Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 20 Ch. 168 - The Boyfriend and Ordinary Life

Nov 10, 2020
@Y_hmt What do you mean unjustified? Ruka has done nothing but harasses him, threatened to expose Chizuru, sexuallt assaults him, and him not reciprocating her "love" makes him the bad guy?

I think when it comes to love, people make a lot of allowances for behaviors that, in any other context, would be reprehensible. All's fair in love and war, as they say. But since most of your points seem to hinge off off your 3 points, I'll address them.

Kazuya is "The One", my "soul mate"
I believe she believes this. Ruka has zero experience with love, so she doesn't know what she's feeling, but fine, she thinks he's the one. Here's something to consider: People find themselves in this position every day, loving someone who doesn't love them back. Maybe it's because they're incompatible, maybe their sexualities conflict, maybe it's just a "wrong place, wrong time", but rejection is part of life. It's a tired refrain, but consider swapping the genders. Suddenly, everything Ruka does is straight up villain shit. If Ruka was a guy, and doing what she was doing to Chizuru, people would be calling for her head. "She loves him" doesn't excuse what she does.

Kazuya has no future if he perseveres in a rental relationship with Chizuru-san
We see literally this chapter that she doesn't believe it. She said that they're going to keep getting closer. She knows Kazuya is slipping out of her grasp, and it upsets her. Also, remember the film trip? When they came back, Ruka thought they'd slept together. If she truly believed Kazuya was doomed to a loveless, unrequited relationship, would she honestly entertain the idea they'd slept together? Absolutely not. And consider Kazuya's birthday party. She was terrified that Chizuru had undone all her work by asking to see the family shrine. She views Chizuru as an opponent and rival.

Kazuya might be currently in love with Chizuru-san, but he could grow to love me if I just try hard enough
I'm gonna keep this one short, since it retreads some of what I said about, but "he could learn to love me?" How many villains have you heard say that to captive princesses? "You will learn to love me, in time."

Love is about care for the other. Anything else is just about control and ownership.
Jun 8, 2020
There was no chapter this week because of national holidays.
Next week is the last one of the year, because there's another hiatus in new year week.

I have the fear Ruka's "disease" (because i think it's a meme one. Nobody uses a smartphone as a pacemaker) will come into play in this arc and be the new source of unwanted drama and forced guilt trips for Kazuya's character. Because i can see that bitch using her "illness" as a gaslight method to guilt trip him (the most toxic and mental health drainer thing a gf woukd do to a boy: guilt trip him to get what she wants). Hopefuly after having her meme disease exposed, she realizes her so called "love" was pure and unadulterated bullshit and finally stops getting in Chizuya's way.

That, if she doesn't kick the bucket for additional drama or goes in a full seinen drama-romance scorned vindication over Chizuya's throats as a desperate measure.
Jun 8, 2020
@_dy11_ tuesday 22. There's another hiatus the week after bc of new year.

Btw, a little spoiler to get warm in these cold days
Chizuru is finally doing a move and sent a line messsage to kazuya as Ichinose!! And the Ruka is getting increasingly insufferable and dangerous.
Jan 17, 2018
I was really looking forward for some Mami Action ... No one needs this slut Ruka to be here. I mean this Series is enough Garbage without her, so why should it be ever more Garbage?
Oct 1, 2020
@Sekijou23 It's not "people", it's one autistic Rukafag with multiple accounts spamming and falseflagging.
He's infamous in 4chan harem threads, in particular for his shitposting in Oregairu threads(for which he got named Yuipollfag because he kept spamming his shitty polls in an effort to show that Yui was more popular than Yukino). He's also known as THK(Tsunhater-kun) for his obsessive hatred of Tsundere Main Girls. He has countless of accounts in Reddit, Myanimelist, Animesuki doing the same shit.
In general he's a mentally ill sidegirlfag hipster with too much time on his hands.
Feb 18, 2018
Maid Ruka is perfection. So bad this Kazuya is a fucking beta, wishing to have a girlfriend when he already has one.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2018
I feel kinda bad for Ruka as a charachter, feels like the author wrote the character just for contrived situations, why not just use the old ex instead of a gf who's not a gf, at least there's some believable conflict there.
Nov 10, 2020
@BlizzWhite Exceot ruka is not Kazuya's girlfriend.
The only thing Ruka is a "victim" of is her complete inability to consider what Kazuya himself wants. She's always been the aggressor, constantly pushing Kazuya to do things he doesn't want to do and trying to spite Chizuru whenever she can. We already know Ruka is more than willing to play dirty, she's a "win at all costs" kind of person when it comes to Kazuya. It's going to get ugly. Kazuya's and Chizuru's progression into something official was never going to be quick and quiet, it's gonna be loud and nasty. Whatever it is that makes her realize that she was toast from day one is going to have to be as subtle as a tactical nuke and as soft as concrete. She'll never admit defeat with anything less than that. Hell I 100% believe it would be within her character to expose Kazuya and Chizuru's rental/client relationship in the most damaging way possible to try and humiliate and drive them apart as her last desperate gamble to "win" Kazuya.
Oct 8, 2020
@Sekijou23 Wouldn't be surprised if Ruka pulled something like that. I don't get the vibe that she really cares about other people's connections too much if at all. All she wants is to do things to help her get closer to Kazuya, no matter what the cost, even if it means helping other people's connections (ex: Kazuya's and Chizuru's). Hell she might as well be a wingwoman without even knowing it. But she would also do something to negatively impact their connections without hesitating like you mentioned.
Active member
Dec 24, 2019
lame, ill have to juts fucking skim over the next few chapters, what a waste, ruka should not exist, shes pointless
Active member
Dec 16, 2020
Oh yeah so mc i would like to get the sauce of those movie for eeucational purpose

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