i can appreicate tsubame's thought process here at least. a lot of times it's just a "i just can't see you as a romantic partner", a quick apology and done. but let's not forget that she offered her body as a token of appreication back in christmas but ishigami was more serious than she was about their relationship. in truth we may not be able to completely know tsubame's reasoning but we can be certain she took ishigami completely seriously.
and no matter what, ishigami can honestly say he did all he could. no regrets, brother.
It's kind of awful how she still asked him to be friend even after all that. At least let Ishigami decide that on his own whether he still want to be friend or not
:/ there is nothing wrong with not being friends after being rejected, I mean, it would hurts to ishigami. I hope he deal with it someway and try to be friends but if it hurts he can just leave her and there is nothing wrong with it.
Fack the bimbo ishigami don't talk to this bimbo again actually it's good for you she graduated so you won't see her face all you have to do now is ignore her calls and messages or basically block her ass like thats what I'd do man I'd be too damaged man how can you expect my guy to still be friends when you know he fully still wants you, why would he torture himself like that yeah sure if he moves on and get a new love maybe then he can have you as a friend but nah I'd still say f to that
Ishigami you don't need girls my guy, functional girls are much better let's be proud to die virgins brother 👌I got your back homie bros for life, hoes come and go
no need to panic, she didn't hate him or run away, there a high chance that this will turn into hot and steamy friendship and big wedding after pregnency