Kanzen Kaihi Healer no Kiseki - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Registering as an Adventurer

Active member
Jun 4, 2019
Noooo, just why would you repeat that same thing that the first party left you over??? Aaaaaagh.

The slimes are cute, agreed.
Double-page supporter
May 19, 2019
so when will he restore someone from a single molecule?
May 23, 2019
I cringed so hard during his party attempt when
1. You got thrown into jail for doing this exact action and your friend had to pay a price effectively with his own life.
2. The receptionist already gave you a warning that you shouldn’t say you have high points in other stats as a healer as it can cause lots of misunderstandings
3. You don’t frigging write off having insanely high stats esp when you’re way above the No. 1 person as “some”.

Like seriously, even if he wanted to boast as an experienced Gamer with muh OP build, what experience Gamer would be stupid enough to mention stats less related to your job without mentioning the important ones first. Would you want a Tank with high ATK? Or a DPS with high Defense?.... or even a Mage with high ATK?..... People would automatically assume you wasted precious SP for laughs and giggles since normal people don’t start with capped stats at lv 1 and the whole thing is a life and death situation.

Other than his immense stupidity and ignorance, the story is pretty ok so far
Dex-chan lover
Jan 7, 2019
@Pocky8 he's a proud fool who hasn't grasped that a normal beginner healer's stats are shit and that bragging about breaking meta when breaking meta gets people killed is dumb. However when he saves baggage elf and/or her party while being swarmed by slimes he will have given proof of his worth. (Not spoilers, just guess based on chapter and cover)

A pity he can't just wave his status around, since the gig would be up if he did.
Jul 14, 2018
this guy is fucking retarded
he can just fucking said he has 'some' evasion instead of 'some' recovery, it can make things smoother although it's a misinformation
people just want to fucking survive from the adventure risk so they really want a good healer
May 31, 2018
Stfu idiot MC.. Didnt he also have like 100 recovery cheat or smth if I remember.. Stupid.
Feb 13, 2019
Everyone calling the MC dumb, but i think the real dumb ones are everyone else. I mean think about it, a healer is a really rare job right? That means ANY healing they can do is needed. Even if it's only a little. So even if he had shit healing, it would still be some healing. Some healing is better than no healing.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2018
@Drifter : Ya, everyone from this world is applying their own logic, which is flawed and seems to be single stat build only. Not one person asked what his healing stat is at. Plus even if his current build sucks, they could potentially get him to adjust to a "competent" build with level up bonuses over time, but that would require asking stats to see how far he is off. If anyone actually asked and/or saw his stats they would take him in a heart beat, as he only really needs at most 3 stats and 2 are already well beyond the level needed.

Really what some party should do is ask him to prove his worth, and test his abilities. But since the stat is fodder to them they are not bothering.

Though it feels like evasion is undervalued, since you would need to invest a lot before you start really seeing the benefits, but the rest you see them immediately. But he is seeing the top tier benefits immediately. Which is why this series kind of feels like it is about the hidden builds in many RPG's where you often see non-standard options combine to form something broken, or something go from useless to god tier as the ability levels and grows. So a "useless" level 1 build slowly becomes way to OP by the time you level up.

@firosahoge : and by the time he runs into a real AOE user we will have had time to build up his other stats and gear to survive. likely his stats are not that far behind other level 1s, so AoE's that would not wipe a level 1 party should still be survivable, and as long as he does not go down he will heal and keep going. after proper leveling and gear the difference will be even less. Also there are games where evision can even let you avoid AoE (rogue's in D&D are a prime example), so do not try and call him a non-gamer. It depends on what types of games he plays, as they are to varied. Really the whole AoE argument is just trying to sound smart because every build has to have a weakness and you know how you best survive an AoE effect, by getting the f*@# out of the area, which master level evasion would really help with. Plus unless strong AoE's are extremely common and unavoidable he can easily juist not go to areas when he will face them, and stay back in fights against monsters that use them and avoid almost every instance of an AoE effect.
May 23, 2019
If you could only carry enough supplies for 5 people and are one short, would you take someone who would do a job potentially worse than a Healing item or someone who can contribute more in ways like Ranged support or Damage? And would you still split rewards with him despite his nearly absolute lack of contribution. The receptionist has already mentioned that Healers who didn’t add their Heal Stat couldn’t even heal the party properly, at that point you may as well rely on items for healing and get another Damage Dealer who’d effectively mitigate damage since things die faster. Even at the end, the MC can’t even harm a slime, if his Heal was also Negligible then the only thing he’s good for is being unkillable (can’t even say Tank because no Aggro generation). The MC also never mentioned how high his Heal Stat was despite having an explanation at the start on the importance of stats and the Normal person’s average stats. The MC obviously falls under Abnormal but everyone will judge you via Normal because that’s proper logic. And again, this isn’t some Game, this is real life to them, would you put yourself in the hands of someone like that when you have the risk of dying?

Overall, it’s expected for parties to shun him because by normal logic, SP is a scarce resource and Base Stats start low, but stats drastically affects your abilities as everything is determined by them. We know what are the MC’s true stats but put yourself in their shoes when you hear a Tank say he put all his points in ATK and never mentions that his other stats are Abnormal, would you trust him to Tank for you in a Life or Death situation?

Of course they’d apply their own world’s logic, this is their world. If the normal age that people died was 80, would you believe someone who said they were 600 years old? It’s also not like everyday an Other Worlder with Abnormal stats comes to their world so people might not even know of their existence. Even the MC’s friends were shocked at how abnormal his stats were and they are Otherworlders too. MC can only do double stat builds because his Base Stats are Abnormal and he already started with a Single stat being overleveled. He technically even did a Single stat build by throwing everything into Evasion.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 16, 2018
why would he even tell them about his stats lol

and more importantly why would he continue telling them
Active member
Sep 25, 2018
there are so many way he could make it work but choose to say the things no one wants to hear and doesn't say anything about his OP healing, sure start a conversation by saying you have stats in evasion instead of saying you have 100 in healing ,very smart little boy

also you know , ever heard of the concept of.....lying ? just say , ye sure im a healer with all stats in healing, if they believe you , all good , if not and they want to see your stats they will kiss your feet after seeing how OP you are

but i guess this is everything for the sake of the "story"
Dec 7, 2018
The author is trying to say that Sakurai is open-minded, brave and dilligent. Naruto anyone? :3
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2018
@sjmcc13 I guess if you consider him a gamer just because he plays games then sure, he's a gamer, but he's a noob gamer. The good gamers read pages after pages of formulas to optimize the correct build for themselves. He barely just entered the world and with no research plugged all his points into evasion. That's something that a complete noob at gaming would do. Not to mention he knows the stereotype against evasion healers and didn't even show a demonstration of his skills, he just constantly scared off prospective party after prospective party. He's not a very smart mc that's for sure.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 8, 2018
Why the fuck would a party accepting him mean that they are trustworthy? The only party that would accept dead weight are the people that would use him as bait or desperate parties that just want anyone.
Apr 6, 2018
>knows evasion on healer is considered stupid
>tells everyone he puts his points in evasion
>gets rejected
*surprised pikachu face*

Why is he so dumb. Is this going to be another series with a stupid MC?

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