Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 15 Ch. 125 - The Girlfriend and the Last Day (Part 3)

Jan 23, 2020

”She told Kazuya that Umi has a girlfriend in order to stop him from getting in the way.“ That’s Chizuru’s!

(And that is because she believed Umi, and she wants to inform Kasuya because she has feelings towards him. Even, after that, she was considering not to go)
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2018
Then that further proves that she went because she gave him the benefit of dude that he had no ulterior motives to invite her out.
Now that THAT turned to be a lie I'm sure she'll be disappointed of Umi and also herself for being to trusting and perhaps even improve her image of Kazuya.
Oct 25, 2019
Hey guys since you have so much time to theorize why oh why don't you just draw doujishi. Sheesh the amount of time you put into it you might as well, that way you dont ruin for everyone of us here.
Jan 23, 2020

The author is developing a love story between a rental girlfriend and, at the beginning, one of her costumers. Absolutely no one is trying to make an statement that rent girlfriends is a bad thing. What he is developing is the life behind renting, and how it change eventually, what are the limits of renting, and more, specifically, what are the reasons why this girl is working in this job. We also see the psychological side of her when it comes the interaction between family, friends, jobs, daily routine, etc... Why? Because these are crucial aspects upon the female main character is built up.

Concerning the male main character, we also see his own reasons for renting, childish reasons, pathetic reasons... it doesn’t matter. However, we also see that the interaction with this girl is making them more and more attached. And this is actually the main theme of the whole manga.

This story is amazing. I know is a romcom, but both the main characters are absolutely rich to analyze and to be very fond of them. If we see, for example, a movie like “pretty woman” or read “Madame Bobary” we cannot begin saying nonsense like “hey, prostitution is a bad thing” That could be your social or political point of view but it doesn’t concern to the development of a work of art. If we read whatever Dostoevskyan character, we cannot say that the author deserves all the flak for create such a pathetic characters. Nonsense.

What people don’t like is the main trait of the male main character, they hate to see a weak and low self-respect character being placed in a situation where he can have several opportunities to fuck girls or show himself as a strong and confident person (as they could expect in another manga, because this is at the end the target audience), but he always opt for another solution. (Thus, stupidly infuriating the readers who are not used to this development, let them wondering “why am I reading something like this”) These people are unable to see the aspects where the MC is overcoming his insecurities, deciding by himself long ago and realizing that his own low self-esteem and low self-respect are completely baseless. But, hey... people want a strong MC who can fuck everyone...

It’s ok if you dislike this manga, but those accusations to the story are completely out of context.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 19, 2018
People don't want "strong MC who fucks everyone" it would be the the same bullshit. People don't like extremes, what they want is a bit of common sense, reasonable behavior of characters, specifically MC and development. But none of these gonna happen cause it's obvious that author just milking the manga while it's popular, so he has to maintain things they are as long as possible. It's not the bad thing to earn money, it's his job after all, but as side-effect we have retarded cast and story. I mean, it would be ok if this took like 30-40 chapters, but not 130. Author even repeats some plot points almost without changing anything! The same goes with characters whose behavior is drifting further and further away from real life people. And it's not damn chibby gag manga!
Jan 23, 2020

But that’s not the case at all...

Please, you must pay attention to the manga timeline. MC is changing little by little but in their own story timeline, for example, when Kasuya finally realized that he is fully in love with Chizuru was in chapter 50. In manga, this must happen middle March or early April 2018. After that, we have more than 70 chapters until now. Right now, the manga is in July 28, 2018. So in manga timeline only four months have passed from chapter 50: April, May, June, July. But we, the readers, have almost two years of the series covering only four months in manga timeline!

All the scenes in this months are crucial to understand the relationship between the characters, so it’s not milking, and since MC is changing and growing up in his commitment and confidence we cannot expect a complete development in just a few months.

We, as readers, could wrongly believe that MC has these pathetic traits FOR YEARS, and thus our frustration. But that’s not the case.

Maybe the problem is the pacing, but I think is necessary to deeply understand the characters.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 19, 2018
@Adiazgonz manga timeline is a very week excuse. So you can write the same shit over and over again for years without development and then just put some dates and say "oh its only 3 monthes passed in-universe, so its ok".
Who cares how many time passed in manga when after a few years and more then hundred of chapters the changes are so tiny you need electron microscope to notice them? It's not the first and not the last manga where author pulls such a trick, in fact it happens in every media like series, games, books and much more often than it should be. It's business and money after all. On the other hand there are a lot of mangas where pace is even slower but they don't have such issues.
And man, do you really gonna defense MC and saying he is ok as character and got the right development? MC is the weakest point of this manga and the main reason of the hate. Just look at all these comments. You will have hard time finding somewhat popular manga where MC is hated as much as in this one, at least among the west audiences. Seems like Japanese like it.
Jan 23, 2020

Well, it's not an excuse, is what it is.

I suppose readers must care about the timeline because it is an important part of the plot. Time in development matters. It's not like putting "some dates" from nothing.

Since the haters, according of what you say, know how to develop a main character for a western audience, like series, games, books, I guess they also know that timeline matters in a work of art.

I think you got it all wrong. MC doesn't need a defense. Instead, haters need to learn how to read. That's the reason why I said haters are always waiting to be pleased immediately, but they missed all the points in MC development: the origin of his low self-respect, how he lives independently from his parents even if they live with his grandma, how he is respected by friends, how he is loyal, how he values love, his uni life, etc...

There's an amazing scene in Sumi's first date. Sumi is been sexually harassed by some guys. Kasuya witness what is going on. He thinks what to do. He thinks of Chizuru. He knows that get in a fight with the three will be a huge lose. He overcomes his weakness, walks towards Sumi to take her and just... go away... He is not some mambo jambo Rambo neither a superpowered samurai... He just go away while the other haters are insulting him "You think are in the same level as her? You are like chalk and cheese, bet that lil'bitch over there can't do it 'cause he's got no balls" After that Kasuya laughs without being affected, and for the first time, Sumi can overcome her shyness with a huge smile...

I'm not asking haters see the power of that scene, but they hate so much MC that they should pay attention of those particular scenes in which kasuya act as a powerful man.

With this, conversation is over. Use it or lose it.
Mar 14, 2019
Mami is going to steamroll the movie if she sees rental.k taking advantage of her ex any further. RK was all about setting boundaries with MC but does nothing to shutdown UMI before the date. Mami has the School Days-esque murderous facial expressions. Ruka hasn't completely gone to the Dark Side yet but I could see it happening. The jester has already shown MC the truth. He should have tailed them.

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