Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi ~Sokushi Mahou to Skill Copy no Chouetsu Heal~

Aggregator gang
Apr 23, 2019
Is this the devine comedy of brooding edgy revenge? Why did this have to get a anime adaption, they are going to butcher it! They should classfie it as hentai and could get away with the dark rape shit n stuff, but no we will get a CG filled mess that is cencored to the point of being a strange amalgimation of tamed enslaved edgyness with the same name.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 3, 2019
if anyone can help me find a similar manga. I can't remember the name. It is about the MC wanting revenge as well. But if I remember he keeps dying to get reincarnated to get stronger and stronger. I remember one part where he finds this village or town, but instead of helping him they are cannibals and want to eat him. But one of his powers is he can turn his body into poison so when they cut off his leg or something to eat it they all die.
Active member
Jan 4, 2019
Juvenile and repugnant rape fantasy. But looking at the comments thats clearly what its audience wants. The main character isn't an antihero. There's nothing heroic about their actions, by their own admission half of the appalling things they do are unjustified and done largely for their own desire and amusement. Even that might have been redeemable if it had been executed well. But it isn't. There is no characterisation, even the protagonist is a barely there two dimensional cipher. He's also, clearly and explicitly, a moron. He pontificates about his cunning but then fails to grasp the most obvious results of his actions. Getting surprised and angry when his actions have disastrous consequences for the only people he "cares" about. If it has been better written and less gratuitous there might have been something interesting to say about the consequences of abuse. But that single idle thought has more nuance than the entirety of this work.

There is no world building, the power system shown has no real rhyme or reason to it, is never explained and frequently contradicts itself. There's no real over-arching plot. The art isn't too bad. But the main content of the manga is the main character raping people into submission (often virgins so you can be sure to frequently get a charming close up of blood dripping from their vagina) or butchering people. If you consider that interesting or appealing then this is for you. But that's all there is to it. It's garbage.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2018
People bought it so the studio assumed it's good to animate. As for the screening, they probably thought it would be the same as Goblin Slayer or Shield Hero in that they could get free publicity from the outrage mobs on twitter while building a viewership based upon the resistance of it.

Regardless of it, if it just gets pirated and never ported by any of the streaming services in the west, then as the outsiders, we don't really have a say in it per usual.

I can see why this made it. There are hooks in the series that interests me beyond the H parts. Granted I'm not up to date with the reading but I am finding myself reading on despite the bs power the mc has.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2018
I like it. I've finished it in one sitting. This and the shield hero, good stuff.
Sep 16, 2018
The mangaka is probably the worst part of this whole thing, plus he doesn't draw nipples so that cements it
Feb 24, 2019
Light novel spoilers:
This next one will be worse than the captain who he had drown in his own men's fluids then burned alive. He forces the lesbian to beg men to rape her for hours on end before they literally eat her alive.

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