2020
dear god reading this is like getting hooked on drugs, I NEEEED MOREE
Aug 19, 2020
@Akumu666 Saitama got that power because he trained his ass off to the point he went bald and as a drawback he lost almost all emotions and excitement from battles. It is a beautifully balanced action comedy with a soul. Do not ever compare this masterpiece to this kind of shit where all the power in the world is just given to the protagonist from the start for no good reason at all. It just doesnt work with anything, I don`t understand the point of this at all. People who say this is a parody probably haven`t read any isekai for a long time, because in the abscence of anything good to read i`ve been trying a lot of titles and I see the same thing everywhere, you dont even have to open the chapter right there in the summary its usually saying the strongest this, the strongest that. So it is supposed to be the same concept but raised to the point of absurd comedy, but I dont see any fucking difference, how do you even compare overpowerness? How do you say this op hero is more op than this op hero? Where is the comedy, the parody at? If this is a parody on isekai than all of isekai is a parody on itself I guess.
Aug 19, 2020
The only reason the rating on this thing is so high it`s because people understand it`s shit from a first look and don`t even bother themselves with giving their opinion, because they are trying to be nice to people who enjoy this trash for whatever reason and don`t want to be negative. But I think you are doing a horrible thing by ignoring the bad works and not giving it objective criticism it deserves. It creates an illusion that this is what people actually want and like to see and then that is what is being mass produced - isekai trash.
Jul 19, 2020
Nobody needs to make a whole essay about this, The Jokes Just Work, and the majority finds it funny.
Apr 18, 2018
>bye i cant wait for when he realizes that everything he made up is actually true
Will it actually happen? Seems like whole series rely on this gimmick for "comedy" and if you cut it idiots who "hate isekai without actually reading much of it" and "lol so le epic funny :D" crowd will leave its banner.
Nov 14, 2020
Why is this manga so highly rated, I read through all the chapters to see what the hype is about but the more I read the more stale and dead this manga felt. The manga did feel a little funny a the beginning with the MC Chunibyo but around chapter 8-10 I think the Author lean to much on the Chunibyo of the MC and he just became more cringy and super annoying as the story goes on. Also this manga felt so generic and stale that after chapter 10 I could feel my brain rotting more and more out of my ear on every panel I read. I think a more fitting title would be
"my shadow organization in another world, how my Chunibyo tendency got me to be the most powerful person in the world".

I did also read the comments after I read all the posted chapter and I agree with @Auraculum that this doesn't feel like a parody on the isekai Genre, it just another overpower male protagonist who's builds a harem out of his sheer stupidity, the only thing this did special is that the MC is an over-the-top Chunibyo but like I said above that gets annoying around chapter 10.

Overall this is a pretty bad isekai, even if this was a parody on the isekai Genre I wouldn't say its good, it just throw's the stuff I like from isekai like over-the-top protagonist, a dense motherfucker, and the setting which all of these are generic trope but creates it in the worst possible way.

I would say this would get a high 6 or a low 7 from me but I'm rating it a 1 to try to help balance it so it can get to around a 7
Jul 2, 2018
This manga is the best I've ever read, i prefer it over AoT, Demon Slayer, JJK , and Iruma-kun but its all up to your preference is it not?
If you don't like it because maybe its childish or it has an unrealistic harem trope,
It's a fantasy mate, people like what they like and this is the fantasy the author liked and created.
Without a doubt, majority of people like the same fantasy the author has created therefore its so popular and the rating is so high, you cant deny this!.
Just let people enjoy what they like and stop hating because it doesn't suit your tastes, that's why there are so many different genres!
The reason people like tropes is the same as why people like a bowl of mushroom soup, its a classic and people enjoy it!
Calm down haters~! 😂
Let people have their fun with their fantasy, each to their own😁.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
"Haha it's funny because the gimmick is he doesn't know but it's real and he's self-aware" is a bit reductionist. I think the idea of all this serious shit happening revolving around a dude who just wants to LARP and fuck around is a good way of balancing out the edginess of the setting/conspiracy the story revolves around. Cid is likable and the dialogue and banter is witty enough to make it enjoyable to read, and he's not even necessarily a Mary Sue either. He dodges that by being an asshole who gets excited when his school gets bombed by terrorists and generally not seeming to care about people close to him. Not caring about anything other than his RP seems like a solid enough character flaw for all the unintended good he ends up doing.

On paper it'd be appealing to see what happens when Cid figures out it's all real, but the premise as a whole will collapse on itself and the story will just become what it's parodying if that happens. Maybe a "what-if" chapter would be adequate, but as a story development? Nah.

@Piromak The only thing I got from this comment is you care way too much about score. You read this because of score, based your expectations on the score, and your final score on the site was made to tank the score because it "wasn't worthy." cringe
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 22, 2020
@Piromak lmao rating something a 1 to "balance it" to something more suited to your opinion is one of the dumbest things i've heard of plus your opinion's bad
Feb 9, 2019
Why does it read like its the same person who hates this manga is commenting on different accounts? Anyway, if your taste is so far different than the standard variation of the rest of the manga reader population, your taste is objectively bad.

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