Kami-sama no Ekohiiki

Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Well that's one way to mix shounen ai and shoujo ai in a triangle.
Jan 19, 2018
Guess we'll have to wait a couple months for the new volume to come out for another update... I mean I guess the chapters can be translated as they come out in Japan, but let's face it, it's not the same without Komura Ayumi's ending extras. But at the same time, every time I see an update from this, I just get so excited to read it, and afterwards I can't wait to see what comes next, but... MMMMMRRRGH

Well, it's not like it's up to me to decide the release schedule, so thank you guys for scanlating this!
Jan 19, 2018
Well, if Komura Ayumi knows anything about writing, it's how to keep a story moving! I'm glad that they didn't spend the entire series faffing around like "who will Yashiro end up with oooooh suspense drama cheap conflict ooooh"

On the other hand, that did put an end to the initial hook. While I'm not here for genderbenderisms, I know that some people are, but I'm fairly confident that Komura Ayumi knew that this would be able to stand on its own without entirely relying on that gimmick (as many of her other works are able to)

Thank you for translating this!
Jan 19, 2018
As one of the people who initially started reading due to the premise, I can indeed say I feel gypped. Sure, you can say the author doesn't faff around, but for all we know she could have gotten an early cancellation.
Don't get me wrong, the story's still okay. It's just yaoi now.
Feb 9, 2018
This is the first time for me a manga has gone from an 8/10 to an 1/10 in just one chapter.
Double-page supporter
Jan 18, 2018
what da shit is thiz? it like 100% drops all de wea to 1
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
yeah I was hoping she'd stick to kagura/yashiro a bit more loyally. Tbh, a lot of plot can be expanded upon the mixer guy's story with the transwomen.

Reading tihs chapter reminds me about a random video about the problems of feminism, about how the "role model idealistic" women in a women's eyes is often someone that can be interpreted as a selfish attention seeker, that anything goes as long as they get their way of happiness. A lot of comparisons was done in leading roles of various fields between the male/female main genders, such as those in the leading comedian roles, leading professional roles, leading engineering roles, leading innovative roles etc. and the attitudes of their feminist fans, exaggerating information out of context that results in a lot of false truths.
Jan 30, 2018
Yeah I'm not going to follow this trash anymore. I was super interested until the last few chapters and it's thrown its interesting premise in the garbage for pure yaoi-bait now. 8/10 to 2/10 in three-four chapters...
Jan 19, 2018
Some of y'all need to understand that having a gay couple in a manga doesn't mean it's yaoi-bait. It means there's a gay couple. It's not even bait, because they actually ended up together. Well at least there isn't some dickwad being like "What is this GAY SJW BULLSHIT" here (but I've probably jinxed it now)

As for the question "why is she hooking up with some random guy?" It was kind of obvious that he was her fallback romantic interest, since it was similarly clear who Yashiro was going to end up with, and this is a shoujo so everyone's gotta have a candidate love interest by the end. I'm not too happy about how quickly that developed either, since his reasoning was "I fell in love with her at first sight and I knew I would love her forever" and that's a cheap reason that only looked good because of the context he said it in. Speaking of that context, I concur, it could be expanded on, but if people are already pissed about how the premise is no longer the driving force in this manga, they're going to be exponentially pissed that a touchy topic like that is given more screentime
Feb 6, 2018
There seems to be a lot of controversy about the recent chapters, but I just wanted to say that I thought they were really good. If anyone is reading this but hasn't decided whether to read the manga, I'd really recommend it!
Jan 19, 2018
Oh great, the guy whose head is up their ass is at it again because of their lack of respect and inability to learn what is outside of their closed mind. What are they even doing here? I'd imagine they'd avoid a forward thinking manga like the "cancer" they claims social commentary to be

Anyways, because the comment guidelines explicitly state that the comment section should be about discussing the manga, instead of engaging with a parrot who can only repeat what it hears in an echo chamber, I'll be adding some concerns I have with this manga given that I hadn't expressed in my previous comments

"Realistically" speaking, having Yashiro return to his original body as soon as possible was probably the best call. If this were extended for a longer period of time, his body would have atrophied to the point that recovery would be exponentially more difficult. That being said, this is Komura Ayumi, and every other manga she drew threw such things out the fourth wall. On the other hand, she's taking a (relatively) more serious tone with this, so it may not have been appropriate

