@Blip funny, I eat too much during my friend wedding party once. when I feel too full, I simply take a walk. never feel like I need to vomit. however, tomorrow my stomach is hurting like crazy
just try to consume several kg of food, and you would be on the verge of throwing up too. It's not going to be a huge thing, if you aren't going to eat forcing yourself, so it's not the same thing as drinking, since it's "enjoyable" even if you are going overboard.
Hot take but the time for comedic one-off chapters with Chika is over. The story is at a serious point and feel like these chapters only serve as stalling the progress.
super serious chapter about the main couple fighting against the insensitive enemies of love (cough ZA WARUDO)...followed by a ramen chapter, involving a showdown between two people still bound by the experiences from failed love
the author really wants to make this manga as real life as possible. first was siri, now this. hoping for more side stories from the other demon slayers though.
It's tragic when a couple has no choice but to go their separate ways. But it is inevitable when they have different views on ramen. Such a thing is irreconcilable.
What a mad lad. I swear, this guy writes like he couldn’t figure out whether he wanted to write a rom-com or tragic drama and went “fuck it, I’ll just do both”.