Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi ~Sokushi Mahou to Skill Copy no Chouetsu Heal~

Aug 24, 2019
Trash. Another generic isekai with a disgusting MC who is addicted to revenge like it's some sort of drug. He loves it and it's not because of a corrupt kingdom or because of all the injustice happening in said kingdom or because of what happened to him; he's just little more than a psychopath high on revenge. It's for this reason he loves partaking in other people's revenge too. He's not a hero of any kind and there's nothing deep about him. He's just a permanently damaged psychopath who wants revenge, rapes girls as revenge and sees the girls in his harem as "toys" and even openly refers to them as such in front of them.
On top of all this he manipulates and lies to everyone (including his harem) to suit his needs.

And, as per isekai LN/manga adaptation standards with the ecchi/smut/harem tags, the MC gradually builds a harem of girls who spreads their legs for him on a daily basis despite him referring to them as "toys" right in front of them. You have:
One girl who had wronged him who he then brutally raped as revenge and had her memories erased then her appearance altered to suit his tastes for fucking (and so no one would recognize her I guess because she's a princess), and then he lied to her about them being lovers so she wants to fuck too.
One wolf girl who had her virginity taken by being coerced into sex so she could become stronger and take revenge on the people who enslaved her and many of her kind, and those who continue to terrorize her tribe. Afterwards she, for some reason, "fell in love" with him and now wants to fuck at least once daily.
One girl who was exposed to an aphrodisiac and fucked by him, and was then lied to and she's now crazy about him (dunno if she really counts as part of the harem yet as she doesn't travel with them, at least right now).
He'll probably find some way to add the latest wing girl to the harem too despite her being very cautious around him after waking up to him and wolf girl having a morning fuck session (they all slept in the same room).

The worst part about the harem and all the sex is that other than trying to make it seem like the girls are in love with him (none of them know his true vile nature) the author tries to make the sex in this appear coherent by giving the sex a reason; their level cap breaks when he dumps his load inside them thus making them stronger. The author wants the reader to believe this is why they want him to fuck them every day, but in reality they're just horny sluts who craves his D for whatever reason and the level cap break is just an added bonus. The sex is sex for the sake of it because sex sells. Funniest part is it doesn't even show nipples despite it being seinen and having explicit sex scenes.

Overall, this is nothing but rape/harem/female sex toy fantasy fulfillment. Utter and complete garbage.
Aggregator gang
Mar 27, 2019
@ponkotsu89 you know what you're right the only reason i'm reading this is to hurt myself because im dumb so i'm droping it thanks!
Jan 18, 2018
Guy gets tortured for years and wants revenge: makes sense
Guy loses a loved one: welp fuck that loved one and my legitimate chance to reverse time and save them, let's just become pure evil and not care about my loved ones anymore: wait what. Seriously. WHAT????
This went from a revenge story against an evil kingdom to just stupid edge. If you like edginess, read this, if you want an actual story, eh. If it didn't fuck up by making the MC stupid evil instead of just evil out of revenge, I could accept this, not agree with it, but accept it as a story.
Mar 7, 2019
Really, what kind of pathetic mop writes this sort of stuff? Stories that bring joy and cheer are always better than concrete-cutting rapist isekai trash; i.e. edge. Hell, the author could have at least pulled a Watamote and realized that making something solely out of negative emotions with no eventual development is just a sad sack of coal in a grey sock on Christmas. That is the ideation of - calculating how many - exactly ZERO human beings with regular mental health.

Japan is a great country, by all means. All rich countries are, despite their perceived problems. But Japanese male otaku? Total creeps with deep anger for society (probably women), rooting from a lack of genuine emotional intelligence. I seriously don't understand how any population of young people can be such idiots. "Smart" people - people who are successful, comfortable, and secure with their life and identity - don't read this kind of shit. There are plenty of pitiful incels and war-crazed neo-nazis roaming the American internet, but at least they don't fund anime like this, bloody hell. Who approved the anime for this anyway, the profit-analysis? (But then again, they make the same FIFA and Madden over at EA every year. Of course the shittiest game company is somehow the most profitable.)