I do agree that readers may feel cheated in wake of the recent chapters, and I would too... if it didn't give plenty of hints that it was ending; the internal struggles of all the characters are mostly resolved at this point. When a manga drops a premise like this, it usually means that the series is ending soon. A more malleable premise (like LET'S DEFEAT THE DEMON KING!) is easier to change without seeming too out of place. However, neither MU nor MAL say that this is completed. Is this because they haven't been updated or because she's planning on continuing this? Personally, while I do love this, since she decided to end the premise here, I think it may be better to wrap up the loose ends and end it soon afterwards. This is a fairly self contained story, and I'm struggling to come up with any reasons WHY this needs to continue (other than because I like the characters). All there really is to do left is to have an ending. If Komura Ayumi actually continues this, I'd be a little disappointed since that would cause more open ends in case this actually gets axed. A good ending is hard to achieve if you introduce too many elements, subplots, and underdeveloped characters, you know? Of course, I'd be impressed and appreciative if she does continue this AND have a satisfying ending when it's all over

But I'm leaning towards this probably ending in at most one more volume. She has another manga to work on now, starring her beloved middle aged men (that I want to read so badly. I love reading things that mangaka are truly passionate about). Buuuut I can't read Japanese and thus I'm not up to date on Komura Ayumi news, so I have no idea what's going to happen to this.
Mar 24, 2018
Lady, you have mental illness. Commenting guidelines clearly didn't stop you before, so why stop now? I've seen you in several different places spouting your bullshit, and in some of them, after it came back to bite in the ass you mysteriously stayed quiet afterwards ("My wife is a MAN" for example).

So you know, go get help, or at least stay within the boundaries of dynasty scans forum and progressive threads in other places.
Jan 19, 2018
??? Now you're just pulling things out of nowhere. Whenever I comment on social issues, I always tried to frame it in the context of the story or characters. You on the other hand have called out multiple commenters for reasons completely unrelated to the manga you're commenting in. Try sending a polite DM instead. As for why I stopped replying to comments on "My Wife is a Man," I stopped reading the comments. It's a moe manga that likely wouldn't have any conflicts deeper than "should I wear a long skirt or a miniskirt?" and yet, people took that to mean they can insult anyone that even knows what it means to be transgender. There probably wasn't going to be any particularly meaningful discussions on any side of the issues and it was nothing but insults and shallow negativity. There wasn't even any comments on how cute they were together, so I didn't see any reason to continue reading them. You're free to prove to me that they were worth reading– but not here. This is not the place for you to gripe about anyone with even a bit of human decency

This, on the other hand, is a wonderful manga thats core is about love outside societal norms. Despite its fantastical, outrageous elements, it remains relatable to anyone in a similar set of circumstances, as many of Komura Ayumi's manga are. Each character (besides God and Best fox Girl) has their own emotions and complexities towards the the central themes of gender and sexuality, and they are addressed in an easy to digest manner with consideration and courtesy, easily lending itself to discussions and contemplation. It's not unusual for people to respond with their own discussions and self-assessment, of one side or another. Of course, it is entirely okay to simply enjoy it as a good story, but there's no reason to berate those who want to spark discussions about the layers underneath. I highly suggest this manga for anyone who wants to read a manga that is funny and intriguing while treating the underlying reasons WHY it's so funny and intriguing with respect and sensitivity

Sigh, I wish I had the eloquence and aura of wisdom that Purple Library Guy has, but this will have to do. I want to get back to rereading this in peace. I can't stop you from replying again in a futile attempt to show that you have any sort of validity in your arguments (which you have made none of), nor can I stop you from using weak insults showing off your ignorance of mental illnesses, but I can just ignore you and just let your keep refreshing the page, waiting for a reply that will never appear forever. Or you can DM me so I can ignore you without disturbing the rest of the readers who just want want to read a sweet, feelgood manga
Jan 18, 2018
Chill guys, that's not even the ending yet. Why all the rage?

Sure, the romance is kinky but it's always been like that with Komura.

There's still 1 volume to go, so I hope that Rin will be happy >_<

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