tried watching the anime, but there's no point, one reason is that they changed the location of scenes in firs episode (this didn't change for later episodes, and certainly won't ever change), the voices just sound off to me (by that I mean the pitch sounds higher than it should, though not by much it's enough to make the voices sound off), it feels rushed as well, at best I'd give the anime a 4 out of 10, even then that's being generous (honestly to me it's quality is on par with sao, so I'd prefer if it didn't exist in the first place, as such it's one of those anime where if you watched the anime first without reading the manga you'd probably be able to watch it, otherwise there's no point.
now where the hell is the next bloody chapter as well as around the next 5 or so, as I need to get the horror of a work that is the anime out of my head