There are so many better manga out there that deserve attention, manga with artistry, complexity, and structural beauty. And it's so easy to drive up popularity for such things too, considering how all tankobons look the same and cost more or less the same. I'm sure the mangaka of this and of those manga get paid roughly the same. So why is this flaming rot the one that gets animated? Why do people eat up *this* kind of stuff? Because it's *easy?*

I wish Japanese mangaka would write manga because they wanted to make people happy, not because they wanted to bring their silly and frankly malicious delusions about society to spit on an art form. And yeah - most mangaka are good like that. There's a plethora of fun Twitter and Pixiv comics that are wholesome enough. And mainstream/pseudo-mainstream manga are still great and relatively uncontaminated. But the fact that even one manga of this sort gets popular enough to be animated, as opposed to literally any of those other easy but positive ones... It makes me wonder how mainstream "anime" really is in Japan, beyond the most popular series.

There's a big difference between this evil vs. evil kind of manga and something like Otome Sekai, where at least the MC topples corrupt structures with effective methods that don't involve extreme edge - but instead culminate in satisfaction and respectability. Here, there's no "judge," no "jury," no justice - just a bunch of assholes. And it's true that there is some experienced manner in which this manga presents its story - for example, the isekai trope elements are introduced and developed in a slightly innovative manner. But that doesn't do much for the rest of it.
Active member
Jan 3, 2019
i did come here after i heard this shit got an anime and say whatever you want about shield hero or the goblin slayer being garbage animes for wish fulfilment but at least they didn't glorify rape or manipulating people on daily basis so you still couldn't call their fans bad people
but oh boy on this one you have the absolute right of shaming anyone thinking this shit here should exist especially since the story doesn't try to point that the mc is the most bad guy here as he is on his way to rape his savior from the first live
which baffle me even more is that even in hentai stories the people who rapes are portrayed like bad people sure they win but they still are portrayed as bad people but on this very successful franchise apparently the mc is right for doing the shit he do and he go soft when his object of lust is involved aka the princess who he erased her memory just so he can have free girlfriend but the thing is every time he would mistreat her she wouldn't regret wronging him she won't feel guilt or being sorry which are the main reason for giving any sort of punishment
if we speak about equal treatment then the princess should suffer as much as her lackey
the funny thing is that he managed somehow to create a more messed up timeline than his first time since the demon queen was supposed to win anyway in the end

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 16, 2018
@me474 I can list a hentai right now where the MC raped girls and was portrayed as the hero. He raped the ladies of the hospital, impregnated the head doctors wife, took over the clinic, and ran it successfully with three women bearing his children. Its not as rare as you think it is.

I do think you're missing the overall thing that the MC isn't the good guy to the reader. Thats rather obvious and doesn't need to be spelled out. His own past has made him the monster he is now. We're just along for the ride.

@BlackGambit I totally agree with you though. People can't seem to be able to read a manga with an MC you're suppose to hate.
Aggregator gang
Oct 16, 2019
Never expected this one to get an anime, but that's awesome. It's gonna trigger so many snowflakes.
Dec 9, 2018
@BlackGambit Virtue Signaling - The Comments Section, brilliant, excellently accurate

Listen people, you need to get used to the fact that other people like different stuff than you. While it's okay to have an opinion, talking shit about the author because you didn't like what he wrote only shows how emotionally retarded you are.
I've seen books that portray worse psychopathic characters in a good light, no one bats an eye. Move along, no one will remember you, your name, or your stupid comments tomorrow.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 8, 2019
In this comment section: a bunch of puritan bed wetters getting pissed off at a bunch of drawings.
The frank reality is that this shit is popular because its edgy and it exposes the masses to the ultimate hedonistic indulgence. However the vocal minority who don't like this story will spite this story due to the
rape, molestation
and other psychologically traumatizing features. While on the contrary I will go out on a limb and say that most civilized people who read this and do not enjoy the story for those stated concepts or the power fantasy aspect but enjoy it in the same manner you would a dumpster fire. On the lines of Oreimo and Domestic Kanajo where you don't continue to read to root for the main character to obtain his goal but to follow the plight in his acquisition by saying to yourself "How much can this bastard get away with?" or "How far will this dumbass go?".
The story is written in a way for the MC to parallel the world he is living in, as his philosophy of committing heinous crimes in the name of justice mirrors that of the kingdom that tortured him.
Its a story about a rotting world with terrible people, the hope is supposed to be a perverse delusion and the revenge has become an edgy means to a forgotten end.
This anime is going to be the biggest dumpster fire of 2020 and I already have my marshmallows out. Thanks for the fun comment section.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
just look at the name of the uploader, they should stop allowing random ppl be able to upload chapter,
maybe a seasoned account ,
legit user, legit uploader, not random group, or random user and not newly created, and have roles to upload, like discord,
to avoid troll ppl, troll scans, troll trans and troll chapter

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